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Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars

Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars ir apmierinošs līdzsvara stāvoklis starp personas darba un privāto dzīvi. Labāka darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvara nodrošināšana darba ņēmēju dzīvē jau vairākus gadus ir bijis ES politikas mērķis, jo tas ir būtiski svarīgs faktors, kas jāņem vērā, lai nodrošinātu ilgtspējīgu darbu visiem. 


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...

EU context

Komisija 2017. gada 26. aprīlī ieviesa Eiropas sociālo tiesību pīlāra pasākumu kopumu. Tajā ir iekļauta iniciatīva, kas paredz atbalstīt darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvarošanu vecākiem un aprūpētājiem. Iniciatīvas mērķis ir paplašināt sieviešu līdzdalību darba tirgū, un tajā izklāstīti vairāki jauni vai uzlaboti obligātie standarti attiecībā uz vecāku, tēvu un aprūpētāju atvaļinājumiem.

Eurofound darbs

Datu vākšana

Eurofound Eiropas dzīves kvalitātes apsekojumi (EQLS) sniedz pārskatu par atšķirībām dalībvalstīs attiecībā uz darba un ģimenes dzīves līdzsvarošanu, elastīgu darba laika režīmu un kvalitatīvu aprūpes pakalpojumu nodrošināšanu. Eiropas uzņēmumu apsekojumi (ECS) sniedz datus par to, kādēļ un kā uzņēmumi izmanto daudzveidīgus darba laika režīmus. Eiropas darba apstākļu apsekojumos (EWCS) aplūkota darba laika organizācija ES un ar to saistītās problēmas, tostarp elastīgi režīmi, vēlamais darba laiks un darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars.

Eiropas Darba dzīves novērošanas centrs (EurWORK) sniedz informāciju par darba apstākļiem un ilgtspējīgu darbu, kā arī uztur algu, darba laika un kolektīvo strīdu datubāzi. Eurofound ir arī aprēķinājis vīriešu un sieviešu nodarbinātības atšķirību finansiālās un sociālās izmaksas un var piedāvāt informāciju par darbvietu izveidi aprūpes pakalpojumu jomā.

Datu vizualizācija

Izcēlums: Foundation Focus par risinājumiem darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvarošanai

2016. gada 23. decembris — Šis Foundation Focus izdevums veltīts darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvaram un dažiem faktoriem, kas palīdz vai traucē darba ņēmējiem apvienot darba un ārpusdarba dzīvi. Tā kā vidējais darba stundu skaits pakāpeniski samazinās, jājautā, vai darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars joprojām ir aktuāls temats. Kā Darba laika direktīva var palīdzēt, un kāda nozīme ir elastīgai darba laika politikai? Kāds īpašs atbalsts ir vajadzīgs tiem cilvēkiem, kuri aprūpē bērnus vai pieaugušos? Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars ir saistīts ar citiem dzīves aspektiem, tostarp vajadzību pēc kvalitatīvas bērnu aprūpes, tādējādi novēršot vīriešu un sieviešu nodarbinātības atšķirības un nodrošinot vecākus darba ņēmējus, kuri vairs nevar strādāt pilna laika darbu.
Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars — visiem pieņemami risinājumi

Key outputs


Digitālās tehnoloģijas ir sniegušas iespēju daudziem darba ņēmējiem veikt darbu jebkurā laikā un vietā, bet tam ir gan priekšrocības, gan trūkumi. Eurofound dati liecina, ka tāldarba veicējiem ir divreiz lielāks...

9 Septembris 2021
Research report

Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women’s and men’s...

3 Marts 2020
Research report

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update...

7 Februāris 2019
Customised report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Jorge Cabrita is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. He is responsible for formulating, coordinating and managing European-wide research, and promoting the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (121)

Šajā pamatziņojumā ir apkopoti Eurofound 2017.–2020. gada plānošanas periodā veiktā pētījuma par darba apstākļiem galvenie konstatējumi. Tajā ir sniegts pārskats par progresu, kas kopš 2000. gada panākts darba apstākļu uzlabošanas jomā, un analizēts, vai pozitīvās pārmaiņas ir vienlīdz skārušas

26 February 2021

This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound to capture the far-reaching implications of the pandemic for the way people live and work across Europe. The survey was fielded online, among respondents who were reached via Eurofound’s

28 September 2020

Developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have been among the key drivers of change in working life over the past two decades. Specifically, telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) exemplifies how digital technology has led to more flexible workplace and working time

02 July 2020

Vien pāris nedēļu laikā jaunā koronavīrusa izraisītā Covid-19 pandēmija ir drastiski mainījusi cilvēku dzīvi visā pasaulē. Papildus postošajai ietekmei uz veselību cilvēkiem, kurus vīruss skāris tieši, Covid-19 pandēmija ir būtiski mainījusi cilvēku dzīvesveidu un darbu, ievērojami ietekmējot viņu

