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Darbo užmokestis ir pajamos

Darbo užmokestis ir pajamos yra pagrindinis darbo santykių ir gyvenimo kokybės aspektas. Dėl krizės sukeltų ekonominių ir visuomeninių pokyčių šiam klausimui ES lygmeniu skirta dar daugiau dėmesio.


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In this pilot project, Eurofound successfully established the feasibility of, and piloted, an EU-wide database of minimum pay rates contained in collective agreements related to low-paid workers. A conceptual and...

26 Sausis 2024
Research report

EU context

 Europos socialinių teisių ramstyje išdėstyti ES įsipareigojimai darbo užmokesčio srityje: darbuotojų teisė į sąžiningą darbo užmokestį, kuriuo užtikrinamas deramas gyvenimo lygis; užtikrinamas minimalus darbo užmokestis; užkertamas kelias dirbančiųjų skurdo atsiradimui.

EUROFOUND atliktas darbas

EUROFOUND, atsižvelgdamas į besikeičiančias ekonomines aplinkybes visoje Europoje, reguliariai teikia ataskaitas apie įvairius su darbo užmokesčiu ir pajamomis susijusius aspektus.

Darbo užmokesčio stebėsena

Per savo Europos profesinio gyvenimo stebėjimo tarnybą („EurWORK“) EUROFOUND vienoje vietoje pateikia įvairią informaciją apie darbo užmokestį. Reguliariai teikiant ataskaitas galima įgyti daugiau stebėjimo duomenų apie kolektyvinį darbo užmokestį, todėl galima stebėti tendencijas. EUROFOUND reguliariai skelbia aktualią atnaujintą informaciją apie įstatyme nustatytą minimalų ir kolektyvinį darbo užmokestį. EUROFOUND taip pat stebi nacionalinio lygmens pokyčius susijusius su darbo užmokesčio nustatymo mechanizmais, vienodu darbo užmokesčiu, kintamu darbo užmokesčiu, mažu darbo užmokesčiu ir vyrų ir moterų darbo užmokesčio skirtumu.

Šalių informacijos suvestinės apie profesinį gyvenimą apima duomenis apie nacionalinį darbo užmokestį, kurie yra reguliariai atnaujinami. „EurWORK“ tvarko dvi duomenų apie darbo užmokestį bazes (žr. šaltinių skiltį toliau).

EUROFOUND Europos darbo vietų stebėjimo centras (EJM) vertina užimtumo pokyčius pagal darbo pobūdį ir atsižvelgia į įvairias kokybines priemones, įskaitant darbo užmokestį. Visų pirma centras padeda sužinoti daugiau apie užimtumo poliarizacijos reiškinį, t. y. mastą, kuriuo užimtumo augimas yra labiau tikėtinas atsižvelgiant į didžiausią ir mažiausią darbo užmokesčio pasiskirstymą, palyginti su vidutiniu darbo užmokesčiu.  

Tyrimo duomenys

Vykdant EUROFOUND tyrimus taip pat stebimos darbo užmokesčio sąlygos ES. Darbo užmokestis yra pagrindinis EUROFOUND tyrimų, per kuriuos vertinama darbo kokybė, aspektas. Europos darbo sąlygų tyrime (EDST) darbo užmokestis yra vienas iš septynių darbo kokybės rodiklių. EDST taip pat pateikiama informacija apie vyrų ir moterų darbo užmokesčio skirtumą. Susipažinkite su EDST interaktyvia duomenų vizualizacijos priemone.

Europos gyvenimo kokybės tyrimo (EGKT) metu stebimas pajamų poveikis gyvenimo lygiui ir kaip pajamų nelygybė yra susijusi su socialine sanglauda bei gerove. Tyrime analizuojama, kokį poveikį krizė padarė šeimoms, nagrinėjama mažas pajamas gaunančių šeimų padėtis, namų ūkio skola ir grupės, kurioms kyla skurdo rizika. EGKT metu taip pat renkama informacija apie pajamas, gaunamas išėjus į pensiją, ir profesinio gyvenimo pailginimo galimybės. Susipažinkite su EGKT interaktyvia duomenų vizualizacijos priemone.

