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This research aimed at investigating how the high level of observed job mobility relates to social stratification and social class. An obvious assumption would be that intensifying employment mobility has weakened social inequalities across a wide range of life prospects, and social class has become

24 July 2007

This report begins by elaborating upon the different factors that appear to influence the degree to which people change employers. It then formulates a number of hypotheses regarding the influence of biographical characteristics, country characteristics, previous job mobility history, job

24 July 2007

In this report, the effects of two different kinds of long-distance mobility have been analysed: mobility across regions, which occurs within national boundaries, and mobility across countries, which occurs beyond national borders and can be further distinguished as mobility within and outside the

24 July 2007

This report aims to investigate the development and implementation of innovative measures designed to foster gender equality in the transport sector. To this end, the report outlines and analyses eight innovative measures that have been taken by national trade unions or other social partner groups

24 July 2007

This report describes the current situation in relation to employee financial participation (EFP) in the new Member States of the European Union. It provides a summary of the main findings regarding the incidence of the different forms of EFP and their implementation. It also describes the

23 July 2007

This review of working time developments in Europe in 2005 and 2006 finds that over the period the average collectively agreed weekly working time in the EU was 38.7 hours, while agreed normal annual working time averaged around 1,750 hours. Of the eight sectors and occupational groups examined in

18 July 2007

This report draws a picture of life in present-day Croatia by looking at key indicators of quality of life, such as: the economic situation of households; housing and the local environment; employment and education; health, healthcare and access to health services; household and family size and

11 July 2007
Research report

Competitive Europe – Social Europe: Partners or rivals? was the theme of the Foundation Forum held on 1-3 November 2006. This special edition summarises the speeches of key speakers such as Bertie Ahern, Jeremy Rifkin and Hans-Werner Sinn, among others. It also gives an overview of the various

10 July 2007

This fourth annual review from the European Working Conditions Observatory puts the spotlight on four key dimensions of working conditions and quality of work and employment: career and employment, health and well-being at work, skills development and work–life balance. The report outlines relevant

09 July 2007

The Spanish fishing fleet is the biggest in the EU, serving the very strong domestic market for seafood. However, the fishing industry does not contribute greatly to Spain’s GDP – around 0.5%. This, however, is more a reflection of the recent rapid growth of the Spanish economy as a whole than of

09 July 2007