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Starenje radne snage

Starenje europskog stanovništva nameće tvorcima politika mnoge izazove u pogledu zapošljavanja, radnih uvjeta, životnog standarda i dobrobiti, a dovelo je i do zabrinutosti u pogledu održivosti mirovinskih sustava i opskrbe radnom snagom. Za promicanje mogućnosti zapošljavanja za radnu snagu koja stari potrebno je novo razmišljanje na razini poduzeća te na nacionalnoj i europskoj razini.


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From July to December 2024, Eurofound supports the work of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context

Unatoč znatnom rastu stope zaposlenosti starijih radnika tijekom proteklog desetljeća u mnogim zemljama EU-a, Zajedničko izvješće o zapošljavanju Europske komisije za 2017. ističe potencijal dodatnog povećanja tih stopa. Stopa zaposlenosti starijih radnika u dobi od 55 do 64 godine 2016. u EU-u je iznosila 55,3 %, u usporedbi sa stopom od 66,6 % zaposlenih osoba u dobi od 15 do 64 godine u cjelini. Porast je bio najveći među starijim ženama.

Europski stup socijalnih prava pruža okvir za pomaganje tržištima rada u prilagodbi novim izazovima uz istodobno promicanje pravednosti i solidarnosti među generacijama. Naglašava pravo na radno okruženje prilagođeno profesionalnim potrebama radnika kako bi im se omogućilo produljenje sudjelovanja na tržištu rada. Osim toga, nedavni autonomni sporazum europskih socijalnih partnera o aktivnom starenju i međugeneracijskom pristupu obvezuje se na olakšavanje aktivnog sudjelovanja starijim radnicima i time omogućavanje dužeg ostanka na tržištu rada.

Rad Eurofounda

Eurofound je već dugo stručni autoritet u pogledu problema s kojima se suočava starija radna snaga. Istraživanja su od 1990.-ih bila usmjerena na sudjelovanje na tržištu rada, učinkovitost na radnom mjestu, radne uvjete i preferencije u pogledu rada starijih radnika u kontekstu politike promjenjivog demografskog profila Europe. Eurofound se usredotočio na potporu javnosti i na inicijative na razini poduzeća za poticanje zapošljavanja starijih radnika. Promatrao je starije radnice, ističući sve veće stope zaposlenosti ove skupine i njihov rastući udio u radnoj snazi, posebno u dobnoj skupini od 55 do 64 godine.

Rezultati istraživanja

Eurofoundova opsežna istraživanja pružaju niz podataka o situacijama starijih radnika. Šesto Europsko istraživanje o radnim uvjetima (EWCS) uspoređuje starije radnike u različitim dimenzijama kvalitete posla. Iako je manje vjerojatno da će stariji radnici ostati bez posla u odnosu na mlađe radnike, podaci pokazuju da stariji radnici smatraju da ako postanu nezaposleni, neće dobiti slično plaćen novi posao te da će imati poteškoće u ponovnom ulasku na tržište rada.

Istraživanje utemeljeno na Eurofoundovu petom Europskom istraživanju o radnim uvjetima (EWCS) razmatra obilježja starije radne snage i rada u različitim životnim razdobljima, kao i čimbenike koji čine posao održivim za radnu snagu koja stari: dobre radne uvjete, fizičku i psihičku dobrobit i ravnotežu između poslovnog i privatnog života.

Eurofoundovo Europsko istraživanje o kvaliteti života (EQLS) pruža rezultate o različitim dimenzijama kvalitete života u Europi prema dobi. Analiza preferencija u pogledu rada nakon 50. godine života oslanja se na treće Europsko istraživanje o kvaliteti života i pokazuje da mnogi stariji radnici radije rade manji broj sati čak i nakon što se uzmu u obzir njihove financijske potrebe. Olakšavanje boljeg usklađivanja radnog vremena s preferencijama radnika može omogućiti ljudima da rade dulje i motivirati ih.

Produljenje radnog vijeka

Eurofound se nedavno pridružio još trima agencijama Europske unije radi proučavanja radnih mjesta u Europi prilagođenih starijim dobnim skupinama, izazova politika povezanih sa starenjem radne snage i inovativnih rješenja.

Mnogi radnici nisu u mogućnosti raditi ili nisu motivirani da rade do zakonske dobi za umirovljenje. Međutim, postoji i skupina koja je sposobna i voljna raditi i nakon nje. Eurofound istražuje sve češću pojavu rada nakon umirovljenja.

Nedavna istraživanja usredotočila su se na produljenje radnog vijeka putem fleksibilnih sustava umirovljenja, posebno sustava djelomičnog umirovljenja koji to mogu olakšati. Pregledi karijere na polovini radnog vijeka isto tako mogu pridonijeti produljenju radnog vijeka. U istraživanjima se analiziralo na koji način takvi pregledi mogu pomoći radnicima u razmatranju mogućnosti za ostajanje na radnom mjestu do što kasnije dobi za umirovljenje. Ističu se različiti instrumenti koje su poduzeća razvila kako bi zadržala starije radnike.

U ostalim istraživanjima dokumentirane su nacionalne i sektorske inicijative vlada i socijalnih partnera za zadržavanje starijih radnika na tržištu rada, uključujući financijske poticaje i poboljšane uvjete. U ranijem projektu analizirane su inicijative za upravljanje pitanjem starenja uvedene prije i nakon recesije kako bi se istaknule dobre prakse u poduzećima u Europi.


Key outputs


Ovo se izvješće bavi utjecajem krize uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19 na kvalitetu života starijih građana, uključujući utjecaj na njihovu dobrobit, financije, zaposlenost i socijalnu uključenost. U njemu se istražuju učinci...