Europos įmonių apklausos (EĮA) metu renkama informacija apie įvairių įmonėse naudojamų darbo užmokesčio sistemų naudojimą, taip pat duomenys apie šių įmonių darbuotojus, kuriems taikomi kolektyviniai susitarimai dėl darbo užmokesčio. Informacija sudaro sąlygas nustatyti ryšį tarp kintančio darbo užmokesčio ir derybų dėl darbo užmokesčio bei informacijos apie darbo organizavimą, žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą, tiesioginį darbuotojų dalyvavimą ir socialinį dialogą, taip pat ryšį su darbo rezultatais ir gerove darbo vietoje.

Key outputs


2023 m. metinė minimaliojo darbo užmokesčio peržiūra buvo parengta precedento neturinčios infliacijos visoje Europoje aplinkybėmis. Nors dėl jos daugelyje šalių nominalusis darbo užmokestis stipriai išaugo, daugeliu atvejų to nepakako, kad...

29 Birželis 2023
Research report

Nelygu, kokios nelygybės jau būta, COVID-19 pandemija socialinėms grupėms atsiliepė įvairiai, ir buvo plačiai manoma, kad dėl jos nelygybė įvairiose gyvenimo srityse tik dar labiau padidėjo. Remiantis ES daugiapakopės nelygybės...

24 Sausis 2023
Research report

Šioje ataskaitoje nagrinėjamas namų ūkių turto pasiskirstymas ES valstybėse narėse ir analizuojamas turto vaidmuo socialiniam judumui. Naudojantis duomenimis, gautais iš trijų duomenų bazių (Namų ūkio finansų ir vartojimo tyrimo, Sveikatos...

30 Kovas 2021
Research report

Current and ongoing research



Eurofound expert(s)


Christine Aumayr-Pintar is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. Her current research topics include minimum wages, collectively agreed wages and gender...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Carlos Vacas Soriano is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He works on topics related to wage and income inequalities, minimum wages, low pay, job quality...

Research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (123)

Seniority systems – schemes that allot improving employment rights or benefits to employees as their length of employment increases – have not been widely studied. This report provides the first comprehensive study comparing the design and spread of seniority-based entitlements (SBEs) in Europe and

17 April 2019

This short report examines the projected structural change for the wage and task structure of employment in EU Member States, up to 2030, using the framework developed in Eurofound’s European Jobs Monitor.

17 December 2018

A living wage has been defined as a measure of income that allows an employee a basic but socially acceptable standard of living. In recent decades, living wage initiatives have emerged in a small number of mainly English-speaking countries, including the UK and Ireland. These initiatives have

30 November 2018

This report examines the development of collectively agreed pay in conjunction with the development of actual compensation (‘wages’) and labour productivity in real terms. It applies both a longer-term perspective (the early 2000s to 2017) and a short-term perspective, with a focus on the outcomes

10 October 2018

Eurofound has a considerable body of research findings looking at how salary levels are set in EU Member States. This report looks at the mechanisms used to determine statutory minimum wages, the use of variable pay schemes in companies in the EU, and national systems of supplementary pay.

27 March 2018
Customised report

In light of the limited action in many Member States to introduce or review gender pay transparency instruments as recommended, in November 2017 the European Commission announced the possible need for further targeted measures at EU level. This report reviews experiences in four Member States –

07 February 2018

The term ‘minimum wage’ refers to the various legal restrictions governing the lowest rate payable by employers to workers, regulated by formal laws or statutes. This report provides information on statutory minimum wages that are generally applicable in a country and not limited to specific sectors

06 February 2018

Developments in Working Life in Europe is part of a series of annual reviews published by Eurofound and provides an overview of the latest developments in industrial relations and working conditions across the EU and Norway.

25 September 2017

This article discusses developments in collectively agreed wages in the European Union in 2016, putting them into the perspective of developments over the past 15 years. The tendency for growth in both nominal and real collectively agreed wages from 2015 continued. In two countries (Belgium and

25 July 2017

This EurWORK topical update summarises the views of European and national-level stakeholders on recent debates on implementing the principle of ‘equal pay’ for posted workers. Directive 96/71/EC foresees that posted workers must be granted the minimum standards of employment conditions applicable in

18 July 2017

Online resources results (888)

Social partners agree three-year national programme

The primary objectives of Partnership 2000 (P2000) are: " the continued development of an efficient modern economy capable of high and sustainable economic and employment growth and operating within the constraints of international competitiveness, ensuring that Irish society becomes more inclusive


