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First agreement on five weeks' paid holidays

After three months' bargaining, the annual revision of the national collective agreement covering banks and other credit institutions was concluded in April 1997. It is the first collective agreement in Portugal to grant five weeks' paid holidays, and also increases pay and improves maternity and


New rules for family credits

The Standing Committee for Social Dialogue (the Economic and Social Council's tripartite committee) has approved new rules relating to family credits in Portugal.


TAP-Air Portugal pilots react against loss of compensation

Workers at TAP-Air Portugal issued a general notice to strike on 24-25 April 1997 in protest at revised flight and rest-time schedules


Tax-free payments in return for agreed pay restructuring

Under a novel provision in the Finance Bill, 1997 which gives effect to this year's Budget, employees are now entitled to tax relief on individual lump-sum payments paid in the context of company restructuring. The payments can be made by companies to their employees for agreeing to pay

Union election result shocks leadership

Ireland's largest trade union, the Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU), has a new president after a closer than expected ballot of its 180,000 members. The tight result - announced in early April 1997 - surprised the union's leadership, given the fact that a left-wing


New industrial relations structure planned for national airline

It emerged in April 1997 that the former president of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), Phil Flynn, is expected to play a key role in the new "partnership-based" industrial relations structure currently being drawn up between management and unions at Ireland's state-owned airline, Aer


Reduction of working time is key issue

In the framework of negotiations for the two-year National General Collective Agreement covering the years 1996 and 1997, the GSEE (Greek General Confederation of Labour) trade union confederation placed on the agenda of discussions with the employers its demand for the reduction of weekly working

European Works Councils - transposition completed in Greece

A Presidential Decree on the establishment of European Works Councils (EWCs) in Greece was signed on 20 March 1997. Its purpose is to transpose into Greek law EC Directive 94/45/EC on the provision of information and consultation to employees in Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale


Government invitation to social dialogue

Taking into account significant changes in the international environment and their impact on the Greek economy, the Government in March 1997 announced that it would invite the social partners to a process of social dialogue on a set of three themes: development, competitiveness and employment. The


Agreement concluded for white-collar employees in iron and steel

A separate agreement for white-collar employees in the Luxembourg iron and steel was concluded in March 1997, despite efforts in negotiations to create a single agreement for both white- and blue-collar staff.
