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Tööhõive ja tööturud

Tööhõive ja tööturud on üks kuuest põhitegevusest Eurofoundi 2021.–2024. aasta tööprogrammis. Eurofound jätkab tööd tööturgude arengute jälgimise ja analüüsimise eksperdikeskusena, sest ELi tööturud seisavad pärast COVID-19 pandeemiat silmitsi suurte väljakutsetega. Eurofound keskendub andmete kogumises ja uurimistegevuses sellele, millised on pandeemia tagajärjed tööle ja tööhõivele, ning kuidas tagada, et tööturg toimiks ja oleks kaasav.

Aastatel 2021–2024 annab Eurofoundi uurimistöö põhjaliku ülevaate ELis esinevatest väljakutsetest ja väljavaadetest tööhõive ja tööturgude valdkonnas. Eurofoundil on oluline roll tööturu suundumuste ning nende erinevatele töötajate rühmadele avalduva mõju jälgimisel.

Uurimistöö keskendub tööturu muutuvale struktuurile ning selles kasutatakse lisaks Eurostati andmetele Eurofoundi hästi toimivaid seirevahendeid – Euroopa töökohtade uuringut ja Euroopa restruktureerimise seirekeskust . Kuna mõnes riigis, piirkonnas, sektoris ja kutsevaldkonnas on oodata kõrget töötuse taset, mis mõjutab kõige ebakindlamates töösuhetes ja haavatavamaid töötajaid, aitavad need vahendid tuvastada kasvavaid ja hääbuvaid sektoreid, elukutseid ja kvalifikatsioone. Euroopa restruktureerimise seirekeskus uurib jätkuvalt ka suuremahulisi restruktureerimissündmusi, seadusandlikke ja toetusvahendeid ning selliseid meetmeid, mille on välja töötanud sotsiaalpartnerid ja avaliku sektori asutused, et aidata töötajaid, kes vahetavad töökohta või sektorit.

Eurofound keskendub ka tööjõupuudusele ning alakasutatud inimressurssidele ja talentidele teatud sektorites ja elukutsevaldkondades – mis kerkisid esile COVID-19 ajal –, uurides poliitilisi sekkumisi ja ettevõtete tavasid. Konkreetsed teemad hõlmavad oskuste mittevastavust tööturu vajadustele tööaega, geograafilist või ametialast liikuvust ja välismaalaste integratsiooni ning samuti tööturul alaesindatud rühmi (ntnoorednaised ja puuetega inimesed ). Eurofound vaatleb ka sektoreid, mis kannatavad tavapäraselt tööjõupuuduse all ja kus see probleem muutus pandeemia tõttu pakilisemaks. Seda tegevust võetakse arvesse Euroopa ettevõtete uuringu järgmise väljaande ettevalmistamisel.

Eurofound jätkab selles valdkonnas koostööd Euroopa Komisjoni Teadusuuringute Ühiskeskusega. Restruktureerimise uurimine annab panuse Globaliseerumisega Kohanemise Euroopa Fondi ja Euroopa Sotsiaalfond+ töösse. Tööjõupuuduse vähendamisele suunatud tööhõivepoliitika raames uuritakse seoseid sõsarameti Cedefopi ja Euroopa Tööjõuametiga oskuste ja töötajate liikuvuse osas.

„Kümnest inimesest kuuel on endiselt avatud, ajapiiranguteta leping. Kuigi arvnäitajad ebatüüpilise töö, st osaajatöö ja tähtajalise töö kohta ei ole viimase viie kuni kümne aasta jooksul palju muutunud, varjavad need nihet ebakindlamate töösuhtevormide suunas, ning ebakindlate töölepingute alusel töötajatel ei ole tööturule ega sotsiaalkaitsele samasugust juurdepääsu.“

Tina Weber, teadusjuht, tööhõiveüksus


Recent updates


The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to...

2 Mai 2024
Annual report

Peamised poliitikasõnumid


Eurofoundi uurimistöö peamisi järeldusi kasutavad poliitikakujundajad selleks, et käsitleda valdkonna põhiprobleeme.

