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The global economy has begun to strengthen over the last quarter but the euro crisis and and associated fiscal policy responses continue to serve as a drag on European growth. This first issue for 2013 includes: Macroeconomic trends and prospects; Job creation and job losses at a glance (1/1/13 - 31

18 April 2013

This study provides information aimed at encouraging sectoral social dialogue in the audiovisual sector. The study is divided into three parts: a summary of the sector’s economic and employment background; an analysis of the social partner organisations in all EU Member States, with emphasis on

17 April 2013

Over four decades since it was initially established to respond to the need for reliable, impartial, evidence-based research and analysis on issues of key socioeconomic policy, Eurofound’s role remains as relevant today. Facing some of its greatest challenges yet, the social and economic

03 April 2013
Research report

The Productive Ward (PW) programme was designed by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, in partnership with nurse leaders and industry partners, in 2005. The programme was intended to increase the efficiency of NHS working practices, therefore creating more time for staff to devote to

27 March 2013

Ireland’s economy is relatively small and trade-dependent and is considered one of the most globalised and open in the world. It suffered disproportionate damage following the 2008–2009 global recession as a large construction and financial sector bust revealed widespread misallocation of resources

26 March 2013

The core idea of the ‘Demographic challenges at VWP’ project at Volkswagen Poznań is to maintain a healthy and motivated staff despite the demographic changes taking place in society and the increasing average age of employees. The project motto is ‘Tomorrow is now’. An innovative approach to staff

24 March 2013

Care Home X is a long-term care unit with traditional elderly care wards but which also has psychiatric wards and a Swedish-speaking elderly care ward. In Finland arranging care for the elderly is the responsibility of the municipalities. The ward hosts/hostesses are in charge of various recreation

24 March 2013

Company X is one of the largest and most successful commercial grocery retailing chains in south-eastern Europe (Euromonitor, 2011). It was established over 60 years ago in Ljubljana, Slovenia. A study by Fortune magazine (2011) shows that world’s top retailers are making employees’ health and

24 March 2013

FAVI is an SME based in Hallencourt in the Picardy region of France. It is a pressure die-casting company specialising in copper alloys that currently employs 406 people. The company designs, optimises, smelts, machines and assembles copper alloy pieces. In the automotive subcontracting sector

24 March 2013

Bombardier Inc. is headquartered in Montréal, Canada and is structured around two businesses: aerospace and transportation. It has 76 production and engineering sites in more than 60 countries, and employs 65,400 people. At Bombardier in Bruges, workplace innovation is undertaken in two main ways

24 March 2013