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Darbaspēka novecošana

Eiropas sabiedrības novecošana politikas veidotājiem izvirza daudzus uzdevumus attiecībā uz nodarbinātību, darba apstākļiem, dzīves līmeni un labklājību. Tā ir radījusi bažas par pensiju sistēmu ilgtspēju un darbaspēka nodrošinājumu. Lai radītu nodarbinātības iespējas darbaspēkam, kas noveco, jāmaina domāšanas veids uzņēmumu, valsts un ES līmenī.


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From July to December 2024, Eurofound supports the work of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context

Lai gan pēdējā desmitgadē daudzās ES valstīs vecāku darba ņēmēju nodarbinātības rādītāji ir ievērojami uzlabojušies, Eiropas Komisijas 2017. gada vienotajā nodarbinātības ziņojumā ir aplūkotas šo rādītāju turpmākās paaugstināšanas iespējas. Vecāku darba ņēmēju nodarbinātības rādītājs vecuma grupā no 55 līdz 64 gadiem 2016. gadā ES bija 55,3 % salīdzinājumā ar 66,6 % kopumā vecuma grupā no 15 līdz 64 gadiem. Vislielākais pieaugums bija vērojams vecāku sieviešu vidū.

Eiropas sociālo tiesību pīlārs nosaka sistēmu, ko piemērot, lai darba tirgi varētu pielāgoties jaunajiem uzdevumiem, vienlaikus sekmējot taisnīgumu un solidaritāti paaudžu starpā. Tajā uzsvērtas tiesības uz darba ņēmēja profesionālajām vajadzībām pielāgotu darba vidi, lai nodrošinātu iespējami ilgāku dalību darba tirgū. Turklāt nesen noslēgtajā Eiropas sociālo partneru autonomajā nolīgumā par aktīvām vecumdienām un starppaaudžu pieeju pausta apņemšanās atvieglot vecākiem darba ņēmējiem ilgāku aktīvu līdzdalību darba tirgū.

Eurofound darbs

Eurofound ir gadiem ilgi uzkrātas speciālās zināšanas jautājumos, kas saistīti ar darbaspēka novecošanu. Pētījumos kopš 1990. gada uzmanība ir pievērsta vecāku darba ņēmēju līdzdalībai darba tirgū, darba rezultātiem, darba apstākļiem un vēlamajam darbam politikas kontekstā saistībā ar Eiropas mainīgo demogrāfisko profilu. Šajā darbā uzmanība tika pievērsta arī valsts atbalstam un uzņēmumu iniciatīvām, kas sekmē vecāku darba ņēmēju nodarbinātību. Tika aplūkoti jautājumi saistībā ar vecākām darba ņēmējām, uzsverot, ka šajā grupā ir paaugstinājušies nodarbinātības rādītāji un ir palielinājies šīs grupas īpatsvars darbaspēkā, jo īpaši vecuma grupā no 55 līdz 64 gadiem.

Apsekojumu dati

Eurofound lielākās aptaujas sniedz vispusīgus datus par vecāku darba ņēmēju situāciju. Sestajā Eiropas darba apstākļu apsekojumā (EWCS) aplūkots, kā vecāki darba ņēmēji salīdzina dažādas darba kvalitātes dimensijas. Lai gan šķiet, ka vecāki darba ņēmēji darbu zaudē retāk nekā jaunāki darba ņēmēji, dati liecina, ka vecāki darba ņēmēji uzskata — zaudējot darbu, viņi nevarētu atrast līdzvērtīgi apmaksātu darbu un pat ar grūtībām varētu atgriezties darba tirgū.

Pētījumā, kura pamatā ir Eurofound piektais Eiropas darba apstākļu apsekojums (EWCS), ir aplūkots, kādas ir iezīmes vecākam darbaspēkam un darbam dažādās vecuma grupās, kā arī faktori, kuri darbspēkam, kas noveco, nodrošina darba ilgtspēju: labi darba apstākļi, fiziskā un garīgā labjutība un darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars.

Eurofound Eiropas dzīves kvalitātes apsekojums (EQLS) sniedz konstatējumus attiecībā uz vecumu saistībā ar dažādām dzīves kvalitātes dimensijām Eiropā. Analizējot vēlamo darbu vecuma grupā pēc 50 gadiem, ņemti vērā konstatējumi no trešā EQLS un secināts, ka daudzi vecāki darba ņēmēji, pat ņemot vērā finansiālās vajadzības, vēlas strādāt mazāk stundu. Atvieglojot darba stundu un vēlamā darba pielāgošanas iespējas, var motivēt cilvēkus un nodrošināt viņiem iespēju strādāt ilgāk.

Ilgāka darba dzīve

Nesen Eurofound kopā ar trim citām ES aģentūrām centās rast vecumam labvēlīgas darba iespējas Eiropā, apzināja politikas uzdevumus saistībā ar darbaspēka novecošanu un inovatīvus risinājumus.

Daudzi darba ņēmēji nespēj vai nav motivēti strādāt līdz valsts noteiktajam pensijas vecumam. Tomēr ir arī kāda grupa, kas spēj un grib strādāt arī pēc šā vecuma sasniegšanas. Eurofound ir pētījis šo aizvien pieaugošo vēlmi turpināt darbu arī pēc pensionēšanās.

