Equal pay day marks the day in the EU when women symbolically stop getting paid compared to men for doing the same job. In 2021, the average gross hourly earnings of male employees was 12.7% higher than for women in the EU. This gender pay gap is equal to around one and an half months of salary per year.
Based around its most recent research, Eurofound’s expert Barbara Gerstenberger, Head of the Working Life unit, shares findings that highlight how addressing the gender pay gap is not just about the money. Together with MEP Maria Walsh, this face-to-face briefing and exchange gets behind the gender pay gap figures and explores other areas that can lead to women being paid less than men, such as pay transparency, work-life balance, the more equal distribution of care responsibilities between women and men and more.
This off-the-record briefing is chance for stakeholders to access expert and policymaker in an informal setting. The event facilitates an exchange and provides a networking opportunity for those working in areas linked to gender, employment, social affairs and working conditions.
Arrival and registration with coffee and tea
14.30 – 14.35
14:35 – 15:15
Opening remarks/Scene setter by Maria Walsh MEP
Presentation by Barbara Gerstenberger, Head of Unit, Working Life, Eurofound
15:15 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:30
Networking reception