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Online resources (14134)

Civil service employment relationship privatised

A "national agreement" between the Italian Government and trade unions, signed in March 1997, has established harmonised rules for almost all employment in the public and private sectors.


Postal workers strike

In an ongoing industrial dispute, trade unions have accused the public sector corporation, EPI (the Italian Postal Organisation), of not respecting collective agreements and commitments on employment.


Proposal for reform of the welfare state

On 5 March 1997, the Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, informed the political parties and social partners about the report drawn up by the "Commission for macroeconomic compatibility of social expenditure", a committee of experts established by the Government and chaired by Professor Paolo

New collective agreement for hospitals

At the end of February 1997, the social partners in Luxembourg's hospital sector concluded a new collective agreement in a "cooperative" atmosphere. The deal provides for pay increases and a reduction and reorganisation of working hours for 5,000 employees.

Determining terms of employment: works council or union?

A current bill amending the 1971 Works Councils Act has focused attention on the increasingly important role played by Dutch works councils in the negotiation of terms of employment. However, although the function of the trade unions is being somewhat eroded, even in the area of determining primary

Building industry agreement increases pay and flexibility

In the new collective agreement in the Dutch building industry, signed in March 1997, a relatively large pay increase has been matched by a degree of increased flexibility regarding the use of temporary employment agency workers and the rules governing working hours.


Akzo Nobel abandons a standard 36-hour week

Akzo Nobel has announced that it will not observe its 1995 collective agreement and that it will abandon the introduction of a standard 36-hour week as of 1 July 1997. Its new proposals have divided the unions.


Privatisation reforms human resource management at Lisnave shipyards

Portugal's major Lisnave shipyards are being privatised. New industrial readjustment and work organisation strategies are reforming human resource management and training standards. However, in a company that has strong trade union traditions, discussions with employee representatives on

Base-line income system established

The Portuguese Government is planning to extend its "base-line" minimum income system to the whole country, and there are calls for greater involvement by the social partners in its operation.


European Central Banks trade unions meet in Portugal

A working group set up by the Standing Committee of the European Central Banks' Trade Unions met in Ferreira do Zêzere in March, and issued a declaration relating to the rights of workers involved in the production and circulation of the Euro.
