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On 19 March 2024, as part of its Brussels Briefing series and as Member States prepare to transpose the new EC Directive on adequate minimum wages for workers in the EU, Eurofound organises a face-to-face briefing on the latest developments on minimum wages in Europe.


On 4-5 March 2024, CEPS is organising the CEPS Ideas Lab for its 11th edition to celebrate a decade of thought-provoking discussions. Participants are preparing to exchange ideas and insights on a myriad of pressing issues currently facing the EU, from the upcoming European elections to global AI


On 23 February 2024, as part of its new Dublin Briefings series, Eurofound organises an expert briefing with the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) on the latest developments on collective agreements and minimum wages in Europe.


Eurofound, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium to Ireland and under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, organises a visit of the EU Heads of Mission in Ireland to Eurofound.


The high-level OSH conference takes place in Brussels on 30-31 January 2024. The event brings together experts and decision makers in the field of mental health and work with the aim of brainstorming and sharing innovative solutions and best practices to help anticipate and plan for the future.


The first informal ministerial meeting (EPSCO) under the Belgian Presidency takes place in Namur on 10-12 January 2024. It underscores the Presidency’s key priority: strengthening the social dimension of the European Union.


Eurofound organises a live interactive webinar on the state of play of social dialogue in Europe with a live Q&A on 13 December 2023. Time: 10:00 - 11:00 GMT or Irish Time / 11:00-12:00 CET or Central European Time.


Eurofound organised a live interactive webinar on the bridging the rural-urban divide in Europe with a live Q&A on Wednesday 29 November 2023. Time: 14:00 - 15:00 GMT or Irish Time / 09:00-10:00 Eastern Standard Time.


Under the banner of the 2023 European Year of Skills, Eurofound and the EC Representation office in Ireland are joining forces to run a half-day in-person event on skills. Time: 10.00 – 12.30 Irish time, followed by a light lunch (Registration from 09.30 with light refreshments).


Eurofound’s Management Board will meet in Dublin on 16-17 November, with some members also joining online. The tripartite Group meetings with representatives from government, employer organisations and trade unions from the 27 EU Member States will take place on 16 November 2023.

Hybrid event