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Envelhecimento da população ativa

O envelhecimento da população europeia coloca muitos desafios aos decisores políticos em matéria de emprego, condições de trabalho, padrões de vida e segurança social. O tema do envelhecimento tem suscitado preocupações relativamente à sustentabilidade dos sistemas de pensões e da oferta de mão-de-obra. A promoção de oportunidades de emprego para uma força de trabalho em envelhecimento requer uma nova reflexão a nível empresarial, nacional e da UE.


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From July to December 2024, Eurofound supports the work of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context

Apesar do substancial crescimento das taxas de emprego entre os trabalhadores mais velhos na última década em muitos países da UE, o Relatório Conjunto sobre o Emprego da Comissão e do Conselho, de 2017, realça o potencial para um aumento ainda maior destas taxas. Em 2016, a taxa de emprego da população com idades entre 55-64 anos na UE manteve-se nos 55,3% em comparação com os 66,6% da população geral com idades compreendidas entre 15 e 64 anos. O aumento foi maior na população de sexo feminino.

O Pilar Europeu dos Direitos Sociais fornece um quadro que visa ajudar os mercados de trabalho a adaptarem-se aos novos desafios, promovendo simultaneamente a equidade e a solidariedade entre as gerações. Engloba o direito a um ambiente de trabalho adaptado às necessidades profissionais dos trabalhadores, de modo a permitir que prolonguem a sua participação no mercado de trabalho. Além disso, o recente acordo autónomo dos parceiros sociais europeus sobre o envelhecimento ativo e a abordagem intergeracional tem como compromisso facilitar aos trabalhadores mais velhos a participação ativa no mercado de trabalho e o prolongamento da vida ativa.

Trabalho da Eurofound

A Eurofound tem uma larga experiência no plano dos problemas que afetam a população ativa em envelhecimento. As investigações levadas a cabo desde os anos 90 do século XX debruçaram-se sobre a participação no mercado de trabalho, o desempenho profissional, as condições de trabalho e as preferências de trabalho dos trabalhadores seniores no contexto político do perfil demográfico europeu em mudança. O trabalho da Eurofound centrou-se igualmente no apoio público e nas iniciativas empresariais de promoção do emprego entre a população sénior. Tomou em consideração as trabalhadoras mais velhas, realçando as crescentes taxas de emprego deste grupo e a sua proporção crescente na força de trabalho, especialmente na faixa etária dos 55-64 anos.

Dados dos inquéritos

Os principais inquéritos da Eurofound fornecem um conjunto de dados sobre a situação dos trabalhadores mais velhos. O Sexto Inquérito Europeu sobre as Condições de Trabalho (EWCS) faz uma análise comparativa dos trabalhadores mais velhos nas diferentes dimensões da qualidade do emprego. Embora estes trabalhadores tenham menos probabilidades de ficar desempregados comparativamente aos trabalhadores mais jovens, os dados revelam que os trabalhadores mais velhos consideram que, se perderem o emprego, não conseguirão encontrar um novo emprego com uma remuneração idêntica e terão até dificuldades em voltar a entrar no mercado de trabalho.

Um estudo baseado no quinto Inquérito Europeu sobre as Condições de Trabalho (EWCS) da Eurofound analisa as características da mão-de-obra mais idosa e do trabalho nas diferentes idades, bem como os fatores que tornam o trabalho sustentável para uma força de trabalho em envelhecimento: boas condições de trabalho, bem-estar físico e mental e conciliação entre a vida profissional e a vida familiar.

O Inquérito Europeu sobre a Qualidade de Vida da Eurofound (EQLS) oferece conclusões relacionadas com a idade em várias dimensões da qualidade de vida na Europa. Uma análise das preferências de trabalho após os 50 anos de idade baseia-se nos resultados do terceiro EQLS e revela que muitos trabalhadores seniores preferem trabalhar menos horas, mesmo depois de considerarem as suas necessidades financeiras. Permitir que haja um maior alinhamento das horas de trabalho com as preferências de trabalho pode motivar e levar a que as pessoas trabalhem durante mais tempo.

Vidas ativas mais longas

Recentemente, a Eurofound uniu-se a três outras agências da UE na análise de trabalhos favoráveis aos idosos na Europa, dos desafios em matéria de políticas associadas a uma força de trabalho em envelhecimento e de soluções inovadoras.

Muitos trabalhadores não estão aptos nem motivados para trabalhar até à idade legal de reforma. Contudo, há um grupo que está apto e com vontade de trabalhar depois dessa idade. A Eurofound investigou este fenómeno crescente de continuar a trabalhar após a reforma.

