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Privatisation reforms human resource management at Lisnave shipyards

Portugal's major Lisnave shipyards are being privatised. New industrial readjustment and work organisation strategies are reforming human resource management and training standards. However, in a company that has strong trade union traditions, discussions with employee representatives on

Base-line income system established

The Portuguese Government is planning to extend its "base-line" minimum income system to the whole country, and there are calls for greater involvement by the social partners in its operation.


European Central Banks trade unions meet in Portugal

A working group set up by the Standing Committee of the European Central Banks' Trade Unions met in Ferreira do Zêzere in March, and issued a declaration relating to the rights of workers involved in the production and circulation of the Euro.


Dockers' unions opposed to dock work reform

The Government has published a working document, entitled "Maritime and ports policy at the approach of the 21st Century", for public debate. In the document it proposes a number of measures to deregulate dock work, and the National Federation of Dockers' Unions has criticised the lack of prior


Ministry of Employment clarifies controversial Law on Working Time Reduction

Law 21/96, which aims to reduce the working week to 40 hours, has given rise to labour disputes in certain sectors and some controversial statements. An official communication released by the Secretary of State for Employment in March attempts to shed light on the areas of concern.


Bargaining, union elections and workforce reductions in banking

Negotiations to revise the important collective agreement in Portugal's banking sector are deadlocked. The industry's largest trade union will soon hold its elections, but its socialist members are divided, while substantial workforce reductions have been announced for the coming years.


A new role model - centralised wage bargaining in Ireland

One of the keenest debates in industrial relations in Europe is the relationship between the institutional structure of the labour market and economic performance and, in particular, the contribution of the wage determination process to national competitiveness. Considerable attention has focused on

Talks open on change and share plan at Telecom

A joint management/trade union Joint Strategic Consultative Group (JSCG) has been established to tackle the job of negotiating an agreement to help to transform state-owned Telecom Eireann to meet current and future competitive challenges. The key issues which the JSCG expects to address before the


Police follow nurses' example and seek special commission

A protest march on the Dail by rank-and-file members of the Irish police force, the Garda Siochana, was due to take place on 16 April to highlight their demand for the first independent review of police pay since 1981.


Recent trends in health and safety at work

Health and safety at work has arisen as a very serious matter of social concern over recent years and has become a focus of interest for both the state and the social institutions concerned. The magnitude and complexity of the problem and the need to find direct and effective solutions have induced