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Starnúca pracovná sila

Starnutie populácie v Európe prináša prináša pre tvorcov politík moho otázok v oblasti zamestnanosti, pracovných podmienok, životnej úrovne a zabezpečenia. Vyvolalo aj k obavy, pokiaľ ide o udržateľnosť dôchodkových systémov a ponuku práce. Propagovanie pracovných príležitostí pre starnúcu pracovnú silu si vyžaduje nový prístup na úrovni spoločností, jednotlivých štátov aj EÚ.


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From July to December 2024, Eurofound supports the work of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context

Aj napriek tomu, že miera zamestnanosti starších vekových skupín za posledné desaťročie v mnohých krajinách EÚ výrazne stúpla, Európska komisia v spoločnej správe o zamestnanosti z roku 2017 zdôrazňuje potenciál na jej ďalšie zvyšovanie. V roku 2016 miera zamestnanosti starších zamestnancov vo veku 55 – 64 rokov v EÚ dosahovala 55,3 %, pričom pre všetkých ľudí vo veku 15 – 64 rokov to bolo 66,6 %. Najväčší nárast sa zaznamenal medzi staršími ženami.

Európsky pilier sociálnych práv poskytuje rámec, ktorý má pracovným trhom pomôcť prispôsobiť sa novým požiadavkám, no pritom aj naďalej zachovávať spravodlivosť a solidaritu medzi generáciami. Zdôrazňuje právo na pracovné prostredie prispôsobené profesionálnym potrebám pracovníka, ktoré mu má umožniť predĺžiť si účasť na trhu práce. Okrem toho sa európski sociálni partneri v nedávnej autonómnej dohode týkajúcej sa aktívneho starnutia a medzigeneračného prístupu zaväzujú, že starším pracovníkom uľahčia aktívnu účasť a dlhšie zotrvanie na trhu práce.

Práca nadácie Eurofound

Nadácia Eurofound sa dlhodobo zameriava na problémy, ktorým čelí starnúca pracovná sila. Výskum od 90. rokov 20. storočia sa sústreďuje na účasť na trhu práce, výkon práce, pracovné podmienky a pracovné preferencie starších pracovníkov v kontexte politiky meniaceho sa demografického profilu Európy. Úsilie sa zameriava aj na verejnú podporu a iniciatívy na úrovni spoločnosti, ktorými sa podporuje zamestnanosť starších pracovníkov. Skúma sa aj skupina starších pracujúcich žien, v prípade ktorej sa zdôrazňuje stúpajúca miera zamestnanosti a nárast podielu v rámci pracovnej sily, a to najmä vo vekovej kategórii 55 – 64 rokov.

Údaje z prieskumu

Z hlavných prieskumov nadácie Eurofound vyplýva množstvo údajov o situácii starších pracovníkov. V šiestom Európskom prieskume pracovných podmienok (EWCS) sa skúma porovnanie starších pracovníkov vzhľadom na rôzne aspekty kvality práce. Hoci pravdepodobnosť, že zostanú nezamestnaní, je pri starších pracovníkoch menšia ako pri mladších, údaje ukazujú, že starší pracovníci majú pocit, že keby prišli o prácu, novú a podobne platenú by si už nenašli, a opätovný vstup na trh práce dokonca považujú za náročný.

V štúdii založenej na piatom Európskom prieskume pracovných podmienok (EWCS) nadácie Eurofound sa sledujú charakteristiky staršej pracovnej sily a práca v rôznom veku, ako aj na faktory, vďaka ktorým je práca pre starnúcu pracovnú silu udržateľnejšia: dobré pracovné podmienky, fyzická a duševná pohoda a rovnováha medzi pracovným a súkromným životom.

Z Európskeho prieskumu kvality života nadácie Eurofound (EQLS) vyplývajú vo vzťahu k rôznym aspektom kvality života v Európe zistenia súvisiace s vekom. Analýza pracovných preferencií po veku 50 rokov vychádza zo zistení tretieho prieskumu EQLS a vyplýva z nej, že mnoho starších pracovníkov preferuje kratší pracovný čas, pričom úlohu zohrávajú aj ich finančné potreby. Uľahčenie možnosti zosúladenia pracovného času s preferenciami môže umožniť ľuďom pracovať dlhšie a zároveň ich aj k tomu motivovať.

Dlhší pracovný život

Nedávno sa nadácia Eurofound spojila s tromi ďalšími agentúrami EÚ a spoločne skúmali prácu vhodnú pre starších ľudí v Európe, požiadavky na politiku týkajúce sa starnúcej pracovnej sily a inovatívne riešenia.

Mnohí pracovníci nie sú schopní alebo motivovaní pracovať až do zákonného veku odchodu do dôchodku. Nájdu sa však aj takí, ktorí sú schopní a ochotní pracovať aj dlhšie. Nadácia Eurofound skúmala tento narastajúci trend práce po odchode do dôchodku.