Job security agreement at Blue Circle

In January 1997, the cement company, Blue Circle (BCC), and two of Britain's largest trade unions, the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) and the General Municipal and Boilermakers Union (GMB), agreed what has been described as a "ground breaking" deal which gives a guarantee of job security

Public sector pay policies

Three independent pay review bodies were created more than 25 years ago in what has been described as an attempt "to remove a range of highly sensitive settlements from the political arena" (P Bassett, /The Times,/ 7 February 1997). They recommended pay increases for doctors and dentists, the most

Low wages in a high-wage economy

Compared to many other western industrialised countries, Germany has the image of being a high-wage economy with a relatively low inequality of incomes and living standards. This is mainly the result of the German system of branch-level central collective bargaining (Flächentarifvertrag), where

Apparent breakdown of Belgian central bargaining

For the first time since 1960, the Belgian social partners have failed to reach an intersectoral pay agreement and have instead accepted government imposition of measures on employment and maximum pay increases. This development runs counter to all traditions of free collective bargaining and the

Bargaining in 1996 - from the Employment Alliance to the sick pay dispute

The Institute for Economics and Social Science (Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut, WSI) has recently published its annual examination of the previous collective bargaining round. It paints a rather mixed picture of 1996, a year in which collective bargaining was overshadowed by

Proposal to exempt long-term unemployed people from legal minimum wage

The Dutch Government wants to allow employers temporary exemptions from the legal minimum wage [1] (WML- wettelijk minimumloon), and to that end, a bill was submitted to Parliament in 1996. The target group consists of long-term unemployed people aged between 20 and 65. The purpose of the bill is to

Metalworking collective agreement signed after nine months of negotiations

On 4 February, following a mediation proposal by the Government, the national metalworking collective agreement was signed. Negotiations had lasted for nine months and were marked by moments of breakdown and conflict which resulted in strikes. The metalworking settlement, which covers some 1.5

Blogs results (22)

The housing crisis could be tackled by improving public services, better urban planning and ensuring that social protection benefits reach the people who need them most.

2 Gegužė 2024
A worker sitting on the floor

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. With the lifting of restrictions across the globe, we are now able to examine the many repercussions on the world of work. In particular, the unique demands of the last few years have shone a harsh spotlight on the pressures brought to bear

17 Sausis 2023

Rising energy prices are putting more people under increased financial pressure and at greater risk of energy poverty. In this data story, we take a closer look at the data from the fifth round of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey to explore the extent of the issue and the threat of energy

3 Rugpjūtis 2022

Minimum wages have risen significantly in 2022, as the EU Member States leave behind the cautious mood of the pandemic. However, rising inflation is eating up these wage increases, and only flexibility in the regular minimum wage setting processes may avoid generalised losses in purchasing power

15 Birželis 2022

While the number of employees earning the minimum wage has increased across Europe over the last decade, spurred by significant minimum wage hikes, a clear gender divide emerges, with minimum wage earners more likely to be women. Minimum wage earners are also more likely to live in materially

26 Spalis 2021

With its proposed directive on gender pay transparency, the European Commission has significantly bolstered the set of tools for delivering its objectives compared to those presented in its 2014 Recommendation. The proposed portfolio of measures addresses many shortcomings of the instruments that

18 Birželis 2021

Decision-makers approached minimum wage setting for 2021 cautiously due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Despite this, nominal statutory minimum wages rose in most Member States and the UK, although at lower rates than in recent years.

8 Birželis 2021

The pandemic has had differential impacts on women. Raised consciousness about them must be applied to advance gender equality in recovery measures. All crises have a strongly gendered impact and none more so than the current pandemic, across a range of indicators. While the virus itself seems to

28 Balandis 2021

​​​​​​​To date, close to six million workers in the EU have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Many businesses have closed their doors forever or been pushed to the brink, bringing severe financial and psychological hardship to the individuals and families affected. However, the toll of the pandemic

9 Vasaris 2021

Upcoming publications results (2)

The report maps trends in income inequality and examines the situation of the middle classes in the EU during 2020, the year most associated with the COVID-19 lockdowns. It charts developments in the size and composition of middle-class households across countries, identifies those that suffered dis

July 2024

The 2024 annual review of minimum wages presents the most recent rates of national minimum wages and recalls how they were set and agreed upon during 2023. It includes information on minimum wages set in sectoral collective agreements in countries without national minimum wages.

June 2024
Data results (4)


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