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Relaciones laborales

Tanto los sindicatos, como las organizaciones patronales y las autoridades públicas desempeñan un papel en la gobernanza de la relación de empleo. Se trata de partes interconectadas en un sistema que funciona a escala europea, nacional, sectorial, regional, y empresarial. En los últimos años, a medida que evolucionan la tecnología y las formas de trabajo en el marco de un entorno económico en permanente transformación, los sistemas de relaciones laborales han afrontado retos fundamentales.

En este contexto, la Comisión Europea puso en marcha en 2015 un «nuevo comienzo» del diálogo social europeo. En una declaración conjunta de junio de 2016, la Comisión, el Consejo de la Unión Europea y los interlocutores sociales subrayaron el papel esencial de dicho diálogo como componente significativo de la formulación de políticas sociales y de empleo en la UE.


Recent updates

EU context

La labor de Eurofound

A lo largo de 40 años, Eurofound se ha consolidado como centro fundamental de recursos técnicos especializados para el seguimiento y el análisis de las tendencias en el ámbito de las relaciones laborales. Entre los temas considerados figuran los vínculos entre el diálogo social europeo y de ámbito nacional. Sobre la base del conocimiento de su Red de corresponsales europeos en 28 Estados miembros de la UE y Noruega, ha examinado la evolución seguida en todos los Estados miembros y en la UE en su conjunto. 

Aportaciones fundamentales

Eurofound ha elaborado diversos análisis comparativos, artículos y estudios de caso en toda la UE28 y Noruega en el área de las relaciones laborales, así como bases de datos actualizadas periódicamente sobre asuntos afines.

En un reciente estudio se catalogan y analizan las dimensiones e indicadores fundamentales que atañen a los sistemas de relaciones laborales en Europa en el siglo XXI. En otra vía de la investigación se considera el modo en que los interlocutores sociales en la UE y Noruega han afrontado nuevos temas, instrumentos y enfoques innovadores para dar respuesta a los numerosos desafíos políticos, jurídicos y sociales que se han planteado en los últimos años.

La remuneración y el tiempo de trabajo siguen siendo áreas de alto interés y se revisan cada año. Dos de las cuestiones en las que se centra el reciente informe sobre remuneración son, por un lado, los niveles salariales mínimos establecidos por ley en toda la UE, y por el otro, la negociación salarial colectiva.

Desde 2006, Eurofound ha llevado a cabo estudios sobre la representatividad de las organizaciones sectoriales europeas de interlocutores sociales, conforme al mandato establecido por la Comisión Europea.


Informes sobre la evolución de la vida laboral 

Eurofound proporciona datos sistemáticos y comparables sobre los sistemas de relaciones laborales nacionales y los avances en el terreno de la vida laboral, sirviéndose a tal efecto de herramientas de seguimiento e información, sobre la base de las aportaciones de su Red de corresponsales europeos en los 28 Estados miembros y Noruega.


Key outputs


This report examines the average weekly working hours across Europe in 2021 and 2022. It covers important developments resulting from legislative reforms in collective bargaining at national or sectoral level...

24 Octubre 2023
Research report

La revisión anual de los salarios mínimos de 2023 se elaboró en el contexto de una inflación sin precedentes en toda Europa. Aunque esto dio lugar a fuertes aumentos de...

29 Junio 2023
Research report

Como parte de su mandato de promover el diálogo entre los interlocutores sociales, Eurofound ha realizado un seguimiento y un análisis de la evolución de los sistemas de relaciones laborales...

11 Diciembre 2020
Flagship report

Current and ongoing research


Other ongoing work

    • Social dialogue in companies, particularly linkages that can be drawn between national and EU level, to better understand of cooperation mechanisms used in decision-making and implementation in multinational companies
    • Exploration of the role of national social partners in the European semester and analysis of quality and effectiveness of their involvement
    • Summary of discussions on capacity-building social dialogue to support a meaningful and effective social dialogue
    • A flagship report on industrial relations covering topics related to both social dialogue and working life developments, including updates on collectively agreed pay
    • Representativeness studies on a variety of sectors to provide the European Commission required information to assess the representativeness of European sectoral social partner organisations
    • Highlights of recent developments of selected features of working life in so called topical updates, with one featuring statutory minimum wages
    • Updated time series in EurWORK database of wages, working time and collective disputes
    • Updated time series and update on developments in collectively agreed pay
    • Exploring the feasibility for an Industrial Action Monitor

    Eurofound expert(s)


    Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound and focuses on comparative industrial relations, social dialogue and collective bargaining...