Jaunākajā pētījumā uzmanība bija pievērsta darba dzīves paildzināšanai, izmantojot elastīgas pensionēšanās shēmas, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot daļējas pensionēšanās shēmām, kas šo procesu varētu atvieglot. Arī karjeras vidusposma pārskats var sekmēt darba dzīves paildzināšanu. Pētījumā tika arī analizēts, kā tas var palīdzēt noskaidrot darba ņēmēju iespējas strādāt arī līdz vēlākam pensionēšanās vecumam. Tajā aplūkoti dažādi mehānismi, ko uzņēmumi izstrādājuši, lai saglabātu darbā vecākus darba ņēmējus.

Citos pētījumos ir dokumentētas valstu valdību un nozaru sociālo partneru iniciatīvas saglabāt vecāku darba ņēmēju līdzdalību darba tirgū, tostarp finansiāla atlīdzība un labāki darba apstākļi. Kādā no iepriekšējiem projektiem tika analizētas vecuma pārvaldības iniciatīvas pirms un pēc ekonomikas lejupslīdes, lai apzinātu labas prakses piemērus Eiropas uzņēmumos.


Key outputs


This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies...

13 Maijs 2019
Research report

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European...

23 Janvāris 2018
Research report

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it...

21 Decembris 2017
Research report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (101)

According to the head of the HR department, age management is a relatively recent concept in the Czech Republic. However, although the concept is still developing, the majority of HR officers in Czech organisations have already introduced age management measures to some extent into their practices

22 January 2012

DHV is a company reliant on the knowledge and personal skills of people. People are the most important asset of the company, and as a consequence the philosophy is to ensure strong HR policies that encourage employability and mobility of workers over time for the entire workforce. The company has

22 January 2012

While age management at the Borealis Group has always made use of generous regulations for early retirement – particularly at BAM and its predecessor AMI – there has also been a movement to maintain older workers in the workplace by creating sustainable work processes and adapting work practices to

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Online resources results (133)

Stereotypes associated with employment of older workers

The population of the Czech Republic, like most developed European countries, is ageing. This ongoing process of ageing is influenced by other demographic changes, such as the sharp fall in fertility in the Czech Republic and increasing life expectancy. Table 1 demonstrates the increasing percentage

Employment of older workers and lifelong learning

The European Commission adopted its Employment Guidelines (136Kb; pdf) [1] in 2003. The fifth of its 10 specific guidelines seeks to increase labour supply and promote active ageing. According to the guidelines, employment of the 55-64 age group must be increased from 40% to 50% by 2010; in Hungary

Health and employability of older workers

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the Netherlands asked TNO [1] to map myths and facts about older employees, their physical and mental health and associated disabilities. The report also outlines various interventions in the Netherlands to combat false stereotypes and to improve the

Health and work satisfaction among older workers

A 2004 study, Older workers in the labour market and in working life (500Kb pdf; in Estonian) [1], evaluates the work ability and employability of older workers (over 45 years old) in the Estonian labour market. Work ability is defined by Juhani Ilmarinen (1999) as a set of personal resources

Company practices regarding older workers

The survey was compiled as part of a study, Older workers: Public policies and company practices (2.72Mb PDF; in Portuguese) [1] (Trabalhadores mais velhos: políticas públicas e práticas empresariais), and published in 2003 by the Ministry for Social Security and Labour [2] (Ministério da Segurança

Moins de pénibilités et de stress chez les travailleurs plus âgés

La DARES, Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques du Ministère français du travail, a publié des résultats d’enquête qui indiquent que le travail des salariés est toujours aussi pénible physiquement. Les rythmes de travail se sont intensifiés, ainsi que la charge

Less physical risks and stress among older people

DARES, the French Ministry of Labour’s research and statistics unit, has published survey results which indicate that the work of employees continues to be physically demanding. Pace of work has increased, along with levels of mental stress. These findings are based on employee responses to surveys

Âge et travail en Europe

/L'Union européenne va devoir faire face, à moyen terme, à une pénurie de main-d'œuvre, compte tenu de la baisse des taux de natalité. Dans le même temps, la pression exercée sur les systèmes de sécurité sociale ira grandissante, suite à l'allongement de l'espérance de vie. Avec pour objectif d

Call for EU-wide strategies aimed at older workers

In the light of the ageing and future shrinking of the working age population, there is a need to increase the participation and employment rates of older workers. This has been the subject of considerable attention in a number of recent EU policy documents, such as a specific Commission staff

Older workers more motivated in their work

Many older people leave work before they reach the age of 60, in some cases even at 55 years. The Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) recently published statistics [1] /(in Dutch)/ showing that, among men in the Netherlands in 2001, 71% of 55-year olds, 38% of 60-year olds and only 7% of 65

Blogs results (6)

There’s a demographic shift sweeping Europe: people are living longer and working longer. Older workers, however, face significant labour market barriers.

25 Janvāris 2024

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that

20 Marts 2019

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 Novembris 2018

In this article, Jean-Marie Jungblut looks at the health of careers in Europe. He argues that, since the average length of the most important job in a person’s life is over 20 years, time should be put aside in the middle of a career to check the fit between the worker and the job. Different

21 Jūnijs 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 Janvāris 2018

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in

26 Septembris 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025
Data results (2)


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