La pandemia de COVID-19 siguió siendo una fuerza determinante en la vida y el trabajo de los europeos por segundo año en 2021, y Eurofound continuó su labor de examinar y registrar sus múltiples y diversas repercusiones en los Estados miembros de la UE. Vivir y trabajar en Europa 2021 ofrece una instantánea de los cambios registrados en el empleo, el trabajo y las condiciones de vida en Europa, tal y como constataron las actividades de investigación de Eurofound en 2021. Este anuario también resume las conclusiones de la Agencia en relación con otros aspectos problemáticos de la vida social y económica, como la igualdad de género en el empleo, la desigualdad de la riqueza y la escasez de mano de obra, que tendrán un impacto significativo en la recuperación de la pandemia, la resiliencia frente a la guerra en Ucrania y el éxito de la transición hacia un futuro verde y digital. La investigación de Eurofound sobre las condiciones de vida y de trabajo en Europa proporciona una base empírica para contribuir a la elaboración de políticas sociales y lograr la visión de la Agencia de ser la principal fuente de conocimientos de Europa para mejorar la vida y el trabajo.
El anuario va acompañado del Informe anual de actividades consolidado de 2021, que es el informe oficial de la Agencia sobre las operaciones, el personal y los presupuestos (véase el contenido relacionado).
The yearbook contains the following lists of tables and graphs.
List of tables
Table 1: Level of involvement of social partners in employment-protection measures, September 2020
Table 2: Change in employment levels, weekly hours worked and share of furloughed employees, year on year by quarter, by age and gender, EU27, 2019–2020
Table 3: Proportions of workers employed in NACE sectors, by age group, 2019 (%)
Table 4: Women’s share of employment (%) in nine occupational groups, EU27, 1998 and 2019
Table 5: Women’s employment share by broad sector, EU27 (%), 1998 and 2019
List of figures
Figure 1: Employment level (in millions), EU27, 2019–2020
Figure 2: Number of furloughed workers (in millions), by quarter, EU27, 2019–2020
Figure 3: Announced job loss, indicating whether or not COVID-19 was cited explicitly as a reason, and announced job creation, EU27 and Norway, Q1 2020–Q1 2021
Figure 4: Announced job loss in selected sectors (% of employment), indicating whether or not COVID-19 was cited as a reason, EU27 and Norway, March 2020–March 2021
Figure 5: Employment change, year on year (%),by sectoral category, EU27, 2019–2020 (Q2 and Q4)
Figure 6: Changes in employment levels and share of furloughed employees, year-on-year by quarter, EU Member States, 2019–2020
Figure 7: Employment change (in thousands), year on year, in the mostly non-essential sectors with the largest employment declines, EU27, 2019–2020
Figure 8: Change in employment levels among employees and self-employed, by quarter, EU27, 2019–2020
Figure 9: Actual versus predicted unemployment rates (%), EU Member States, 2020
Figure 10: Percentage of workers supported by employment-protection measures in selected sectors and Member States (%), March–August 2020
Figure 11: Proportion of jobs supported by governmental measures (%), EU Member States, April 2020
Figure 12: Maximum replacement rates available through employment-protection schemes (% of previous salary), EU Member States, March–September 2020
Figure 13: Response of businesses to COVID-19 (%), EU27, 2020
Figure 14: Extent of changes businesses made to their physical infrastructure due to COVID-19 (%), EU27, 2020
Figure 15: Extent to which encouraging autonomy and control became more important because of the pandemic (%), EU27
Figure 16: Extent of work autonomy and problem-solving in employees’ jobs (%), EU27, 2019 and 2020
Figure 17: Relative change in work autonomy and problem-solving, 2019 and 2020
Figure 18: Location of work during the pandemic (%), EU27
Figure 19: Telework preferences post-pandemic (%), EU27
Figure 20: Proportion of employees usually working from home in 2020 compared with the potential who could potentially work remotely (%), EU Member States
Figure 21: Percentage of workers who worked in their free time during COVID-19, by frequency and work location, EU27, July 2020
Figure 22: Average life satisfaction of young people, EU27, on a scale of 1–10, 2020–2021
Figure 23: % of young people at risk of depression, EU27, 2020–2021
Figure 24: % of young people optimistic about the future, EU27, 2020–2021
Figure 25: Trust in government and trust in the EU among young people, on a scale of 1–10, EU27, 2020–2021
Figure 26: Change in GDP per capita (%), by EU Member State, 2019–2020
Figure 27: Change in the unemployment rates of Member States (percentage points), 2019–2020
Figure 28: Estimated change in the AROPE rate, EU Member States, 2019–2020
Figure 29: Expected speed of economic recovery, EU Member States
Figure 30: Europeans’ opinions on the lives of future generations, EU27, 2018
Figure 31: Europeans’ opinions on the lives of future generations (%), EU Member States, 2018
Figure 32: Social Optimism Index scores (mean), EU Member States, 2019
Figure 33: Wealth concentration (%), by percentile in 21 HFCS countries, 2017
Figure 34: Average net wealth by Member State, 21 HFCS countries, 2017 (€)
Figure 35: Breakdown of wealth by wealth quintile, 21 HFCS countries, 2017 (€)
Figure 36: Employment share by gender concentration category (%), EU27, 1998 and 2019
Figure 37: Employment shifts by gender and by gender concentration category in percentage points, EU27, 1998–2019
Figure 38: Employment distribution by gender and job–wage quintile (thousands), EU27, 2019
Figure 39: Composition of company boards: % of women, by Member State, 2010 and 2018
Figure 40: Proportion of women on company boards: Member States with and without national gender-balance quotas compared, 2003–2020
Figure 41: Gender pay gap (%) and average wages, by occupation, EU, 2018
Figure 42: Gender pay gap (%) and average wages by sector, EU, 2018
Figure 43: Gender pay gap (%), by job–wage quintile, EU, 2018
Figure 44: Variable components of pay (%), by gender, EU27 and the UK, 2005–2015
Figure 45: Female employees reporting good prospects for career advancement and gender gap (%), EU27 and the UK, 2005–2015
Figure 46: Employee experience of selected emotional demands (%), by gender, EU27 and the UK, 2010 and 2015
Figure 47: Average weekly working hours of employees across the life course, by gender, EU27 and the UK, 2015
Figure 48: Job vacancy rates in the EU27 (%), by sector, Q2 2018–Q1 2021
Figure 49: Average job vacancy rate versus average unemployment rate, EU Member States, Q3 2020
Figure 50: Main shortage occupations – number of countries reporting shortages in different occupations, EU27, 2020
Figure 51: Prevalence of psychosocial workplace risks, 2005–2015
Figure 52: Effect of job demands and resources on health and well-being
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