    Research manager,
    Working life research unit

    Victoria Cojocariu is a research support officer for the representativeness studies in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. She is responsible for the management of the research...

    Research support officer,
    Working life research unit
    Publications results (516)

    While discrimination against women at work has long been a mainstream topic in research literature, only marginal attention has been paid to discrimination against men. A number of factors may be responsible for this, including change in traditional occupational roles, cultural perceptions of the

    27 March 2018

    The latest European Semester cycle, covering the period 2016–2017, has highlighted a range of issues regarding the quality of involvement by the social partners in the elaboration of the 2017 National Reform Programme (NRP), as well as in the implementation of the country-specific recommendations

    06 March 2018

    In light of the limited action in many Member States to introduce or review gender pay transparency instruments as recommended, in November 2017 the European Commission announced the possible need for further targeted measures at EU level. This report reviews experiences in four Member States –

    07 February 2018

    The term ‘minimum wage’ refers to the various legal restrictions governing the lowest rate payable by employers to workers, regulated by formal laws or statutes. This report provides information on statutory minimum wages that are generally applicable in a country and not limited to specific sectors

    06 February 2018

    Eurofound’s 2016 report Mapping key dimensions of industrial relations identified four key dimensions of industrial relations: industrial democracy, industrial competitiveness, social justice, and quality of work and employment. This report builds upon that earlier study, developing a dashboard of

    29 January 2018

    This study provides information designed to encourage sectoral social dialogue in the tanning and leather sector. The aim of Eurofound’s series of studies on representativeness is to identify the relevant national and supranational social partner organisations in the field of industrial relations in

    07 November 2017

    This study provides information designed to encourage sectoral social dialogue in the footwear industry. The aim of Eurofound’s series of studies on representativeness is to identify the relevant national and supranational social partner organisations in the field of industrial relations in selected

    19 October 2017

    Developments in Working Life in Europe is part of a series of annual reviews published by Eurofound and provides an overview of the latest developments in industrial relations and working conditions across the EU and Norway.

    25 September 2017

    This annual review covers several issues related to working time in the EU and Norway in 2015 and 2016. It is based mainly on contributions from Eurofound’s Network of European Correspondents (NEC).

    16 August 2017

    This article discusses the issues related to religion in the workplace, a topic that has received considerable attention in the media recently. An overview of significant cases of dispute between employers and employees is provided, as well as examples of social partners’ initiatives to accommodate

    31 July 2017

    Online resources results (1688)

    Netherlands: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    The increase in wages, rise in self-employed workers, and new reports on the state of the labour market and works councils are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the Netherlands in the third quarter of 2016.

    Lithuania: Job quality and working conditions of home care workers

    As part of an 18-month project to examine employment and demand for services in Lithuania’s elderly care sector, researchers have carried out a survey that highlights the low wages and poor working conditions of the sector. Despite this, the findings indicate that workers in the sector report a high

    Germany: Compromise struck on new temporary agency work legislation

    A revised bill on temporary agency work and service work, set to be passed by the German Federal Government in early March 2016, was finally passed by Parliament in October and awaits approval by the Federal Council. It contains limitations on the use of temporary agency work, but also provides room

    Ireland: New paternity leave law could benefit up to 40,000 fathers

    It is estimated that between 30,000 and 40,000 fathers a year will apply for the new paternity leave benefit which entitles a ‘relevant parent’ to claim two weeks’ continuous paid leave from his or her employment within 26 weeks of the birth/adoption of their child.

