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Communication calendar

Prehod EU na podnebno nevtralno gospodarstvo ne zahteva nič manj od čiste industrijske revolucije. To poročilo proučuje morebitne družbeno-gospodarske posledice tovrstnih korenitih sprememb za različne evropske regije in skupine prebivalstva na podlagi pristopa predvidevanja. Za boljše razumevanje

19 June 2023

V odzivu na rusko vojno proti Ukrajini je EU aktivirala direktivo o začasni zaščiti za ljudi, ki so zbežali iz države, in jim omogočila naselitev v EU ter dostop do osnovnih javnih storitev in trga dela. Do pomladi 2023 je več kot 4,5 milijona ljudi uporabilo direktivo ali podobne nacionalne sheme

14 June 2023

On Friday 9 June 2023 from 10.00-13.00, Eurofound opened its doors to its neighbours and the local community, in collaboration with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. This was an opportunity to showcase our work on living and working in Europe, show guests around our premises, and provide

In-person event

On 7 June, the third event in a series of webinars, co-organised by the IIEA and the European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO) in Ireland is taking place with Eurofound’s Jorge Cabrita, Research Manager, Working Life unit; Deirdre Clune, MEP, EPP Group, Ireland; Barry Colfer, Director of Research


Mr Simon Coveney, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment visited Eurofound, the only EU Agency in Ireland, for the first time on Thursday, 1 June 2023, along with the Minister of State Mr Neale Richmond.

Other type of event

Problematika cenovne nedostopnosti stanovanj je v EU zelo zaskrbljujoča. Vodi do brezdomstva, stanovanjske negotovosti, finančne preobremenjenosti in neustreznih stanovanjskih razmer. Poleg tega mladim preprečuje, da bi zapustili dom staršev. Te težave vplivajo na zdravje in dobro počutje ljudi

30 May 2023

Mr Peter Burke, TD, Minister for European Affairs, visited Eurofound, the only EU Agency in Ireland, for the first time on Wednesday, 31 May 2023. Together with Eurofound’s Executive Director Ivailo Kalfin and other senior Eurofound staff, they discussed highlights of our current research findings

Other type of event

Izraz „hibridno delo“ se je razširil z razmahom dela na daljavo med pandemijo covida-19, ko so podjetja in zaposleni začeli razpravljati o načinih organizacije dela po pandemiji. Izraz se čedalje pogosteje uporablja za primere, v katerih se (delo, ki ga je mogoče opraviti na daljavo) opravlja na

25 May 2023

The 10th meeting of the EU wide national child guarantee coordinators hosted by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (IRL), in cooperation with the European Commission, will take place at Eurofound today, Monday 22 May 2023.


The rise of the platform economy during the last decade is one of the main disrupting forces for European labour markets. While standard employment remains the norm, platforms are expanding their reach and diversifying into novel business models. In doing so, they are also attracting an increasing n

16 May 2023