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This issue contains the following articles: Director's diary; Restructuring in the public sector; Assessing the quality of public services; In brief; and Latest findings in figures and publications.

05 April 2010

Public services are the bedrock of modern society. They impact on people’s everyday lives to a greater or lesser degree: from education and health services to public transport, refuse collection and state pensions. This report explores the interaction between individuals and institutions, analysing

23 March 2010

This report reviews the policy contribution of the fourth EWCS, paying particular attention to the: contribution that the survey currently makes to debates and action regarding specific EU social and employment policies and concerns; potential contribution of the survey in identifying new policy

23 March 2010

The EU designated 2010 as the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. Social exclusion is the consequence of a series of problems affecting an individual or groups, for example unemployment, discrimination, low levels of skills, or low income. Foundation Findings provide pertinent

18 March 2010

This background paper by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) investigates the different forms of wage indexation that can be found across Europe. It presents the main characteristics of wage indexation, and looks at the legislation and levels of

14 March 2010

This report uses recent findings from two observatories of the European Foundation for the Improvement and Living Conditions (Eurofound); the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) and the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) – as well as Eurostat data, to examine trends in compensation

14 March 2010

This issue contains the following articles: Findings in figures; Holding onto jobs in times of crisis; Launch of findings on gender pay gap; In brief; and Latest events and publications.

11 March 2010

What are the factors that give rise to a feeling of satisfaction with one’s life and do these vary from country to country across Europe? This report explores the role of different aspects of an individual’s life – such as income, age, employment, marital status and health – in shaping the quality

10 March 2010

Wage differentials between men and women across Europe are a major policy concern for the European Commission and the social partners. This report provides an overview of national studies on the gender pay gap, and examines the policies and actions of governments and social actors to combat pay

08 March 2010

The EU emerged from recession in the third quarter of 2009 but growth remains anaemic ( 0.3%, EU27) and well below trend rates. Unemployment notably continues to rise and its pace of increase has accelerated in the most recent quarter to reach the highest levels in over a decade (9.5%, EU27). The

01 March 2010