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Darba samaksa un ienākumi

Darba samaksa un ienākumi ir būtiski svarīgi darba attiecību un dzīves kvalitātes elementi. Notikumi ekonomikā un sabiedrībā, ko pastiprināja krīze, ES līmenī pievērsa šim jautājumam aizvien lielāku uzmanību.


Recent updates


In this pilot project, Eurofound successfully established the feasibility of, and piloted, an EU-wide database of minimum pay rates contained in collective agreements related to low-paid workers. A conceptual and...

26 Janvāris 2024
Research report

EU context

Eiropas sociālo tiesību pīlārs pauž ES apņemšanos risināt jautājumu par darba algām — darba ņēmēju tiesības uz taisnīgu atalgojumu, kas nodrošina pienācīgu dzīves līmeni; nodrošināt pienācīgu minimālo algu; novērst nodarbinātu personu nabadzību.

Eurofound darbs

Eurofound regulāri ziņo par dažādiem darba samaksas un ienākumu aspektiem, ko ietekmē mainīgie ekonomiskie apstākļi Eiropā.

Darba samaksas novērošana

Eurofound Eiropas Darba dzīves novērošanas centrs (EurWORK) apkopo plašu informāciju par darba samaksu. Tā kā ziņojumi tiek sagatavoti regulāri, ir pieejami vispusīgi novērojumi par norisēm darba samaksas koplīgumu jomā, tādējādi nodrošinot tendenču novērošanu. Eurofound regulāri publicē tematiskos kopsavilkumus par likumā noteikto minimālo algu un koplīgumos noteikto darba samaksu. Tas novēro arī valstu līmeņa notikumus attiecībā uz darba algas noteikšanas mehānismiem, vienlīdzīgu darba samaksu, mainīgu atalgojumu, zemu atalgojumu un vīriešu un sieviešu darba samaksas atšķirību.

Darba dzīves valstu profili sniedz informāciju par valstī noteikto darba algu un tiek regulāri atjaunināti. EurWORK uztur divas datubāzes par darba samaksu (sk. tālāk norādītos resursus).

Eurofound Eiropas Darba uzraudzības centrs (EJM) analizē pārmaiņas nodarbinātības jomā, ņemot vērā dažādus kvalitatīvus pasākumus, tostarp darba samaksu. Proti, tas papildina mūsu zināšanas par nodarbinātības polarizāciju — šķiet, ka nodarbinātības līmenis algu sadalījuma augšējā un apakšējā sektorā palielinās vairāk nekā vidusdaļā.

Apsekojumu dati

Eurofound apsekojumos tiek pētīti arī darba samaksas nosacījumi ES. Eurofound pētījumā vērtējot darba kvalitāti, darba samaksa ir galvenais elements. Eiropas darba apstākļu apsekojumā (EWCS) ienākumi ir viens no septiņiem darba kvalitātes rādītājiem. EWCS ziņo arī par vīriešu un sieviešu darba samaksas atšķirību. Izpētiet EWCS interaktīvo datu vizualizācijas rīku.

Eiropas dzīves kvalitātes apsekojumā (EQLS) tiek novērota ienākumu ietekme uz dzīves līmeni un ienākumu nevienlīdzības saistība ar sociālo kohēziju un labjutību. Tajā tiek analizēts, kā krīze ir ietekmējusi ģimenes, īpašu uzmanību pievēršot ģimenēm ar maziem ienākumiem, mājsaimniecību parādiem un nabadzības riska grupām. EQLS arī apkopo informāciju par ienākumiem pensijā un iespējām pagarināt darba dzīvi. Izpētiet EQLS interaktīvo datu vizualizācijas rīku .

Eiropas uzņēmumu apsekojums (ECS) aplūko mainīga atalgojuma sistēmas uzņēmumos, kā arī šo uzņēmumu darbinieku īpatsvaru, ar kuriem noslēgti darba algas koplīgumi. Pamatojoties uz apsekojumu, informāciju par mainīgu atalgojumu un darba samaksas koplīgumiem var saistīt ar informāciju par darba organizāciju, cilvēkresursu pārvaldību, darba ņēmēju tiešo dalību un sociālo dialogu, kā arī ar darba rezultātiem un labjutību darbavietā.

Key outputs


2023. gada pārskats par minimālajām algām tika sagatavots bezprecedenta inflācijas kontekstā visā Eiropā. Lai gan tas daudzās valstīs izraisīja ievērojamu nominālo algu līmeņu pieaugumu, daudzos gadījumos ar to nepietika, lai...

29 Jūnijs 2023
Research report

Covid-19 pandēmijai bija atšķirīga ietekme uz sociālajām grupām atkarībā no pastāvošajiem nevienlīdzības aspektiem, un tika plaši uzskatīts, ka tā izraisīja nevienlīdzības pieaugumu dažādās dzīves jomās. Izmantojot Daudzdimensiju nevienlīdzības uzraudzības satvara...

24 Janvāris 2023
Research report

Šajā ziņojumā aplūkots mājsaimniecību bagātības sadalījums ES dalībvalstīs un analizēta bagātības nozīme sociālajā mobilitātē. Izmantojot datus no trim datu kopām (Mājsaimniecību finanšu un patēriņa apsekojuma, Apsekojuma par veselību, novecošanu un...

