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Traditional theory about international business suggests that companies first establish a solid home market and go global only in later stages of their life cycle. However, this view is challenged by research that shows that some firms internationalise quickly after start-up – so-called ‘born

07 January 2013

Eurofound gathers information on living and working conditions across Europe in order to provide knowledge to assist in the development of social and work-related policies. This fact sheet presents information about Ireland drawn from two of Eurofound’s major research undertakings, the European

01 January 2013

Youth unemployment rates in Europe are dramatically high. Many EU Member States have implemented youth employment policies that facilitate and support young people’s pathways through education to employment and tackle such diverse issues as early school leaving, school-to-work transitions and

20 December 2012
Research report

This annual review describes the developments in industrial relations and working conditions in 2011 in the EU Member States and Norway, at both national and EU level, with a focus on the economic situation and responses to it. The report describes the current economic situation in EU Member States

10 December 2012

Achieving work environments that make work sustainable over a lifetime is a key facet of the promotion of longer working lives. This study - based on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey - considers the dimensions of work that have proved essential to the understanding of work sustainability

09 December 2012

This issue contains the following articles: Findings in Figures; Impacts of the crisis for EU citizens; Eurofound gears up for the Irish Presidency; News in brief; and Latest publications.

03 December 2012

This document comprises two annexes to the report Work organisation and innovation. Annex 1: Summary of some major public policy initiatives related to innovations in HPWPs. Annex 2: Interview guides for human resources or lead managers, senior managers, line managers, employees representatives, and

02 December 2012

The proportion of people aged 65 and over will rise from 17% to 30% of the EU population by 2060, while at the same time the working age population will decline. The European Commission estimates that most of the increase in public spending in the EU over the next 50 years will be on pensions, long

28 November 2012

What determines life satisfaction and happiness? How do we value our social situation and immediate surroundings? How has this changed with the economic crisis? For the third wave of the European Quality of Life survey, 35,500 Europeans in all EU Member States were interviewed, in an effort to gain

27 November 2012