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En réponse à la guerre de la Russie contre l'Ukraine, l'UE a activé sa directive relative à la protection temporaire (DPT) pour les personnes qui ont fui l'Ukraine, leur permettant de s'installer dans l'UE et d'accéder aux services publics de base et au marché du travail. Au printemps 2023, plus de 4,5 millions de personnes avaient eu recours à la DPT ou à des régimes de protection nationaux similaires dans l'UE. En 2022, l'Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne a mené une enquête en ligne auprès des personnes déplacées en provenance d'Ukraine. Eurofound a analysé les résultats de l'enquête sur l’expérience de ces personnes en matière d'accès à l'emploi. Le présent document met en lumière les principaux obstacles rencontrés par les personnes déplacées et suggère des moyens de faciliter leur inclusion.

The research paper contains the following lists of tables and figures.

List of tables

  • Table 1: Key characteristics of the online survey respondents (numbers and (weighted) proportions)
  • Table 2: Respondents’ reasons for not being in paid employment

List of figures

  • Figure 1: Host language proficiency of the respondents, by country (%, weighted)
  • Figure 2: Contract types among respondents in employment in their host country (%, weighted)
  • Figure 3: Barriers reported by respondents who have looked for a job in a host country (%, weighted)
  • Figure 4: Probability of experiencing at least one barrier while seeking employment, by gender, age group, education level, financial situation and language skills
  • Figure 5: Proportion of respondents who experienced labour market barriers while seeking employment, by barrier and age group (%)
  • Figure 6: Proportion of respondents who experienced labour market barriers while seeking employment, by barrier and educational attainment (%)
  • Figure 7: Share of respondents who mentioned self-reported barriers among those not in paid work, by country (%)
  • Figure 8: Share of self-reported barriers among those not in paid work, by barrier and age category (%)
  • Figure 9: Share of self-reported barriers among those respondents not in paid work, by barrier and educational attainment (%)
  • Figure 10: Probability of perceiving at least one barrier to entering the labour market, by age, educational attainment, gender, financial situation and language skill groups
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