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Eurofound’s online repository aims to provide information on the platform economy and platform work in Europe and beyond in an accessible and user-friendly way. Users can browse through the various sections or use the database search function to look for specific information. Users can also set up subscriptions and alerts to be notified about new publications on specific topics.

The repository contains the following sections:

  • Dossiers: In each dossier, Eurofound experts provide analysis and context on a policy topic related to the platform economy.
  • Typology of platform work: Given the increasing heterogeneity of platform work, Eurofound has developed a typology. This typology as well as the characteristics and implications of five distinctive types of platform work are explained on these pages.
  • Database of initiatives: The database of initiatives provides an overview of legal and voluntary measures aimed to tackle issues in the platform economy. The database includes initiatives by different stakeholders, from platform workers and trade unions to governments and organisations representing platforms’ interests. Next to a short description of the initiative, users can access the initiative’s website through the link provided.
  • Future scenarios: The section presents the potential scenarios for the evolution of platform work in Europe. It also summarises the main policy pointers derived from the scenario building exercise.


Eurofound provides information on the platform economy/platform work by collecting research and policy publications, articles, court cases, initiatives and other material published by various corporations, organisations, institutions and individuals in Europe and beyond. This information is compiled and made accessible/searchable for the convenience of interested users. This is done for informational purposes only; the presented information does not constitute an endorsement or approval by Eurofound of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organisation or individual behind the provided information. Unless stated so explicitly, authorship/ownership of the presented information is not with Eurofound.

The provided information is:

  • of a general nature only and not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
  • not necessarily fully comprehensive, complete or accurate;
  • not professional or legal advice (if you need specific advice, you should always consult a suitably qualified professional).

Eurofound aims to keep the information in this resource up to date and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However, Eurofound bears no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the accuracy or content of this resource or of external links over which Eurofound services have no control and for which Eurofound assumes no responsibility.


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