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The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to light evidence on the key issues shaping the daily lives and work of Europeans. This 2023 yearbook provides a snapshot of that work, summarising the Agency’s findings on a wide range of topics, including rising labour shortages and initiatives to address them, the impact of workplace stressors on health and well-being, the challenges of securing affordable housing, and developments in minimum wages across the Member States. Eurofound’s research on working and living conditions in Europe provides a bedrock of evidence for social policymaking and achieving the Agency’s vision ‘to be Europe’s leading knowledge source for better life and work’.



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Living and working in Europe 2023

English (3.67 MB - PDF)

The report contains the following lists of tables and figures.


List of tables

  • Table 1: Year-on-year change in employment, by age group and sex, EU27, 2019–2022 (%)

  • Table 2: Unsocial working hours, by sector and occupation, EU27, 2021 (% of employees)

  • Table 3: High work intensity, by sector and occupation, EU27, 2021 (% of employees)

  • Table 4: Financial worries, by sector and occupation, EU27, 2021 (% of employees)

  • Table 5: Employees with hybrid work arrangements, by sector and occupation, EU27, 2021 (%)

  • Table 6: Employees who work exclusively from their employer’s premises, by sector and occupation, EU27, 2021 (%)

  • Table 7: Member States with a pronounced improvement or decline in industrial democracy subdimensions


List of figures

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Reference nº
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