28 siječnja 2022
Research report

This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies...

13 svibnja 2019
Research report

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European...

23 siječnja 2018
Research report

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it...

21 prosinca 2017
Research report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (101)

The various economic and social shocks of the past decade and a half – most recently the COVID-19 pandemic – have ongoing consequences for the living standards and prospects of Europeans, and sometimes these outcomes have been uneven across age groups. Social policies – such as those in the areas of

19 December 2023

Ovo se izvješće bavi utjecajem krize uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19 na kvalitetu života starijih građana, uključujući utjecaj na njihovu dobrobit, financije, zaposlenost i socijalnu uključenost. U njemu se istražuju učinci na korištenje usluga skrbi i oslanjanje starijih osoba na druge

28 January 2022

Jedan od najuočljivijih događaja u proteklih pola stoljeća bio je golem porast sudjelovanja žena na tržištu rada. Žene su zaposlene na dva od tri neto nova radna mjesta otvorena tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća u EU-u. Istodobno se povećao udio starijih radnika na tržištu rada, kao posljedica

14 December 2021

U ovom se ključnom izvješću iznose glavni zaključci Eurofoundova istraživanja o radnim uvjetima koje je provedeno u programskom razdoblju 2017. – 2020. U njemu se utvrđuje napredak ostvaren od 2000. i ispituje jesu li svi radnici u jednakoj mjeri imali koristi od pozitivne promjene. Poseban se

26 February 2021

This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies a greater number of people in employment who can remain in the workforce for longer. The

13 May 2019

Much policy is developed and operationalised through the prism of age, and addressing differences in the economic and social circumstances of different age groups is an ongoing concern of policymakers. This policy brief looks at inequalities in the quality of life of Europeans across six age groups.

05 February 2019

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European Quality of Life Survey. This overview report presents the findings for the EU Member States. It uses information from

23 January 2018

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it is necessary to identify what are the factors preventing or helping workers to have a sustainable work.

21 December 2017

This article explores the views of workers about the issue of extending working life. It highlights differences in the share of workers regarding the age they would like to work to and the ability to work until 60 in terms of employment status, sex and country.

28 September 2017
Research report

The ageing of the EU’s population and workforce has implications for employment, working conditions, living standards and welfare. This report draws on the expertise of four EU Agencies in their respective areas, covers the policy challenges associated with the ageing workforce and considers

29 June 2017

Online resources results (133)

IG Metall seeks collective agreement on further training

On 3 April 2001, representatives of the metalworking employers' organisation for the district of Baden Württemberg (Südwestmetall) and the IG Metall metalworkers' trade union met for a first round of negotiations over a revision of the sector's general agreement on pay grades (Lohn- und

Intermediate employment targets agreed at Stockholm

A European Council meeting was held in Stockholm on 23–24 March 2001, bringing together heads of state and government and employment and social policy ministers to discuss economic and social questions. The requirement to hold such annual spring Councils was laid down by the Lisbon Council in March

Alliance for Jobs agrees joint statement on training

On 4 March 2001, leading representatives of the federal government, trade unions and employers' associations (see annex at the end of this record for details) met officially for their seventh round of top-level talks, chaired by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, within the national Alliance for Jobs

Milan employment pact assessed - one year on

In February 2000, an employment pact was signed for the city of Milan, Italy, with the aim of fostering the employment of people from socially disadvantaged groups. One year later, projects have been approved which involve the creation of around 1,000 jobs. The city council and the social partner

Labour Court approves job evaluation in wage discrimination case

On 21 February 2001, the Swedish Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen) issued its judgment in a case brought by the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (Jämställdhetsombudsmannen, Jämo) against the county council of Örebro län, a district west of Stockholm. Jämo represented two midwives employed at the Örebro

2001 Territorial Employment Pact agreed for Vienna

Since the mid-1990s, the city council, the Labour Market Service (Arbeitsmarktservice, AMS) and social partner organisations have been cooperating to improve the employment situation in Vienna, which had been relatively poor for some years. In the late 1990s, these efforts were translated into a

Agreement signed on early retirement in banking

In January 2001, a sectoral agreement on "an early retirement scheme for the banking industry" was signed by the AFB employers' association and the banking federations of the CGT-FO and CFTC trade union confederations. This five-year agreement will, through a system of new recruitment to compensate

Intersectoral agreement concluded for 2001 and 2002

On 22 December 2000, Belgium's central trade union and employers' organisations formally signed an intersectoral collective agreement for 2001-2. The accord provides for an indicative pay norm of an increase of 6.4% over two years (or up to 7% in well-performing sectors), as well as provisions on

Pre-retirement under debate

A report published in summer 2000 finds that large Spanish companies are increasingly using the mechanism of "pre-retirement" for older workers, even when they are not in a situation of crisis. Such schemes affect workers over the age of 50 and are seen as a way to reduce workforces that is fairly

Flexible career options introduced in the Flemish not-for-profit sector

In late October 2000, the Flemish minister of employment, Renaat Landuyt (of the Socialist Party), reached an agreement with employers' and employees' organisations on the practical implementation of an agreement for the not-for-profit (also known as "social profit") sector - welfare, healthcare and

Blogs results (6)

There’s a demographic shift sweeping Europe: people are living longer and working longer. Older workers, however, face significant labour market barriers.

25 siječnja 2024

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that

20 ožujka 2019

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 studenog 2018

In this article, Jean-Marie Jungblut looks at the health of careers in Europe. He argues that, since the average length of the most important job in a person’s life is over 20 years, time should be put aside in the middle of a career to check the fit between the worker and the job. Different

21 lipnja 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 siječnja 2018

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in

26 rujna 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025
Data results (2)


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