Aruandes uuritakse ühiskonnarühmi, kelle seotus tööturuga võib olla ebastabiilne ja kellel on kõige tõenäolisemalt ebatüüpiline töökorraldus, ning sellise töökorralduse ja töökoha ebakindluse mõju töötajate heaolule, sotsiaalsele tõrjutusele, usaldusele, õigluse tajumisele ja poliitikas osalemisele. Aruandes leitakse, et tähtajalised lepingud, mitteametlik töö ja ebakindlad töökohad on seotud negatiivsete tulemustega sotsiaalse tõrjutuse ja usalduse osas, samas on töökoha ebakindlus lisaks seotud väiksema heaoluga. Esitatakse ka hiljutised tööturu ebastabiilsust käsitlevate poliitikate näited, keskendudes pikaajalistele meetmetele pandeemiajärgsel perioodil.
Key findings
• Kuigi viimasel kümnendil on töötajate seas vähenenud tähtajalised töölepingud, on need siiski suhteliselt tavalised mõnes liikmesriigis, peamiselt noorte ja madala haridustasemega mittekodanike seas, kes ei suuda leida alalist töökohta, eelkõige haridus- ja tervishoiusektoris. Ajutised töötajad teevad sageli ületunde, tunnevad end vaeghõivatuna ja otsivad kõige tõenäolisemalt muid töökohti.
• Nii tähtajalised töölepingud kui ka töökoha ebakindlus on seotud väiksema usaldusega teiste inimeste vastu ja õigluse väiksema tajumisega. Tähtajalise töölepinguga töötajad ja ametliku lepinguta töötajad, samuti inimesed, kes on ebakindla töökohaga, on vähem rahul demokraatia toimimisega oma riigis.
• Tähtajalise töölepinguga ja ebakindla töökohaga inimesed hääletavad valimistel väiksema tõenäosusega – isegi kui analüüsist jäetakse välja valimisõiguseta mittekodanikud (kes on nendes kategooriates üleesindatud). Samuti osalevad nad meeleavaldustel väiksema tõenäosusega, mis on iseloomulik kaasatusest loobumisele.
• Hoolduskohustused on peamine osaajatööl töötamise põhjus, kusjuures naised on peaaegu kolm korda suurema tõenäosusega osaajatööl kui mehed, ning erinevus on isegi veel suurem lapsevanemate ja nende vahel, kel lapsi ei ole. Kuigi mittevabatahtlik osaajatöö osakaal on vähenenud pärast suure majanduslanguse aastaid, on osaajatööl töötajad rohkem valmis tegema ületunde ja otsivad suurema tõenäosusega muud tööd kui täisajatööl töötajad, mis kinnitab varasemaid järeldusi, et osa n-ö vabatahtlikku osaajatööd tehakse vajaduse tõttu.
• Kuigi leiti, et tähtajalised töölepingud ei ole seotud heaoluga, on tajutav töökoha ebakindlus siiski seotud eluga väiksema rahulolu, halvema tervise ja väiksema vaimse heaolu ning suurema tõenäosusega tunda end ühiskonnast tõrjutuna. Sotsiaalse tõrjutuse ja töökoha ebakindluse seos sarnaneb sotsiaalse tõrjutuse ja töötuse seosega, mis viitab sellele, et töötuse oht on piisav, et töötajad tunneksid end ühiskonnast tõrjutuna.
The report contains the following lists of tables and figures.
