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Digitalisation is the ongoing integration of digital technologies and digitised data across the economy and society. The twin green and digital transitions accelerate the pace of change affecting all aspects of our lives and will have many consequences for the future of work. Innovations and developments in advanced technologies are having significant effects in almost all areas of the economy. Work, its content, its organisation and design, its regulation and protection, are all undergoing change. This also often brings a blurring of boundaries between different dimensions of work and between work and non-work activity.


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Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database...


From January to June 2022, Eurofound supported the work of France's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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Eurofound research

Eurofound research on anticipating and managing the impact of change will explore the impact of digitalisation on working life, as well as the links with the transition to a climate-neutral economy. This will cover employment levels, working conditionssocial protection and employment relations. In the context of restructuring and digitalisation, analysing the role of industrial relations and social dialogue in implementing such change is also important, as is the impact on society and citizens. 

The research will provide evidence on structural changes, driven largely by these megatrends, but also by the COVID-19 crisis, that can inform policy in ensuring just transitions which promote employment, good working conditions, social protection and workers’ rights, while also improving labour productivity, competitiveness and prosperity.

Digitalisation in the workplace

Research looks at the effects of the deployment of digitalisation at company level on employment and working conditions, including social protection. Research on automation and digitisation will build on previous research on game-changing technologies, the nature of work in digitised workplaces, employee monitoring and privacy at the workplace, as well as on data from the European Company Survey (ECS) 2019. Eurofound will analyse the impact of digitalisation on working life, looking at the human and ethical implications of digitalisation at the workplace, also in the aftermath of COVID-19, as well as exploring the characteristics and effects of human–machine interaction related to advanced robotics. 

Eurofound explores these topics in a body of work structured around three vectors of change in digitalisation – automation, digitisation and platforms – that are affecting employment and working conditions and social dialogue. The main results of this research have been compiled in an online resource, which presents a set of policy pointers, research digests and definitions, as well as an accompanying report. As it can be challenging to keep abreast of the constant advance of technology, the online resource has been created to provide policymakers, employers, workers and their representatives with insights on how digitalisation is reshaping employment and work. It will be updated over time in line with the developments in the society, economy, labour market and policy. 


As regards platform work, Eurofound’s platform economy repository will continue to monitor the evolution of this form of employment and business model. Based on this, specific research will, for example, explore initiatives tackling issues around employment and working conditions. 


Eurofound will build on previous research on working anytime and anywhere carried out in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO). This research considered the impact of telework and ICT-based mobile work on various elements of working conditions. It is planned to carry out an update of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) data analysis in this area in 2021. 

Restructuring linked to megatrends in the economy

The European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) events database captures where restructuring is specifically linked to digitalisation and COVID-19. Similarly, the ERM support instruments and legal database are being expanded to covering restructuring-relevant information related to digitalisation, the transition to a climate-neutral economy and COVID-19. 


A specific strand of study will take a sectoral approach, for example in 2021/2022 exploring the work and employment impact of structural change in financial services. This is a sector that has been substantially affected by digitalisation and other megatrends, as well as by the COVID-19 crisis, altering the occupational structure in the sector. 

Future scenarios

Desirable future scenarios of potential developments driven by digitalisation or the transition to a climate-neutral economy will be explored. This will look at possible pathways and measures to achieve the desired outcomes and avoid disadvantageous ones.

Informing the policy debate

Research on the twin transition related to digitalisation and climate change could provide relevant information for policymakers seeking solutions to make markets work better for consumers, business, workers and society, for the sustainable development of cities and urban areas, and to support regions to improve their infrastructure and access to services.

Key outputs


Automation and digitisation technologies, including artificial intelligence, are rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly powerful and pervasive. The full range of their effects in the workplace is yet to be seen...

12 September 2023
Research report

The retail banking sector is fertile ground for studying the impacts of digitalisation on work and employment. Financial services are increasingly provided online, without the intermediary of customer-facing institutions. Many...

26 September 2022
Research report

EU context

The European way to a digitalised economy and society is about solidarity, prosperity and sustainability, anchored in empowerment of its citizens and businesses, ensuring the security and resilience of its digital ecosystem and supply chains. Policymakers need to gain knowledge that will help to address questions about effective regulation, skills needs, how to ensure social protection in its broadest sense and balancing the demands of companies, societies and individuals in exploiting the great potential of digitalisation.

