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Youth is the term used to describe the period between childhood and adulthood. While this may be a fluid definition, it is also used in policy terms to refer to specific age groups. Providing a good environment for young people to grow up, learn and work is a key goal for Europe and for Eurofound – but one that faces particular challenges. Young people have long been an important focus of policy at EU level and this is particularly true today. 


Recent updates


This report analyses data from Eurofound’s 2021 European Working Conditions Telephone Survey and its 2022 Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, as well as data from official statistics, to examine employment...

10 Decembris 2024
Research report

In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe, from the impacts of the...


Key messages

  • The youth employment rate in the EU is higher than at any time since 2007, and the percentage of young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) is historically low (11.2% in 2023). Furthermore, the proportion of discouraged workers among NEET young people is at its lowest recorded level. This represents an improvement compared with the COVID-19 pandemic, during which young people were the hardest hit by job loss, as they were overrepresented in the sectors most impacted by pandemic restrictions and more likely to work on temporary contracts or part time.
  • There are signs of improvements in job quality for young people, with fewer involuntary temporary contracts, greater perceived job security and better work–life balance than during the pandemic years.
  • The COVID-19 crisis had a disproportionate impact on young people’s life satisfaction and mental well-being compared to older groups. This improved between spring and summer 2020 when lockdowns eased but dropped to its lowest point in spring 2021 when restrictions and school closures returned, contributing to a decrease in life satisfaction and mental well-being where nearly two-thirds of young people were at risk of depression. Since the pandemic, youth mental well-being improved, albeit to a lesser extent than among older populations.
  • New findings reveal that a mismatch between aspirations and concrete plans, especially when it comes to finding a job, is associated with a higher risk of depression among young people. Mismatches between wishes and plans are most frequent when it comes to housing: moving out of the parental home or moving in with a partner and buying a house.
  • Housing is one of the main obstacles to young people becoming independent, with the less financially well-off being less likely to be able to move out of the parental home, putting additional financial strain on the household. Young people living with their parents are most likely to have difficulty making ends meet.
  • Young people’s trust in institutions overall remains higher than other groups despite being hardest hit by the COVID-19 crisis in terms of mental health and employment. It will be important for policymakers to build on this social capital and ensure investment in youth remains at the top of the EU policy agenda.
  • A wide range of measures were introduced to support young people during the pandemic. These included the reinforced European Youth Guarantee, national initiatives to keep young people in education, and measures to reduce barriers to existing financial support and social protection specifically for young people; however, many of these policy responses were temporary. To ensure greater resilience in future crises, it will be crucial for policymakers to prioritise long-term measures for young people, such as permanent improvements in access to work and apprenticeships and measures to increase job security.

Eurofound research

Eurofound has carried out a large body of work on youth issues related to employment, quality of life and social cohesion. Research continues to look at issues affecting young people in several topic areas, particularly employment and labour markets, living conditions and quality of life, as well as access to public services.

COVID-19 and its impact on young people

Eurofound’s unique e-survey, Living, working and COVID-19, provides an insight into the impact of the pandemic on people's lives, including young people, with the aim of helping policymakers shape the response to this crisis. The survey has continued post-pandemic as the Living and working in the EU survey, allowing for comparison of the challenges facing young people during the different stages of living through the pandemic and during the recovery after.  

Building on this research, Eurofound has analysed the impact of COVID-19 on young people in the EU in terms of employment, their economic situation, social exclusion, mental well-being and trust in institutions. It also provides an overview of the policy measures put in place to reduce the economic and social impact of the pandemic on young people. 

Research findings published in 2024 focus on the situation of young people in a post-pandemic world and their plans for the future in the context of rising living costs and the labour market and housing situation.  

Economic crisis and jobs

In the aftermath of the 2008–2013 crisis, EU unemployment soared to alarming levels, hitting 20% for those aged 15–29 and reaching even higher levels in individual Member States. With the help of the Youth Guarantee and other measures, youth unemployment has recovered in recent years, finally reaching pre-crisis levels in 2019. Yet, the unemployment rate of the younger cohorts remains consistently higher than that of the overall population. And the questions remain as to where the jobs are and how young people can be helped, particularly those who are disengaged from the labour market over the long term. The reinforced Youth Guarantee will be crucial here in reacting to the COVID-19 crisis and in avoiding another sharp increase in youth unemployment. 

