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The four drivers of change identified in Eurofound’s 2009-2012 work programme, globalisation, demographic change, technological change and climate change, remain challenges at global and European levels. These challenges are reflected in the Europe 2020 strategy. The demographic changes in

31 January 2011
Work programme

Sovereign debt issues dominated the agenda in the final quarter of 2010 as a second EU Member State, Ireland, required EU-IMF intervention in November to stave off default. Given similar concerns in other Member States, a focus on the health of the euro and on individual government deficits and

23 January 2011

This report provides an overview of the extent, practice and impact of employee information and consultation (I&C) in 26 European countries five years after the implementation date of Directive 2002/14/EC. Procedures for establishing I&C arrangements and the scope for organisation- or sector

20 January 2011

This issue contains the following articles: Findings in Figures; Eurofound's new Director takes office; News in brief; and Latest publications.

18 January 2011

This report examines whether investment funds – in particular, private equity, hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds – help to revive underperforming companies and thereby contribute to employment growth or whether, on the contrary, they strive to maximise financial returns at the expense of labour

17 January 2011

This report examines whether investment funds – in particular, private equity, hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds – help to revive underperforming companies and thereby contribute to employment growth or whether, on the contrary, they strive to maximise financial returns at the expense of labour

17 January 2011

This report reviews the present situation regarding the use of temporary agency work (TAW) in European Union Member States. It examines arrangements for social dialogue and collective bargaining at national level across the EU. It examines the role of collective bargaining in determining such

09 January 2011

Between January 2009 and September 2010, Eurofound’s European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) gathered information on over 22,000 restructuring related job cuts and nearly 9,000 job gains from reports in the Hungarian media.

05 January 2011
Information sheet

This report sets out to provide the necessary information for evaluating sectoral social dialogue in the metal industry. The study consists of three parts: a summary of the sector’s economic background; an analysis of the social partner organisations in all of the EU Member States, with special

22 December 2010

This study sets out to provide the necessary information for establishing consultation procedures between those involved in the inland water transport sector. The report identifies the employers and trades unions involved and also analyses relevant European organisations. There is a brief outline of

15 December 2010