  • Enne COVID-19 kriisi majandusliku mõju avaldumist oli Euroopa tööturu taastumine saavutamas strateegia „Euroopa 2020“ eesmärki, st ELi tööhõive määr oli peaaegu 75%. Kuigi varasemate kriiside käigus omandatud kogemused on ainulaadsed, on need näidanud, et töötajate tööturuga seotuse säilitamine ja võimalusel oskuste täiendamine aitab tagada kiiret taastumist.
  • Tööhõive kasv on järjekindlalt olnud nõrgim keskmiselt tasustatud töökohtadel – kõige rohkem majanduslanguste ajal – ja järjekindlalt suurim hästi tasustatud töökohtadel.
  • Ebatüüpilise töö tasemete stabiilsus varjab ebakindlate töösuhete kasvu teatavate rühmade hulgas, kusjuures üha suurem arv töötajaid töötab „muu” lepingu alusel või ilma lepinguta. COVID-19 pandeemia toob veelgi rohkem esile nende töötajate kehva olukorra, keda kriis on kõige raskemini tabanud ja keda see võib pikemas perspektiivis kõige rohkem mõjutada.
  • Erinevat tüüpi ebatüüpiliste töösuhete kasv süvendab ELi tööturgudel lõhet hästi kaitstud töötajate ja nende töötajate vahel, kelle juurdepääs sotsiaalkaitsele ja töösuhtest tulenevatele õigustele on piiratud, aidates kaasa tööturu killustatusele.See kehtib eriti kasvava arvu ebatüüpilist tööd tegevate töötajate kohta, kes kombineerivad ebatüüpilise töö vorme: nt ajutine ja osaajaga töö, füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja ja osaajaga töö.
  • Ebakindlate töökohtade praegune kasv nõuab poliitilisi lahendusi, et toetada töötajaid, kelle juurdepääs sotsiaalkaitsele ja esindatusele on piiratud. See on veelgi asjakohasem COVID-19 puhangu mõju kontekstis, millest tulenevad konkreetsed eksistentsiaalsed ohud paljudele ebakindlates töösuhetes olevatele töötajatele ja füüsilisest isikust ettevõtjatele.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound’s research will provide important insights into the challenges and prospects in the area of employment and labour markets in the EU. Eurofound has an important role to play in monitoring trends in the labour market, as well as monitoring the impact of these trends for different groups of workers.

Research will focus overall on the changing structure of the labour market using Eurofound’s well established monitoring instruments, the European Jobs Monitor (EJM) and the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM), alongside Eurostat data. With high levels of unemployment expected in some countries, regions, sectors and occupations, affecting also the most precarious and vulnerable workers, these instruments will help identify growing and declining sectors, occupations and qualifications. The ERM will also continue to examine large-scale restructuring events, legislative and support instruments, as well as measures developed by social partners and public authorities to assist workers transitioning between jobs or sectors.

Eurofound will also focus on labour shortages and under-utilised human resources and talent in certain sectors and occupations – accentuated during COVID-19 – by exploring policy interventions and company practices. Specific topics will include skills mismatches, working time, geographical or occupational mobility, and the integration of migrants, as well as covering groups underrepresented in the labour market such as young people, women and people with disabilities. Eurofound will also look at sectors traditionally affected by labour shortages, the issue becoming more urgent due to the pandemic. This activity will feed into the preparatory work for the next edition of the European Company Survey (ECS).

Eurofound’s collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) will also continue in this area. Research on restructuring will contribute to the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) and the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) activities. Links with sister agency Cedefop and the European Labour Authority will be explored as regards skills and labour mobility in the context of employment policies aimed at tackling labour shortages.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action to provide knowledge to support structural change, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to help address the challenges facing the EU and national levels in the areas of employment and labour market structures.

Specifically, Eurofound collects data and analyses trends in employment and labour market developments, identifying and examining gaps and groups at risk, in order to provide the European Commission and other EU institutions, Member State bodies and social partners with the support needed to devise more effective employment policies.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines 2021–2024, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, Eurofound’s research will support policy initiatives under the European Pillar of Social Rights in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis and activities linked to, among other initiatives, the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the reinforced Youth Guarantee, the Youth Employment Support package, the skills agenda, as well as innovation and job creation and the European Commission’s proposal for adequate minimum wages in the EU.


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues to monitor and analyse how the EU’s labour market structure is changing, looking at patterns related to employment status, workers’ demographic characteristics, and net job creation and job loss by sector and occupation, particularly in light of the challenges triggered by COVID-19 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Analysis draws on data from the European Jobs Monitor (EJM), European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) and Eurostat and the work involves ongoing updates to the EJM and ERM databases. 

In 2024, Eurofound publishes the findings of research investigating employment shifts across EU regions, from the pandemic to the recovery. In particular, the research focuses on the gap between urban/capital and rural areas and on patterns of sectoral specialisation which made some regions more exposed or resilient than others. The research investigates the evolution of telework across European regions, including the observed differences in the take up of regional telework. This work builds on the EJM regional analyses and the previous Eurofound/Joint Research Centre analysis on teleworkable jobs.

Eurofound finalises its analysis of the impact of short-time work schemes on retaining employment and securing incomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. One output from this project is a comparative database of the support measures used in the Member States. The research aims to derive policy lessons regarding effective instruments for future crises. 