Eurofound's research provides a broad range of inputs to the development of youth policy, looking at:

  • long-term unemployed youth
  • start-up support for young people
  • youth entrepreneurship in Europe
  • mapping youth transitions in Europe
  • youth and work and policy pointers aimed at improving this aspect of life for young people
  • helping young workers during the crisis and the contributions of social partners and public authorities
  • experiences of the Youth Guarantee in Finland and Sweden
  • young people not in employment, education or training.

The focus of research has recently been adapted to examine the effects of COVID-19 on young people in Europe.

NEETs and exclusion

Alongside high unemployment, since 2008 the Member States have been dealing with the disproportionate impact of recession on young people under 30, even those with higher levels of education. The number of those aged 15–29 who were not in employment, education or training (NEET) rose rapidly after 2008, but had been declining again since 2014, returning to pre-crisis levels by 2018 and in 2023 dropping to a historic low of 11.2% and nearing the EU target of 9% by 2030. Yet the rates remain high in some Member States, particularly Romania, Italy and Greece. Eurofound seeks to understand the economic and social consequences of youth disengagement from the labour market and education.

Research on the impact of COVID-19 on young people has focused on the economic and social situation of young people at the onset of the pandemic, particularly NEETs. It describes the labour market participation of young people during the period 2007–2020 and discusses the characteristics and diversity of NEETs.

Young people with a disability or other health problem are 40% more likely of becoming NEET than others. A policy of active inclusion is seen as the most appropriate for addressing these difficulties. Eurofound has analysed active inclusion policy for young people with disabilities or health problems in 11 EU Member States.

Youth dimension in Eurofound’s surveys

The youth dimension is relevant across many areas of Eurofound research, including its surveys.

The Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out in several rounds since 2020, explores the impact of the pandemic across age groups. Topics affecting young people include job loss and insecurity, mental well-being, social exclusion and optimism about the future, experiences with online education, trust in institutions and access to public services. 

The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) 2016 found important differences between age groups in relation to quality of life, social inclusion, the quality of society and access to public services. EQLS data have also been used to compile a policy brief on the social situation of young people in Europe.

The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) shows that some aspects of the working conditions of young workers (under 25) differ considerably from those of older workers. Research also shows that the skills gap between younger and older workers is gradually closing.

Eurofound’s COVID-19 survey used various questions from the EQLS and EWCS, adapting them where necessary for the purpose of the survey.

Key outputs


During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it...

21 Maijs 2024
Research report

Following a long recovery from the economic crisis (2007–2013), young people in the EU proved to be more vulnerable to the effects of the restrictions put in place to slow...

9 Novembris 2021
Research report

The exponential growth of COVID-19 cases across Europe this autumn has quickly erased hopes that the virus had been contained and confirmed the surge of another wave of the pandemic...


From 11:00 IST (12:00 CET) to 12:00 IST (13:00 CET) on 23 October 2020, Eurofound ran a webinar jointly with the European Parliament Liaison Office, Dublin and European Parliament Liaison...

Other type of event

EU context

Youth employment and issues affecting young people remain high on the EU’s policy agenda. Having already paid the highest toll of the previous recession, it emerged that young people were among the most vulnerable to the severe social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictive measures. 

To avoid history repeating itself, in July 2020 the Commission launched a Youth Employment Support package structured around four strands to provide a ‘bridge to jobs’ for the next generation. The Commission put forward a proposal for a Council Recommendation on ‘A Bridge to Jobs – Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee’, to replace the 2013 Recommendation, as a concrete policy instrument to tackle the employment and social consequences of COVID-19. This aims to ensure that all young people under 30 receive a good quality offer of employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a traineeship within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education. This initiative links in with the needs of companies to provide the skills needed, particularly for the green and digital transitions. It extends the age range covered by the Youth Guarantee from age 15–24 to 15–29. 

The Youth Employment Support package also includes a proposal on vocational education and training, a renewed impetus for apprenticeships and additional measures to support youth employment.

This initiative builds on previous actions at European level. The Commission’s 2016 Communication ‘Investing in Europe's Youth’ aimed to support young people in the form of a Youth Package. The package supports better opportunities to access employment, via the Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative launched in 2013, better opportunities through education and training, as well as better opportunities for solidarity, learning mobility and participation.