30 Marts 2021
Research report

Current and ongoing research



Eurofound expert(s)


Christine Aumayr-Pintar is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. Her current research topics include minimum wages, collectively agreed wages and gender...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Carlos Vacas Soriano is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He works on topics related to wage and income inequalities, minimum wages, low pay, job quality...

Research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (123)

This report addresses growing concerns about income inequalities in academic and policy debates by offering a comprehensive study of income inequalities during the years of the Great Recession starting in 2008–2009 (income data relating to 2004–2013). It has the twofold objective of adopting an EU

13 March 2017

In 22 out of 28 EU Member States, a generally applicable statutory minimum wage exists; the level of this minimum wage varies greatly from one country to another. This article provides information on statutory minimum wage levels, how the minimum wage has been determined for 2017 and minimum wage

09 February 2017

Teachers across Europe have been protesting about their working conditions. Pay levels and pay inequalities, working time and workload, recruitment procedures and staffing at schools have been the main focus of social dialogue and collective action. Several of the reported cases are set in the

09 January 2017

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the financial services sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS). The sector

22 December 2016

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the transport sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS). The sector includes

22 December 2016

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the commerce and hospitality sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS). The

22 December 2016

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the construction sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS). The sector

22 December 2016

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the health sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS). The sector includes all

22 December 2016

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the education sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS). The sector includes

22 December 2016

This paper is one in a series of sector profiles giving an overview of structural characteristics, work organisation practices, human resource management, employee participation and social dialogue in the public administration and defence sector. It is based on the third European Company Survey (ECS

22 December 2016

Online resources results (888)

Latvia: Latest working life developments – Q4 2017

The state budget for 2018, tax reforms, the ending of strike action by healthcare workers, and continued wage growth are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Latvia in the fourth quarter of 2017.

UK: Public sector pay cap lifted for police and prison officers

In September 2017, the UK government announced its lifting of the 1% public sector pay cap for police and prison officers, and for some staff of the National Health Service. It also signalled that the pay cap would be lifted for all public sector workers from 2018, but the opposition Labour Party


Finland: Experiences of pay auditing measures

Studies in 2010 and 2012 of measures brought in by Finland to ensure pay transparency have shown that employers were initially reluctant to close the gender pay gap. The results highlighted the need for improvement in the implementation of pay auditing measures, which led to amendments in the law.

Hungary: Latest working life developments – Q4 2017

Wage competition in the retail sector, tough negotiations for the long-awaited wage increases for state companies, and a pay increase without change in salary for healthcare workers are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working

Finland: Latest working life developments – Q4 2017

The ongoing sectoral collective bargaining round, the government’s controversial active labour market policy, and proposed regulations on zero-hour contracts are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Finland in the

Italy: New rules to protect call centre workers

Measures have been introduced in Italy to protect its 80,000 call centre workers from the negative effects of increasing competitive pressures on employment, delocalisation and working conditions. Employers and unions in the sector have also adopted new rules aimed at avoiding social dumping

Italy: Latest working life developments – Q4 2017

Wage increases for public sector employees, industrial conflicts at steelmaker ILVA and Amazon, legislative measures on self-employed workers’ earnings and business incentives for private companies are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest

Croatia: Push to revise the complex pay system in healthcare sector

There is a significant gap between the pay of Croatian healthcare workers and those in the rest of the EU. In the last four years more than 500 physicians have left Croatia to work abroad. The sector is heavily in debt, rules for calculating salaries are complex, and the collective agreement is not


Cyprus: Social partners agree to reactivate cost of living allowance

On 28 July 2017, agreement was reached on a proposal by the Minister of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance for the reactivation of the cost of living allowance – a wage indexing system linked to the consumer price index, which has been frozen since 2012 in response to the economic crisis.


Austria: Social partners agree on €1,500 monthly minimum wage for all sectors

The social partners have agreed on a monthly gross minimum wage of €1,500 for all sectors, to be implemented nationally by 2020. The federal government asked them to negotiate on this in early 2017, warning them that it would legislate for a minimum wage if the social partners could not find a

Blogs results (22)

The growth in average (nominal) pay of employees has accelerated in recent years in EU countries after a slump following the economic crisis. Similar developments show up in data on collectively agreed wages. However, higher wage growth figures do not automatically mean that all employees benefit

27 Februāris 2017

More than one in 10 employees in the EU are employed on temporary contracts, but a majority of them would prefer a permanent contract. Temporary contracts help employers to manage their labour demand, but there are downsides for employees, such as job insecurity and lower pay.

19 Februāris 2016

Upcoming publications results (2)

The report maps trends in income inequality and examines the situation of the middle classes in the EU during 2020, the year most associated with the COVID-19 lockdowns. It charts developments in the size and composition of middle-class households across countries, identifies those that suffered dis

July 2024

The 2024 annual review of minimum wages presents the most recent rates of national minimum wages and recalls how they were set and agreed upon during 2023. It includes information on minimum wages set in sectoral collective agreements in countries without national minimum wages.

June 2024
Data results (4)


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