    Greece: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    Negotiations between Greece and the Troika on labour market reform in the area of collective redundancies, collective action and collective bargaining and the position of the peak social partners are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments

    Denmark: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    A new tripartite agreement to increase the number of internships and meet future skills needs and the staged approach to tripartite discussions are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Denmark in the third quarter of

    Malta: Airline pilots right to strike disputed

    A court injunction preventing Air Malta’s pilots from striking was overturned on appeal in July 2016. The pilots had threatened action over a lack of information on the company’s restructuring plans. A civil court upheld the company’s claim that the action would jeopardise the company, but the

    Bulgaria: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    Government measures to support employment, the representativeness of the social partner organisations, and the social partners’ failure to agree on an increase in minimum insurance thresholds are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in

    Malta: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    The restructuring exercise at Air Malta, which is nearing its end, and the changes to the Industrial Tribunal are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Malta in the third quarter of 2016.

    Ireland: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    The establishment of a Labour Employer Economic Forum, pay disputes involving the police and teachers, and the resolution of pay disputes by Dublin bus and tram drivers are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Ireland

    Blogs results (18)

    Minimum wages have risen significantly in 2022, as the EU Member States leave behind the cautious mood of the pandemic. However, rising inflation is eating up these wage increases, and only flexibility in the regular minimum wage setting processes may avoid generalised losses in purchasing power

    15 Junio 2022

    In the context of the ongoing trend of a fall in collective bargaining coverage, and recent calls at EU level to promote collective bargaining coverage as an instrument to support fair and decent wages, new data from Eurofound’s fourth European Company Survey (ECS) show that two-thirds of workers

    28 Octubre 2020

    The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is having drastic consequences for the world of work. In most European countries workers who are not delivering essential ‘frontline’ services are being asked to stay home. Unfortunately many are out of work, while many of those who are not are minimum-wage and low

    1 Abril 2020

    As one of their ‘100 days in office’ initiatives, the new European Commission intends to propose an initiative for an EU minimum wage. The aim is that by 2024 every worker in the EU should earn a fair and adequate wage, no matter where they live.

    15 Enero 2020

    Trade unions in many EU Member States face the issue of declining membership. This is a fundamental challenge for organised labour, but it is premature to speak about the redundancy unions: when it comes to important decisions affecting the workplace, restructuring being one, trade unions remain a

    20 Noviembre 2019

    The International Labour Organization (ILO) met for the first time 100 years ago, and right at the top of the agenda for discussion for this new specialised UN agency was the 8-hour working day. This discussion subsequently resulted in the Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, which stated that ‘The

    12 Noviembre 2019

    The European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work last year documented the case of a Dutch temporary work agency that hired workers of various nationalities to work for a construction company in Belgium. The wages were suspiciously low, and the Belgian Labour Inspectorate believed that EU law

    17 Julio 2019

    The votes have been cast, tallied and declared and we can now see the political landscape of the new European Parliament. It is a complex picture: there has been growth of far-right and populist parties, but well short of what was projected, and at the same time there has been a boost for pro

    30 Mayo 2019

    Seniority entitlements have largely been on the decline since the 1990s, and have been gradually phased-out from legislation in Europe, as well as in collective agreements. However, it would be premature to dismiss seniority-based entitlements as a thing of the past, as they remain in force across

    17 Abril 2019

    In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Karel Fric and Camilla Galli da Bino look at the issue of discrimination against men in the workplace in Europe, and the current lack of research in this area.

    1 Mayo 2018

    Upcoming publications results (9)

    This report reviews the quality of the national social partners’ involvement in the implementation of the reforms and investments shaping the digital and green transition in the context of national policymaking. These reforms and investments stem mainly from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

    March 2025

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the extractive industries sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective par

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the construction sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participatio

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the chemical sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the road transport sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participat

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the postal and courier activities sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effec

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the graphical industry. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation

    November 2024

    This publication comprises individual country reports on developments in working life in each of the 27 EU Member States and Norway in 2023, based on national research and survey results.

    June 2024

    The 2024 annual review of minimum wages presents the most recent rates of national minimum wages and recalls how they were set and agreed upon during 2023. It includes information on minimum wages set in sectoral collective agreements in countries without national minimum wages.

    June 2024


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