As part of this effort, the latest EU Youth Strategy (2019–2027), adopted on 26 November 2018, sets out the framework for cooperation with Member States on their youth policies. Activities are grouped into three main areas of action, around the words ‘Engage’, ‘Connect’ and ‘Empower’.

In January 2020, the Commission presented its Communication ‘A strong social Europe for just transitions’. This prepared the way for an Action Plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, which reiterates the EU’s commitment to the Youth Guarantee. The European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, proposed by the European Commission in March 2021 and followed by a declaration at the Porto Social Summit in May 2021, introduced new, ambitious targets for young people, such as reducing the rate of young people aged 15–29 who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) from 12.6% (2019) to 9% by 2030.

Eurofound’s work on youth issues links in with the Commission’s 2019–2024 priority on an economy that works for people and is highly relevant here.


Eurofound expert(s)


Eszter Sandor is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. She has expertise in survey methodology and statistical analysis, has worked on the preparation...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (61)

This report analyses data from Eurofound’s 2021 European Working Conditions Telephone Survey and its 2022 Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, as well as data from official statistics, to examine employment trends, working conditions and the social situation of young people in the Western Balkans.

10 December 2024

Since the early 2000s, the EU has faced persistent challenges in integrating young people into the labour market. The Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted youth employment prospects. This background paper explores youth labour market integration within the framework

23 September 2024

During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it had been in recent years, many obstacles remained on their route to independence, such as the rising cost of living and

21 May 2024

The various economic and social shocks of the past decade and a half – most recently the COVID-19 pandemic – have ongoing consequences for the living standards and prospects of Europeans, and sometimes these outcomes have been uneven across age groups. Social policies – such as those in the areas of

19 December 2023

The European Child Guarantee was established in 2021 to ensure that children in need have access to a set of key services. This policy brief analyses trends and disparities in children’s access to early childhood education and care, education, healthcare, nutrition and housing.

21 September 2023

Reaģējot uz Krievijas karu pret Ukrainu, ES aktivizēja Pagaidu aizsardzības direktīvu (PAD) attiecībā uz cilvēkiem, kas aizbēga no valsts, ļaujot viņiem apmesties ES un piekļūt pamata sabiedriskajiem pakalpojumiem un darba tirgum. Līdz 2023. gada pavasarim vairāk nekā 4,5 miljoni cilvēku bija

14 June 2023

Eiropas Savienībā lielu satraukumu rada nepietiekama mājokļu pieejamība. Tas noved pie bezpajumtniecības, mājokļa nedrošības, finansiālas spriedzes un neatbilstīgiem mājokļiem. Tas arī liedz jauniešiem pamest savu ģimenes dzīvesvietu. Šīs problēmas ietekmē cilvēku veselību un labklājību, iemieso

30 May 2023

Dzīves, darba un Covid-19 apsekojuma, ko Eurofound pirmoreiz uzsāka 2020. gada sākumā, mērķis ir apzināt pandēmijas plašo ietekmi uz ES iedzīvotāju darbu un dzīvi. Eurofound apsekojuma piektajā kārtā, ko īstenoja 2022. gada pavasarī, atklājas arī jauna neskaidra realitāte, ko izraisījis karš Ukrainā

07 December 2022

Eurofound e-apsekojuma piektā kārta, kas notika laikā no 2022. gada 25. marta līdz 2. maijam, raksturo cilvēku sociālo un ekonomisko situāciju visā Eiropā divus gadus pēc tam, kad Covid-19 pirmoreiz tika konstatēts Eiropas kontinentā. Tajā ir pētīta arī dzīves realitāte jaunajā nenoteiktības

07 July 2022

Pēc ilgās atveseļošanās no ekonomiskās krīzes (2007.- 2013. gads) jaunieši Eiropas Savienībā izrādījās neaizsargātāki pret to ierobežojumu sekām, kas ieviesti, lai palēninātu Covid-19 pandēmijas izplatīšanos. Jaunieši biežāk nekā vecākas iedzīvotāju grupas saskārās ar darba zaudēšanu, finansiālu

09 November 2021

Online resources results (38)

In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe, from the impacts of the economic crisis and Great Recession to the aftermath COVID-19 pandemic and voting trends in the