Investigações recentes debruçaram-se sobre o prolongamento da vida ativa através de planos de pensões flexíveis, considerando em particular os planos de pensões parciais que podem facilitar esse prolongamento. As revisões a meio da carreira contributiva podem contribuir igualmente para uma vida ativa mais longa. As investigações analisaram o modo como essas revisões podem ajudar a clarificar a opção dos trabalhadores de permanecerem no ativo até uma idade de reforma mais tardia. Evidenciam, além disso, os diferentes instrumentos desenvolvidos pelas empresas para a retenção dos trabalhadores mais velhos.

Outras investigações documentam as iniciativas nacionais e setoriais levadas a cabo pelos governos e pelos parceiros sociais com vista à retenção de trabalhadores mais velhos no mercado de trabalho, incluindo incentivos financeiros e melhores condições de trabalho. Num projeto mais antigo, foram analisadas as iniciativas de gestão da idade introduzidas antes e depois da recessão para realçar as boas práticas aplicadas pelas empresas na Europa.


Key outputs


This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies...

13 Maio 2019
Research report

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European...

23 Janeiro 2018
Research report

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it...

21 Dezembro 2017
Research report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (101)

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Portugal over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

16 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Malta over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice at

16 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Latvia over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Poland over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Romania over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Slovakia over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Denmark over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Hungary over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good practice

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Lithuania over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good

15 October 2007

This report looks at the evolution of initiatives related to older employees undertaken by selected organisations (case studies) in Luxembourg over the last decade. It reviews the following points: main impacts of measures/initiatives at the company level; driving forces for implementing good

15 October 2007

Online resources results (133)

Older employees cite stress and fatigue as biggest problems at work

Within the framework of the European Community EQUAL Initiative [1] project Support network for reintegration into the labour market in the Utena and Vilnius counties [2], a survey was carried out in 2005. It aimed at identifying the status of pre-pension employees in companies in these two regions

Training opportunities for older workers

The Austrian Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer Österreich [1]) carried out a quantitative study on older workers, focusing on their access to and satisfaction with training, among other issues. The survey involved more than 600 employees over the age of 45 years, who are employed in six different

Company-level policies prove effective in age management

The European Commission’s Green Paper on Confronting demographic change: a new solidarity between generations (COM (2005) 94 final, 309 Kb PDF) [1] outlines the social and economic problems faced by the European Union in light of demographic developments. In terms of an ageing workforce, it is

Changed attitudes towards older workers

A qualitative case study, /New age contract/, which was carried out in 2001, emphasises that long working careers can only be built when working conditions are good and reasonable demands are made of people at all ages. Longer careers than are currently the norm will not be possible unless

Low labour market participation among older workers

The Economic Research Centre (Κέντρο Οικονομικής Έρευνας, ΚΟΕ [1]) of the University of Cyprus has conducted a study on the subject of labour market participation and retirement decisions. The study examines for the first time at a microeconomic level the factors affecting labour market

Views on retirement of middle-aged employees

The representative study on ‘ageing and remaining active’ (Älter werden – aktiv bleiben?!, 480 Kb PDF [1]), conducted on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation [2] (Bertelsmann Stiftung), among middle-aged employees reveals their attitude to work as they approach retirement age. The survey was carried

Companies plan for an ageing workforce

Adapting working conditions to meet the changing needs of staff plays a key role in encouraging older workers to stay at work. Adjustments can be made in three broad areas: working hours, function and tasks, and physical welfare and health at work. In the spring of 2004, the Centre for Population

Extent of discrimination against older workers

A survey was carried out in Luxembourg in order to assess the attitude of businesses towards older workers. The Centre for Population, Poverty and Socioeconomic Policy Studies (Centre d’études de populations, de pauvreté et des politiques socio-économiques, CEPS [1]) conducted the survey

Factors influencing workers to continue working until retirement age

Between 1993 and 2004, the labour force participation [1] rate of younger workers (15-24 years old) in the Netherlands was stable at around 40%. In the 25-49 year age group, the participation rate rose from 70% to 79%. However, the most remarkable finding relates to the oldest age group (50-64 years

Survey explores age-related policies, practices and preferences

New research, published in 2006 by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP [1]) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI [2]), has explored the extent to which current employment policies and practices comply with equal opportunities [3] regarding age. The report aimed to evaluate the effects

Blogs results (6)

There’s a demographic shift sweeping Europe: people are living longer and working longer. Older workers, however, face significant labour market barriers.

25 Janeiro 2024

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that

20 Março 2019

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 Novembro 2018

In this article, Jean-Marie Jungblut looks at the health of careers in Europe. He argues that, since the average length of the most important job in a person’s life is over 20 years, time should be put aside in the middle of a career to check the fit between the worker and the job. Different

21 Junho 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 Janeiro 2018

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in

26 Setembro 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025
Data results (2)


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