06 May 2020

This report summarises out-of-school care (OSC) in the EU and examines related issues, including take-up of OSC, barriers and policy solutions. The report uses information gathered by the Network of Eurofound Correspondents, data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2015 (EWCS 2015), the Euro

03 April 2020

Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women’s and men’s working conditions, using data from Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) and complementing

03 March 2020

Advances in ICT have opened the door to new ways of organising work. We are shifting from a regular, bureaucratic and ‘factory-based’ working time pattern towards a more flexible model of work. Telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) has emerged in this transition, giving workers and employers

16 January 2020

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update of the available data regarding paternity and parental leave for fathers. This report presents the currently

07 February 2019

How to combine work with life is a fundamental issue for many people, an issue that policymakers, social partners, businesses and individuals are seeking to resolve. Simultaneously, new challenges and solutions are transforming the interface between work and life: an ageing population, technological

14 December 2018

This report examines the issues in relation to ‘work on demand’, a topic that has received considerable attention in the media recently, mainly due to its links with the platform economy. Work on demand is often presented as a ‘win–win situation’: workers get to tailor their work according to their

14 December 2018

Online resources results (153)
In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect in Europe, the reasons why legislative and procedural actions are being called for, the impacts that effective
15 Aprīlis 2024

Flexible work increases post-pandemic, but not for everyone

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, various forms of flexible work, such as teleworking and flexitime, were in place across EU Member States. However, the pandemic led to a surge in flexible working practices with many workers wanting to focus on their work–life balance and have more time for

Female teleworker taking notes during video conference on her laptop

Workers want to telework but long working hours, isolation and inadequate equipment must be tackled

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a surge in telework, with dramatic increases in the number of employees working from home (teleworking) in many European countries. What for many employees started out as a mandatory move seems to have transformed into a preference among the majority for part-time or


Twin transition and pandemic challenge Eurofound to increase expertise, strengthen partnerships, expand reach, says new Director

Eurofound welcomed Ivailo Kalfin to his new role as Executive Director on 1 June. After one month in the job, he reflects on the challenges facing the EU, how they will impact on the work of Eurofound and his priorities for shaping the Agency over the next five years.

Living, working and COVID-19: Impact on gender equality 11 March 2021, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) virtual meeting Presentation by Maria Jepsen, Acting Executive Director, Eurofound

22 Marts 2021

Working remotely: An overview of trends, opportunities, challenges and risks 9 March 2021 Presentation by Irene Mandl, Head of unit - Employment, Eurofound

9 Marts 2021

Connecting and disconnecting and work-life balance 9 March 2021 Presentation by Tina Weber, Research manager - Employment unit, Eurofound

9 Marts 2021

A modern agenda for work–life balance 16 October 2018, Brussels, Belgium Presentation by Mathijn Wilkens, Research Officer, Christine Aumayr-Pintar, Research Manager, Anna Ludwinek, Research Manager, Eurofound

16 Oktobris 2018

Luxembourg: Extending parental leave to improve work–life balance

Since 1 January 2018, paternity leave in Luxembourg has been increased from 2 to 10 days, under legislation passed in December 2017. The law, aimed to improve people’s work–life balance, also introduces more flexibility for parents to use leave to take care of a sick child, but reduces some leave

Blogs results (18)

The impact of COVID-19 continues to create chaos in people’s lives across Europe and the world. The economy is heading towards another major dip, and a sense of general insecurity pervades. The daunting challenges confronting health services and projections on the long-term impact of the crisis

12 Maijs 2020

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that

20 Marts 2019

After more than 60 years of European policy on the equal treatment of women and men, men still outnumber women in management positions by almost two to one. The women who do make it into management are more likely to be in non-supervising management roles where they manage operational

7 Marts 2019

Few events challenge the equilibrium between work and life like the arrival of a child. As gender roles continue to change in Europe, supporting the uptake of paternity and parental leave among fathers is fundamental, not just to close the ‘caring gap’ between men and women, but also to provide the

11 Oktobris 2018

The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), carried out by Eurofound every four years, explores a variety of aspects related to living standards, health, family and work–life balance, as well as people's happiness levels, satisfaction with their lives, and their perceptions regarding the quality of

21 Februāris 2018

One of the common values that unites the European Union is that of equal opportunities: all citizens should have the same possibility to improve their lives and participate in the labour market regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Ensuring equal opportunities in finding


Austerity measures introduced during the crisis have disproportionately concerned cuts in the measures that are most vital for reducing child poverty: cash and tax benefits, a new Eurofound report shows. Furthermore, there has been a move away from universal coverage towards more targeted support

3 Februāris 2016

The latest research from Eurofound on working conditions in Europe highlights that the 9-to-5 day is not the norm for many workers, and work commonly spills over into home life. Such patterns make it difficult to balance work and life outside work.

25 Novembris 2015

Data results (3)
27 Oktobris 2023
Reference period:
24 Oktobris 2023
Reference period:


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