Complementing earlier research on mapping the incidence of labour shortages and assessing policies to address shortages, Eurofound concludes its analysis of company/organisational practices. Some case studies look specifically at how displaced people from Ukraine have been integrated into the labour market. 

New research in 2024 investigates shifts in the employment structure in the first quarter of the 21st century, examining the pace of change (technological, globalisation/trade-related, demographic) and its impacts on labour markets.

Research begins on measuring job differences in task requirements and their implications for mobility and employment reallocation across the economy. It aims to determine the magnitude and the nature of changes in job tasks following a job move.

Work also commences on exploring wage determinants in the EU, with a specific focus on gender gaps. This research aims to identify correlations between trends in educational attainment and wages by gender, as well as the determinants of any mismatch between wages and education levels by gender.

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 jaanuar 2024
Work programme

Eurofound expert(s)

John Hurley

John Hurley is a senior research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He took up the role of research manager in February 2012. He is responsible for the European...

Senior research manager,
Employment research unit

Carlos Vacas Soriano is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He works on topics related to wage and income inequalities, minimum wages, low pay, job quality...

Research manager,
Employment research unit

​Martina Bisello is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. Her research interests include gender gaps in the labour market, occupational change and the impact of...

Research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (595)

The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to light evidence on the key issues shaping the daily lives and work of Europeans.

02 May 2024

Employment levels in the EU27 recovered from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020–2021 much faster than they did after the global financial crisis in 2008–2010. This was despite the immediate job loss effects of the two crises being of comparable scale. Demographic change is affecting labour

28 March 2024

In this report, we provide projections of how the Fit for 55 policy package may affect the sectoral and occupational structure of employment in the EU by 2030, and the impacts across different regions and countries.

25 October 2023

2022. aasta algas ettevaatliku optimismiga. Euroopa oli väljumas kaks aastat kestnud COVID-19 pandeemiast, kusjuures NextGenerationEU koostas taastamiskava, millega luuakse tugev ja jätkusuutlik tulevik. Venemaa sissetung Ukrainasse muutis aga aasta alguses olukorda dramaatiliselt, tekitades uusi

04 May 2023

On request by the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Eurofound prepared a background paper as a basis for the discussion at the informal Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) meeting on 3-4 May 2023. The paper outlines some of the key challenges

04 May 2023

Inimressursid aitavad kaasa organisatsiooni edule oma oskuste kaudu. Võimekuse, motivatsiooni ja võimaluste mudeli kohaselt sõltub töötajate panus organisatsiooni tulemustesse nende oskustest, motivatsioonist oskusi kasutada ja võimalustest seda teha. Organisatsioonid võivad kohandada võimekust

30 March 2023

Ajal, mil majandus hakkab COVID-19 pandeemiast taastuma, suureneb tööjõupuudus hoolimata Ukraina sõja mõjust energia- ja kaubahindadele. See hõlmab töötajate puudust teatud sektorites ja kutsealadel, kus see on juba mõnda aega esinenud, kuid mida kriis on veelgi süvendanud. Aruandes vaadeldakse

28 March 2023

Euroopa tööjõuturud on hästi taastunud COVID-19 pandeemiast. 2021. aasta lõpuks, s.o veidi enam kui 18 kuud pärast pandeemia algust, olid tööhõivemäärad ELis peaaegu kriisieelsel tasemel. Aruandes on kokkuvõte tööjõuturu arengutest aastatel 2020 ja 2021, kasutades ELi tööjõu-uuringu kvartaliandmeid

20 October 2022

Digitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns. Recently, the policy debate surrounding these concerns has become more prominent and has

30 May 2022

2021. aastal oli COVID-19 pandeemia teist aastat jätkuvalt üks määravaid jõude eurooplaste elus ja tööl ning Eurofound jätkas tegevust selle paljude ja mitmekesiste mõjude uurimisel ja dokumenteerimisel kõigis ELi liikmesriikides. „Elamine ja töötamine Euroopas 2021“ annab lühiülevaate neist

09 May 2022

Online resources results (959)

France: Government unveils plans to reform labour laws

The government has published five ordinances designed to reform the labour code. Changes include new rules for collective bargaining – including a reduction in the importance of sectoral agreements – as well as updated redundancy regulations and a new scale for unfair dismissal compensation.

