Recent data has cast doubt on the strength of the recovery. In its October 2014 World Economic Outlook, the IMF predicts a euro zone growth rate of 0.8% in 2014 (down from a forecast growth rate of 1.1% in April 2014). Factors contributing to the poorer outlook are slowdowns in the US, Japan and in the two biggest EU economies – Germany and France – as well as increased geopolitical risks arising from events in Ukraine, Syria and the wider Arab world.
This issue includes: Macroeconomic trends and prospects; Job creation and job loss at a glance (1/7/14 - 30/9/14); Sectoral distribution of job losses/job gains, and top five cases; Case in focus: Microsoft (EU/World); Case in focus: Phones 4U (UK); Restructuring support measures in focus: regional support instruments.
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