25 Jūnijs 2024

In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Daniel Molinuevo about the European Child Guarantee, how bad the situation is with regard to child poverty and social exclusion in Europe, what Member States have committed to doing about it, what the implicatio

1 Maijs 2024

In this episode of Eurofound Talks, we speak with Daphne Ahrendt, expert on Eurofound’s unique Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, on these very issues. As Daphne explains, the latest round of the survey reveals many insights that could help policymakers respond to the extraordinary circumstances

11 Jūlijs 2022

New day, new data highlighting the devastating impact of COVID-19 on young people across the European Union – most recently Eurofound’s unique pan-European Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey. We know this has taken an unprecedented toll on young people particularly – their mental well-being, thei

16 Decembris 2021

Young people and long-term unemployed – Remaining challenges in the labour market Informal Meeting of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) - Employment & Social Policy, 17-18 April 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria Presentation by Juan Menéndez-Valdés, Director, Eurofound

17 Aprīlis 2018

France: Government unveils plans for reform of apprenticeship system

The French government introduced a plan for the wide-scale reform of apprenticeship programmes in February 2018 that gives professional organisations a greater role in defining the content and number of training courses. The social partners, particularly employers, have welcomed the reform, which is

Netherlands: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Increase in employment figures and childcare facilities, a rise in the number of accidents in the workplace, initiatives to boost youth employment and new collective agreements are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Estonia: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

A collective agreement for the healthcare sector, the start of negotiations on the minimum wage, changes in employment regulations for minors and a plan to close the gender pay gap are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life

Italy: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Changes to state employment, a new youth traineeship framework and an agreement to halt the off-shoring of call centres are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Italy in the second quarter of 2017.

Blogs results (9)

Today is Europe Day, and one hundred young people from Ireland and Ukraine will be marking the event at Eurofound, in peaceful south Dublin. Europe Day has traditionally been seen as a celebration of peace and unity in Europe, but, unfortunately, it must be marked differently this year. Europe Day 2

9 Maijs 2022

We need to study and understand the blow Europe’s youth have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to adjust recovery and resilience measures to their needs: without prioritising young people in the present, we have little hope for the future.

3 Decembris 2021

On 9 May, the Conference on the Future of Europe will get underway. Floated well before the COVID-19 outbreak, its timing in the wake of the seismic shifts precipitated by the pandemic, and its implementation alongside the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, means that the outcomes could b

4 Maijs 2021

The exponential growth of COVID-19 cases across Europe this autumn has quickly erased hopes that the virus had been contained and confirmed the surge of another wave of the pandemic. With Member States now implementing new restrictive measures for the second time since March in an attempt to control

23 Oktobris 2020

While we now know that the idea that ‘COVID-19 only affects older people’ is fake news, the first weeks of the pandemic have shown that young people are in general more resilient than older people to the disease. But are they also more resilient to its social and economic impacts?

18 Maijs 2020

The impact of COVID-19 continues to create chaos in people’s lives across Europe and the world. The economy is heading towards another major dip, and a sense of general insecurity pervades. The daunting challenges confronting health services and projections on the long-term impact of the crisis domi

12 Maijs 2020

Europe has weathered a number of storms in recent years, yet despite the Great Recession, the migration crisis and the challenges posed by Brexit, the EU continues on a stable path to economic recovery, closer cooperation and cohesion. However, the legacy of the crisis lives on in the number of youn

3 Maijs 2018

In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Massimiliano Mascherini looks at the enduring issue of long-term unemployment among young people. Despite considerable improvement in the labour market participation of youth in recent years, the legacy of the crisis is still visible in the substanti

17 Aprīlis 2018

A key priority for EU policy makers is to combat high levels of youth unemployment. Supporting young people to start a new business is increasingly regarded as a way to achieve this goal. And yet the understanding of what drives the success and failure of youth entrepreneurship policies remains inco

18 Aprīlis 2016
Upcoming publications results (2)

Europe is faced with a housing crisis that affects people of all ages, however younger people are disproportionately impacted. Many young adults are unable to afford their own home, often having to remain living in their parental home. This crisis has wide-reaching consequences, influencing opportun

December 2025
Research report

This report provides an overview of the situation of children across Europe, including the services they use and the areas and issues that require attention from policymakers. The report focuses on identifying inequalities between different groups of children and analysing how these have changed

July 2025
Research report
Data results (62)


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