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The key objective of this report is to update the inventory of data collection systems on working conditions at national and international level established by INSHT. The main aims are to: establish a repository of working conditions survey-related information as a basis for comparative analysis of

28 August 2007

The research indicates that financial participation can deliver real benefits for employees, enterprises and national economies. However, despite this potential, it remains little used in most Member States, and is very unevenly distributed across the EU. This background paper has updated the

28 August 2007

Since the Foundation was created more than 30 years ago, it has carried out research projects with different purposes and different methodologies. The case study has from the beginning been one of the methods of enquiry used. Case study research in the Foundation has taken many different forms and

27 August 2007

Risks to health in the workplace and occupational accidents and diseases have declined significantly in Poland in the 15 years from 1991 to 2005. Nevertheless, there are still a number of risk factors prevailing, with certain sectors being particularly vulnerable. At least 12% of the workforce is

20 August 2007

The Foundation project ‘Attractive workplace for all: A contribution to the Lisbon Strategy at company level’ aims at identifying pioneer company practices, policies and agreements and showing how the Lisbon strategy is being implemented on the ground at company level. Examples of innovative company

14 August 2007

The Foundation project ‘Attractive workplace for all: A contribution to the Lisbon Strategy at company level’ aims at identifying pioneer company practices, policies and agreements and showing how the Lisbon strategy is being implemented on the ground at company level. Examples of innovative company

14 August 2007

The Foundation project ‘Attractive workplace for all: A contribution to the Lisbon Strategy at company level’ aims at identifying pioneer company practices, policies and agreements and showing how the Lisbon strategy is being implemented on the ground at company level. Examples of innovative company

14 August 2007

In both the French and Flemish communities of Belgium, out-of-school care forms part of a general policy geared towards all school-age children, and is backed up by assisted accessibility measures, mainly regarding the financial contributions from parents. However, checks still have to be carried

06 August 2007

Out-of-school care activities for children aged 6-12 years in the disadvantaged regions and localities is the same as in all other regions in the Czech Republic and there are no special facilities or services. However, the existing facilities are funded by the state, region, city and local councils

06 August 2007

Hobby schools form the main type of out-of-school care in Estonia. Hobby school activities are regulated by the Ministry of Education which provides a common curriculum and certifies instructors. They are supervised by the government and receive most of their funding from municipal governments

06 August 2007