V nedávnom výskume sa sledovalo predĺženie pracovného života prostredníctvom pružných systémov odchodu do dôchodku a najmä systémy čiastočného odchodu do dôchodku, ktoré ho môžu uľahčiť. K predĺženiu pracovného života môžu prispieť aj hodnotenia uprostred kariéry. Vo výskume sa sledovalo aj to, ako je možné pomôcť objasniť možnosti pracovníkov na zotrvanie v práci až do neskoršieho dôchodkového veku. Bolo poukázané na rôzne nástroje, ktoré si krajiny vyvinuli, aby neprišli o starších pracovníkov.

V inom výskume sa zas dokumentujú vnútroštátne a sektorové iniciatívy vlád a sociálnych partnerov vrátane finančných stimulov a zlepšených podmienok, ktoré majú pomôcť udržať starších pracovníkov na trhu práce. V skoršom projekte sa analyzovali iniciatívy na riadenie otázok týkajúcich sa veku zavedené pred recesiou aj po nej, aby sa zdôraznili osvedčené postupy v spoločnostiach v Európe.


Key outputs


This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies...

13 máj 2019
Research report

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European...

23 január 2018
Research report

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it...

21 december 2017
Research report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (101)

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Portugal over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

16 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Malta over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice at

16 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Latvia over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Poland over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Romania over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Slovakia over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Denmark over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Hungary over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Lithuania over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Luxembourg over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good

15 October 2007

Online resources results (133)

Working environment shown to play role in early retirement

Since the Labour Market Commission (Arbejdsmarkedskommissionen [1]) thematised early retirement from the labour market, the issue has been widely debated and analysed. The Labour Market Commission was set up in December 2007 to propose initiatives to permanently increase employment, while tackling

Fostering employment of older engineers in manufacturing sector

In June 2009, the Cologne Institute for Economic Research (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, IW Köln [1]) published a study (in German, 75Kb PDF) [2] on the employment prospects of older engineers and the human resources policies adopted by companies to tackle the adverse impact of an ageing

Significant increase in labour market participation of older workers

The report [1] on the labour market participation of people aged 55–64 years and their career paths (in Spanish) [2] was published in May 2009 by the research institute Fundación 1º de Mayo [3]. The latter was established by the Trade Union Confederation of Workers’Commissions (Comisiones Obreras

More part-time work and lower job quality among older workers

The study ‘Retirement of the elderly from the labour market’ (Eakate taandumine tööturult (in Estonian, 135Kb PDF) [1]) by Statistics Estonia (Statistikaamet) [2] analysed the employment patterns and transition to retirement among 50–69 year old people, based on 2006 Estonian Labour Force Survey

Company attitudes towards employing older workers

The survey (in Bulgarian) [1] ‘Employment of the workforce aged 50 to 64 years– opportunities for development’ was conducted by the Labour and Social Protection Department of the University of National and World Economy (UNWE [2]) in late 2006. The main findings were published in 2007 in the UNWE

Employers’ expectations regarding recent graduates

Universitas Press Kft [1]/,/ a Hungarian research company specialised in research on various aspects of higher education, carried out a study to explore employers’ expectations in relation to young graduates’ competences and skills. The study aimed to identify the skills, abilities and personal

Company practices in promoting active ageing

In April 2006, the Centre for Population, Poverty and Socioeconomic Policy Studies (Centre d’Études de Populations, de Pauvreté et de Politiques Socio-Economiques/International Networks for Studies in Technology, Environment, Alternatives, Development, CEPS/INSTEAD [1]) published the findings of a

Expectations about working capacity at age 60

The Working Conditions Survey [1] is conducted every seven years in France, supplementing the country’s Labour Force Survey. The survey covers workers in employment and is conducted by the Research and Statistics Department (Direction de l’animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques

Job retention law leads to unwanted side-effects

In the 15 older EU Member States before enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2007 (EU15), Luxembourg – along with Belgium – has the lowest employment rate among workers aged 55–64 years. Despite a rise in employment rates among people in this age group between 2001 and 2004, Luxembourg

Municipal employees are postponing retirement

The pension reform in 2005 in Finland aimed to increase the number of years in employment towards the end of a person’s work career (FI0403203F [1]). The reform included a new flexible retirement age, ranging from 63 to 68 years, and the abolishment of some early retirement options. Moreover

Blogs results (6)

There’s a demographic shift sweeping Europe: people are living longer and working longer. Older workers, however, face significant labour market barriers.

25 január 2024

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that

20 marec 2019

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 november 2018

In this article, Jean-Marie Jungblut looks at the health of careers in Europe. He argues that, since the average length of the most important job in a person’s life is over 20 years, time should be put aside in the middle of a career to check the fit between the worker and the job. Different

21 jún 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 január 2018

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in

26 september 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025
Data results (2)


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