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European Industrial Relations Dictionary



The term ‘sustainability reporting’ refers to reporting information relating to sustainability matters as described in the European Commission’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which increases companies’ obligations concerning the reporting of non-financial information.On 21 April 2021

21 December 2022
Dictionary term

Psychosocial risks are aspects of the design and management of work, and its social and organisational contexts, that have the potential to cause psychological or physical harm. Work-related stress is one of the health risks most frequently identified by workers in Europe. The factors that can cause

21 December 2022
Dictionary term

The term ‘minimum income’ refers to a non-contributory and means-tested safety net operating within social protection systems. It provides a last-resort safety net for people who have insufficient means to ensure a decent standard of living. It is different from ‘minimum wage’, which refers to

20 December 2022
Dictionary term

According to Section 4(a) of the International Labour Organization’s resolution on the statistics of strikes, lockouts and other action due to labour disputes:A labour dispute is a state of disagreement over a particular issue or group of issues over which there is conflict between workers and

20 December 2022
Dictionary term

Labour shortage is a complex phenomenon with no agreed definition and therefore is described in various ways in the literature. According to a 2021 Eurofound report:Labour shortages arise when the demand for workers in an occupation exceeds the supply of workers available who possess the required

20 December 2022
Dictionary term

The term ‘minimum wage’ refers to the regulatory restriction on the lowest rate payable by employers to workers. Statutory minimum wages are regulated by formal laws or statutes. Collectively agreed minimum wages are stipulated within collective agreements between trade unions and employers

20 December 2022
Dictionary term

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), a ‘just transition’ means:greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible to everyone concerned, creating decent work opportunities and leaving no one behind.A Just Transition involves maximizing the social and

15 December 2022
Dictionary term

The EU negotiates trade agreements to strengthen its economy and create jobs. These agreements allow European businesses access more easily, and at lower prices, the raw materials and other inputs they need, helping them to stay competitive, compete more effectively abroad and export more to

15 December 2022
Dictionary term

Although the use of terms is not always consistent across different countries, deviation from collective bargaining provisions can take different forms, such as opening clauses, hardship clauses, opt‑out clauses for parts of or the whole of the collective agreement, or ‘inability to pay’ clauses in

15 December 2022
Dictionary term

According to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) definition, collective bargaining coverage is an indicator of the extent to which the terms of workers’ employment are influenced by collective negotiation. It is the coverage rate, that is, the number of employees

15 December 2022
Dictionary term
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