Responding to the way digital technology is changing the lives of EU citizens, one of the European Commission’s priorities for the period 2019–2024 is to create a Europe fit for the digital age, leading the transition to a healthy planet and a new digital world through its European Digital Strategy 2020–2025. Launched in February 2020, the Strategy aims to empower people with a new generation of technologies, helping to support the ‘just transition’ to a climate-neutral Europe via the European Green Deal. 

As part of its Digital Services Act package, published on 15 December 2020, the Commission proposed two legislative initiatives to upgrade rules governing digital services in the EU: the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA). These initiatives will change the way companies offer and use digital services. In response to the rapid development of platform work in the EU, after consulting with the social partners the Commission proposed new rules to protect people working through digital platforms in December 2021. The Council of the EU adopted its position on the proposals in June 2023, and will enter into negotiations with the European Parliament. 

On 9 March 2021, the Commission issued its Communication setting out the vision for Europe’s digital decade, outlining a clear compass towards a successful digital transformation by 2030 in areas such as connectivity, skills and digital public services.

In 2020, the European social partners approved an autonomous framework agreement on digitalisation. 


Eurofound’s work on digitalisation links in with the Commission’s 2019–2024 priority on a Europe fit for the digital age. 


Eurofound expert(s)


Sara Riso is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. She is involved in research projects in the areas of employment change and restructuring. She joined...

Research manager,
Working life research unit

Tina Weber is a research manager in Eurofound’s Working Life unit. Having previously shared her time between the Employment and Working Life units, her work has focused on labour...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (44)

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the accessibility of health, education and care services for all Europeans. This is also the case for children, who in several countries have seen their schools closed and replaced with remote learning. They have been affected, too, by the pandemic

28 January 2021

New digital technologies have expanded the possibilities of employee monitoring and surveillance, both in and outside the workplace. In the context of the increasing digitalisation of work, there are many issues related to employee monitoring that warrant the attention of policymakers. As well as

09 December 2020

Platform work– the matching of supply and demand for paid labour through an online platform – is still small in scale but is expected to grow. Accordingly, it is important to anticipate the opportunities and risks related to this business model and employment form. This report explores potential

21 September 2020

Developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have been among the key drivers of change in working life over the past two decades. Specifically, telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) exemplifies how digital technology has led to more flexible workplace and working time

02 July 2020

To support the European Commission’s objective of ensuring Europe is fit for the digital age, this report examines the use of digital technologies in social services and the policies that promote digital transformation. The report explores some of the main issues involved in implementing

02 April 2020

Innovation and technological advancement are natural features of developed economies, and they are necessary to maintain and improve sustainable competitiveness in an era of globalisation. However, while most innovation tends to be incremental, some has a disruptive effect on production and service

22 January 2020

Advances in ICT have opened the door to new ways of organising work. We are shifting from a regular, bureaucratic and ‘factory-based’ working time pattern towards a more flexible model of work. Telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) has emerged in this transition, giving workers and employers

16 January 2020

Platform work emerged onto European labour markets about a decade ago. While still small in scale, it is growing and evolving into a variety of forms. Different types of platform work have significantly different effects on the employment and working conditions of the affiliated workers.

23 September 2019

This report looks into the impact of the accelerated application of automation and digitisation technologies on the wage and tasks structure of employment in Europe. Despite the high level of uncertainty of these projections, the contribution of this report is to extend the analysis beyond just the

10 April 2019

This report examines the issues in relation to ‘work on demand’, a topic that has received considerable attention in the media recently, mainly due to its links with the platform economy. Work on demand is often presented as a ‘win–win situation’: workers get to tailor their work according to their

14 December 2018

Online resources results (26)

Amazon’s expansion in Europe

The U.S. online retail giant Amazon is investing heavily in Europe, creating 11,580 jobs in 2018 alone. As Europe turns towards e-commerce, automation and digitalisation, Amazon will play a key role in reshaping the retail sector. But its impacts are unlikely to be confined to retail alone.