Czech Republic: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Continued growth in the Czech economy, staff shortages in the social services sector, the tightening of agency employment rules and legislative measures to regulate Uber are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the


Alitalia faces uncertain future

The next few months will determine the future of Alitalia and its 12,000 employees. The Italian flag carrier entered into bankruptcy proceedings in May after workers rejected a deal brokered by unions and management that would have seen job and pay cuts. Alitalia is currently losing up to €100

Spain: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Ongoing talks on a national pay agreement, the rise in precarious employment and social inequalities, and a new government measure to promote the hiring of NEETs are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Spain in the

Finland: Increase in local bargaining shifts focus away from central-level bargaining

Employer organisations in Finland, supported by the centre-right government, are increasingly shifting central-level collective bargaining – a key element in Finnish industrial relations – to sectoral and local level. The Confederation of Finnish Industries has changed its internal rules to ban

Germany: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The conclusion of several collective wage bargaining rounds and the nomination of Martin Schulz to run as the Social Democrats’ candidate for Chancellor in September’s federal elections are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working

Finland: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The effects of the decision by the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK to terminate most peak-level agreements with trade unions and a setback for employment policy reforms are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

France: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Preparations for the presidential election and a revival of national social dialogue with the signing of a new collective agreement on the unemployment insurance scheme are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in France

Slovakia: Combating undeclared work – views and experiences of the actors involved

Two nationwide surveys on the issue of undeclared work aimed to map the views of officials from the different agencies involved in combating undeclared work. Respondents gave their opinions on the extent and causes of undeclared work and also provided suggestions on how to improve the system.

Hungary: Short-term solutions to the issue of labour shortages

In Hungary, the social partners, government and experts have for many years failed to agree on possible solutions to the growing problem of labour shortages. The recent acceleration of the problem has made some short-term measures inevitable, including a steep increase in the minimum wage and the

Blogs results (56)

Over the past four years a special project delegated to Eurofound has looked in detail at ongoing changes in manufacturing on a global scale, analysed how the industry will change further in the future, and assessed what the impacts will be for Europe. Looking at everything from changes in tasks for

9 aprill 2019

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 november 2018

Manual jobs in European manufacturing are being transformed as blue-collar workers take on more intellectual tasks. This is a consequence of the increasing use of digital tools and the growing importance of quality control in production. The severe losses of middle-paying jobs in the manufacturing

27 september 2018

Companies are constantly competing for the next big thing in innovation – the next-generation 3D phone, the quantum computer, the virtual doctor. They fixate on technological breakthroughs and look for new business models. But innovation also needs systems, an organisational structure and people who

18 juuni 2018

Wages grew and wage inequality fell in most EU countries in 2015. Germany is not one of the countries where wages rose most, but it did have the largest reduction of wage inequality. Our analysis shows that the German minimum wage policy introduced in 2015 strongly lifted the wages of the lowest

14 juuni 2018

Europe has weathered a number of storms in recent years, yet despite the Great Recession, the migration crisis and the challenges posed by Brexit, the EU continues on a stable path to economic recovery, closer cooperation and cohesion. However, the legacy of the crisis lives on in the number of

3 Mai 2018

In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Massimiliano Mascherini looks at the enduring issue of long-term unemployment among young people. Despite considerable improvement in the labour market participation of youth in recent years, the legacy of the crisis is still visible in the

17 aprill 2018

The integration of migrants from outside the EU into society is one of the key challenges that the Union must address to maintain social cohesion and equality. This blog piece looks at how well migrants and their descendants have integrated into the labour markets of EU Member States.


There are fears that thousands of jobs could be lost in financial services following the UK’s exit from the European Union. This blog piece explores some of the implications of Brexit for London’s financial hub, including the reactions of US banks.

12 veebruar 2018
New-generation cars boost manufacturing employment

Rising levels of employment in manufacturing in the EU since 2013 have seen the part reversal of a long-term decline in employment in this sector. Data from the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) database to early September 2017 show that, for the first time since 2005, the number of new

25 oktoober 2017

Upcoming publications results (3)

This report provides updated data on the scale of labour shortages and labour market slack in the EU and at Member State level and focusses on organisational policies aimed at attracting workers in shortage occupations. It provides lessons on steps employers can take to fill vacancies, whether actin

September 2024
Research report

Job retention schemes were the main policy instruments used across the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic to preserve employment and support businesses. The report provides an analysis of job retention schemes in the EU, focusing on their institutional characteristics, their impact on employment levels

September 2024
Research report

This report investigates regional employment dynamics in Europe before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the subsequent recovery from the crisis. Almost 90% of regions across the EU had exceeded their pre-pandemic employment levels by 2022. However, significant regional disparities in emp

August 2024
Data results (3)

The European Jobs Monitor (EJM) tracks structural change in European labour markets. It analyses shifts in the employment structure in the EU in terms of occupation and sector and gives a qualitative assessment of these shifts using various proxies of job quality – wages, skill levels, etc.

2 Mai 2023


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