List of tables
- Table 1: Negative feelings and risk of depression, by employment status and contract type
- Table A1: Regression analysis output (multinomial logistic regression) – temporary work
- Table A2: Regression analysis output (multinomial logistic regression) – part-time work
- Table A3: Regression analysis output (multinomial logistic regression) – self-employment
- Table A4: Correspondents who contributed to the study
List of figures
- Figure 1: Proportion of employees in temporary work in the EU, by duration of contract (%)
- Figure 2: Temporary work as a proportion of total employment, by reason, EU27, 2013–2021 (%)
- Figure 3: Temporary work as a proportion of total employment, by duration of contract, EU27, 2021 (%)
- Figure 4: Probability of engaging in temporary work, by relationship status and age (average marginal effect)
- Figure 5: Probability of engaging in temporary work, by education and citizenship (average marginal effect)
- Figure 6: Probability of engaging in temporary work, by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) (average marginal effect)
- Figure 7: Part-time work as a proportion of total employment, by reason (%)
- Figure 8: Part-time work as a proportion of total employment, by sex, EU27, 2013–2021 (%)
- Figure 9: Short-time work as a proportion of total employment, by age, EU27, 2013–2021 (%)
- Figure 10: Probability of engaging in part-time work, by age and citizenship (average marginal effect)
- Figure 11: Probability of engaging in part-time work, by education, sex and presence of children (average marginal effect)
- Figure 12: Probability of engaging in part-time work, by economic activity (Nomenclature of Economic Activities Rev. 2) (average marginal effect)
- Figure 13: Self-employment without employees as a proportion of total employment, by occupation (%)
- Figure 14: Types of employment as a proportion of total employment, EU27, 2013–2021 (%)
- Figure 15: Probability of being self-employed, by year and degree of urbanisation (average marginal effect)
- Figure 16: Levels of labour market instability across EU Member States
- Figure 17: Perceived job insecurity, by working arrangement (%)
- Figure 18: Perceived health, by perceived likelihood of losing one’s job in the next six months (%)
- Figure 19: Logistic regression model of average marginal effect of selected factors on perceiving health as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’
- Figure 20: Negative feelings and risk of depression, by perceived likelihood of losing one’s job in the next six months (%)
- Figure 21: Linear regression model of determinants of mental well-being (on a scale of 0–10)
- Figure 22: Logistic regression model of average marginal effect of selected factors on risk of depression
- Figure 23: Life satisfaction (on a scale of 1–10), by main activity, 2018
- Figure 24: Life satisfaction (on a scale of 1–10), by contract type, 2018
- Figure 25: Life satisfaction (on a scale of 1–10), by perceived likelihood of losing one’s job in the next six months
- Figure 26: Life satisfaction (on a scale of 1–10), by contract type and employment status
- Figure 27: Linear regression model of determinants of life satisfaction (on a scale of 1–10)
- Figure 28: Perceived social exclusion, by employment status and perceived likelihood of losing one’s job in the next six months (%)
- Figure 29: Logistic regression model of average marginal effect of selected factors on perceived social exclusion
- Figure 30: Trust in people (on a scale of 1–10), by main activity, 2018
- Figure 31: Trust in people (on a scale of 1–10), by work contract, 2018
- Figure 32: Linear regression analysis of determinants of trust in people among those in employment, 2018
- Figure 33: Linear regression analysis of determinants of trust in people among those not in employment, 2018
- Figure 34: Perception of fairness (on a scale of 0–10), by main activity, 2004–2018
- Figure 35: Perception of fairness (on a scale of 0–10), by contract type, 2018
- Figure 36: Linear regression analysis of determinants of perception of fairness among those in employment, 2018
- Figure 37: Linear regression model of determinants of trust in people, 2022
- Figure 38: Satisfaction with the government (on a scale of 0–10), by activity status, 2018
- Figure 39: Satisfaction with the government (on a scale of 0–10), by contract type, 2018
- Figure 40: Linear regression model of determinants of satisfaction with the government among those outside paid employment, 2018
- Figure 41: Linear regression model of determinants of satisfaction with the government among those in employment, 2018
- Figure 42: Linear regression model of determinants of trust in the government, 2022
- Figure 43: Satisfaction with the functioning of democracy, by activity status, 2018
- Figure 44: Satisfaction with the functioning of democracy, by contract type, 2018
- Figure 45: Linear regression model of determinants of satisfaction with democracy among those outside employment, 2018
- Figure 46: Linear regression model of determinants of satisfaction with democracy among those in employment, 2018
- Figure 47: Linear regression model of determinants of satisfaction with the functioning of democracy, 2022
- Figure 48: Proportion of people who voted in the last election, by work contract type (%)
- Figure 49: Proportion of people who voted in the last election, by activity status, 2018
- Figure 50: Proportion of workers who voted in the last election, by contract type, 2018
- Figure 51: Logistic regression model of average marginal effect of selected factors on voting in the last election
- Figure 52: Proportion of workers who participated in public demonstrations, by activity status (%)
- Figure 53: Logistic regression model of the average marginal effect of selected factors on participation in demonstrations
- Figure 54: Target groups of policy measures addressing labour market instability (%)
- Figure A1: Temporary work, by occupation in the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (average marginal effect)
- Figure A2: Part-time work, by occupation in the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (average marginal effect)
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Eurofound (2023), Societal implications of labour market instability, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.