Lloyds bank’s digital transformation

Lloyds Banking Group is investing £3 billion (€3.35 billion) in technology and staff to improve its digital services. As a result, the Group has announced that it is cutting over 6,000 existing positions while creating 8,000 new jobs oriented towards digital technologies. The move reflects the

Platform work and employment conditions Informal meeting of EU Employment and Social Policy Ministers (EPSCO), 19 July 2018, Vienna, Austria Presentation by Juan Menéndez-Valdés, Director, Eurofound

19 July 2018

Spain: AXA recognises workers’ right to turn phones off out of working hours

The beginning of 2017 witnessed increasing debate on allowing workers to disconnect their digital devices after working hours. In July 2017, insurance company AXA became the first company in Spain to recognise workers’ right to do so. The government is currently studying possible legislation in

Czech Republic: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Continued growth in the Czech economy, staff shortages in the social services sector, the tightening of agency employment rules and legislative measures to regulate Uber are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the

Denmark: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Recommendations to position Denmark as a digital frontrunner in Europe, legislative proposals for health and safety and the terms of reference of the working environment committee are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life

Italy: New rules to protect self-employed workers and regulate ICT-based mobile work

Italy’s parliament has approved new legislation giving protection to self-employed workers and regulating ICT-based mobile work. Employer organisations have generally welcomed it, but unions criticise the legislation for its weak wording, the limited leeway left to collective bargaining, and for the

Germany: Working time back on the social partners' agenda

Working time is set to be a high priority during the next collective bargaining round, according to the German Metalworkers’ Union (IG Metall), whose recent survey looked at working time satisfaction. Another survey, by the Federation of German Employers’ Associations in the Metal and Electrical

Spain: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The inability of the national social partners to agree salary recommendations; digital disconnection after working hours; and the effects of the increase in the minimum wage on employment are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in

France: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Preparations for the presidential election and a revival of national social dialogue with the signing of a new collective agreement on the unemployment insurance scheme are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in France

Blogs results (23)

Whatever the benefits of telework – and there are many, including more flexible working time, increased productivity and less commuting – there are drawbacks, as many of the one-third of Europeans who were exclusively working from home during the pandemic will attest. Primary among these is the ‘alw

3 December 2020

As Europe braces for a winter wave of the Coronavirus, behind the public health indicators that rightly dominate the headlines, a revolution in working life is under way. In early spring, millions of people throughout Europe took their work home and tried to rapidly adjust to the new world in which

12 November 2020

Fear has been mounting in the debate around new technologies and the implications for the future of work. But the Coronavirus outbreak is unveiling some real positives of technological advances. Digital communication tools are supporting and enhancing working from home, while innovative companies

6 April 2020

We hear more and more about the platform economy, with the debate often revolving around the potential long-term implications of its growth on the labour market and the impact on traditional and established businesses and industries.

28 January 2020

It feels like every day there are new articles or blog posts about how Uber drivers are exploited, or on the bad working conditions and safety standards for Deliveroo riders. In an era of ‘fake news’ can we trust that these are accurate? They most likely are, and I agree that things are not all rosy

17 October 2019

The spread of ICT in the economy is changing both the types of jobs that employ people and the types of tasks that people perform in their jobs. The latest research on the content of work suggests that computerisation has boosted the proportion of jobs with social interaction at their core, while at

1 July 2019

Imagine you’re at work and something happens: you have to leave to visit a client, you have to go home to let in the plumber, or you have to collect the kids from school as the football training has just been cancelled. If you’re lucky, your employer gives you the flexibility to do this. If you’re

14 May 2019

In the abstract, platform work is the matching of supply and demand for paid work through an online platform. In practice, most people are likely to have encountered it through big online platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo or Amazon Mechanical Turk. This is a new form employment that began to emerge

2 November 2018

Manual jobs in European manufacturing are being transformed as blue-collar workers take on more intellectual tasks. This is a consequence of the increasing use of digital tools and the growing importance of quality control in production. The severe losses of middle-paying jobs in the manufacturing

27 September 2018

Upcoming publications results (4)

This report reviews the quality of the national social partners’ involvement in the implementation of the reforms and investments shaping the digital and green transition in the context of national policymaking. These reforms and investments stem mainly from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

March 2025

Over the last decade, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed the way employees work and communicate with each other. Despite the many benefits of digitalisation of work, the widespread access to digital devices in working life provides an alternative medium for new forms of a

September 2024

This report investigates regional employment dynamics in Europe before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the subsequent recovery from the crisis. Almost 90% of regions across the EU had exceeded their pre-pandemic employment levels by 2022. However, significant regional disparities in emp

August 2024

The interaction between workers and robots is expected to increase in modern workplaces due to rapid advancements in robotic technologies. Advanced robots often leverage progress in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensor technologies to achieve a higher level of sophistication and

July 2024
Research report
Data results (1)
24 October 2023
Reference period:


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