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Work programmes

The focus of Eurofound’s 2014 work programme will be on providing knowledge that will help to address Europe’s employment and social crisis. In relation to employment, the Agency will continue to provide information on ongoing changes in the employment structure. To support policies aimed at

11 December 2013
Work programme

In 2013, Eurofound will focus on developing its capacity in the area of policy evaluation. The aim is to improve support to policymakers in identifying and understanding which policies in the employment and social area have been more effective than others. Eurofound’s core activity of monitoring

10 January 2013
Work programme

Nadace Eurofound zahajuje svůj nový čtyřletý pracovní program v době, kdy před Evropou stojí jedny z největších úkolů v její historii. Perspektivy hospodářského a sociálního rozvoje v Evropě i dalších částech světa jsou stále nejasnější. Priority programu, který byl vypracován s ohledem na tyto

20 November 2012
Work programme

The year 2012 marks the last year of Eurofound’s four-year 2009–2012 work programme Europe at work: Better life and opportunities for all. The drivers of change listed in the four-year-programme – globalisation, technological change, climate change and the demographic challenge – remain, but due to

03 January 2012
Work programme

The four drivers of change identified in Eurofound’s 2009-2012 work programme, globalisation, demographic change, technological change and climate change, remain challenges at global and European levels. These challenges are reflected in the Europe 2020 strategy. The demographic changes in

31 January 2011
Work programme

This is the second annual programme of the four-year period and continues Eurofound’s work in the following three research focus areas: employment growth and supply of labour in changing labour markets, more and better jobs and higher productivity through partnership, and promotion of social

25 January 2010
Work programme

2009 is the first year of the four-year programme 2009–2012, which is designed to produce comparative analysis and forward looking studies of the impact of the key drivers of change: globalisation, technological innovation, demographic trends and climate change on living and working conditions in

09 February 2009
Work programme

Eurofound’s research and communication activities during the period 2009–2012 will be closely linked to European policy responses to the major drivers of change, analysing and anticipating their impact on living and working conditions. Eurofound will use its expertise in working conditions

22 January 2009
Work programme

Tento dokument poskytuje přehled činností nadace naplánovaných na rok 2008 v rámci jejího čtyřletého programu na období 2005-2008 s názvem „Měnící se Evropa: lepší práce, lepší život“.

22 January 2008
Work programme

Tematické oblasti výzkumu na rok 2007 spadají pod širší témata strategického výzkumu čtyřletého programu na období 2005–2008 a některé pokračují v práci z roku 2006. Prioritou pro rok 2007 jsou rovné příležitosti, neboť rok 2007 je Evropským rokem rovných příležitostí pro všechny. Další prioritní

19 January 2007
Work programme