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BAWAG PSK is an Austrian banking group historically closely aligned with the trade union movement. The bank has faced numerous financial and political challenges in recent years, linked in a number of cases to unsound financial investments leading to significant exposure to failed or struggling US

21 October 2009

This report aims to compare EGF experiences in two countries: Germany and Finland. In both countries, changes in market patterns have affected mobile phone and component manufacturers, with BenQ in Germany and Perlos in Finland shifting production from Europe to low-cost countries in Asia with

21 October 2009

This issue contains the following articles: Director's diary; ‘Greening’ Europe’s economy; Gender pay gap still persists; In brief; and Latest events and publications.

18 October 2009

This report examines the responses, initiatives and activities undertaken by national governments and the social partners in the EU Member States plus Norway in working towards a greener economy and maximising the job creation potential of this new area. The report looks specifically at various

08 October 2009

As European economies slide into recession, companies face increasing financial difficulties as sales decline and prospects for a quick recovery recede. Consequently, a growing number of businesses are coming under threat, putting the jobs of more workers at risk. Already across Europe many

08 October 2009

The European Union, together with its citizens, is undergoing profound change. Demographic change, greater global competition, technological developments and the enlargement of the EU itself are all shaping the lives – both private and professional – of ordinary men and women across the Member

08 October 2009
Research report

Antwerp is the largest city in Flanders, with 470,044 inhabitants in 2006. Some 13% of the city’s population consists of foreigners, of whom 8% are non-EU nationals. Antwerp’s municipal housing policy aims to sustain and even increase the diversity within the city. This diversity pertains not so

29 September 2009

Migrant integration in Arnsberg has primarily taken place by opening up the core institutions, such as the education system and the labour market, to migrants and by including migrants in the national welfare system. With regard to the housing market, this means that non-Germans have the same legal

29 September 2009

As early as the 1960s, due to its industrial facilities, Frankfurt became one of the first main destinations for guest workers. Today, almost 161,000 foreigners from 130 countries live in Frankfurt, accounting for one quarter of the city’s population. Frankfurt’s housing market, particularly in the

29 September 2009

Stuttgart has about 600,000 inhabitants, almost a quarter of whom are foreigners and 40% have a migration background. In this prosperous city, the integration of migrants has primarily taken place through structural integration into the labour market. The city included migrants in the general

29 September 2009