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Structural change

Technological drivers for change are interacting closely with other underlying long-term drivers of change, such as demographic shifts, globalisation and environmental challenges. They are profoundly and irreversibly reshaping many aspects of the European economy, society and the world of work. The White paper on the future of Europe maps out the drivers of change in the next decade and presents a range of scenarios for how Europe could evolve by 2025.


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John Hurley

John Hurley is a senior research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He took up the role of research manager in February 2012. He is responsible for the European...

Senior research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (86)

Three years after the adoption of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), this report reviews the quality of the social partners’ involvement in 2023 in the ongoing implementation of reforms and investments funded by that initiative. It also examines the quality of their involvement in the prepa

26 February 2024

De Europese arbeidsmarkten hebben zich sterk hersteld van COVID-19. Eind 2021, iets meer dan 18 maanden na het begin van de pandemie, waren de werkgelegenheidscijfers in de EU bijna op het niveau van vóór de crisis. Dit verslag geeft een overzicht van de ontwikkelingen op de arbeidsmarkt in 2020 en

20 October 2022

De retailbankingsector biedt een productief kader voor het bestuderen van de gevolgen van digitalisering voor het werk en de werkgelegenheid. Financiële diensten worden steeds vaker online aangeboden, zonder tussenkomst van klantgerichte instellingen. Veel banken in de sector hebben sinds de

26 September 2022

The European Union Agencies Network on Scientific Advice (EU-ANSA) consists of technical and regulatory agencies that provide scientific advice to EU policymakers. This report demonstrates how EU-ANSA member Agencies are addressing the socioeconomic effects of sustainable development. It is based on

05 January 2022

Dit rapport is bedoeld om Europese bedrijven te ondersteunen bij hun inspanningen om de uitdagingen van de COVID-19-pandemie het hoofd te bieden. De nadruk ligt op werkvloerpraktijken en op aspecten die bedrijven in de EU hebben geholpen om operationele veerkracht te ontwikkelen en tegelijkertijd de

09 December 2021

This briefing is co-produced by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and Eurofound. It is based on the results of two complementary analyses by the EEA and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) on the socioeconomic effects of climate policies, in

29 October 2021

Met de Europese Green Deal stelt de EU een geheel aan beleid en maatregelen in werking met als doel klimaatverandering te voorkomen en de gevolgen ervan te verlichten. De voornaamste doelstelling is een begin te maken met de transitie naar een klimaatneutrale economie. Dit zeer noodzakelijke

06 July 2021

What have been the major trends and policy developments regarding the flexibilisation of employment in recent years? Eurofound’s work programme for 2017–2020 set out to document and capture these changes in the world of work. This flagship publication provides an overview of developments in Europe

16 April 2020

Innovation and technological advancement are natural features of developed economies, and they are necessary to maintain and improve sustainable competitiveness in an era of globalisation. However, while most innovation tends to be incremental, some has a disruptive effect on production and service

22 January 2020

Job quality is a major focus of policymakers around the world. For workers, the enterprises that employ them and for societies, there are benefits associated with high-quality jobs, and costs associated with poor-quality jobs. This report – the result of a pioneering project by the International

06 May 2019

Online resources results (6)

Cyprus: latest working life developments Q2 2018

An agreement to restore wider public sector salaries and mass redundancies at CCB bank are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Cyprus in the second quarter of 2018.

Greece: The third memorandum’s plans for public administration

The third Memorandum of Understanding for Greece came into force from January 2016, which sets out measures that the government will have to implement before the end of 2018. These include tax policy reform, a more sustainable pension system, and improved management of health sector finances.

Greece: Report on economy and employment criticises current economic policy

A report by the Labour Institute of the GSEE trade union confederation argues that the economic policy implemented to tackle the economic crisis is incompatible with the Greek economic development model and has, as a result, brought high unemployment, disinvestment, social disintegration and

Portugal: High and rising emigration in a context of high, but decreasing, unemployment

Emigration is at its highest since 1973 due to high unemployment, job insecurity and deteriorating working conditions. Recent data indicate that an increasing proportion of emigrants are highly qualified, stoking concerns of a 'brain drain'. Meanwhile, official statistics show a drop in unemployment

Finland: Working Life Barometer 2013

The Finnish Working Life Barometer is a survey of working conditions from the perspective of employees, conducted annually by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy since 1992. The focus of this article is the 2013 Barometer. It offers a summary of the main findings and an overview of the

Belgium: Effects of the economic crisis on wage indexation

Belgium is one of a small number of countries to use a wage indexation system linking wage rises to the cost of living. However, the recent economic crisis has highlighted problems with the system and the government has even introduced legislation to veto 'cost of living' wage increases as part of

Blogs results (3)

As Europe braces for a winter wave of the Coronavirus, behind the public health indicators that rightly dominate the headlines, a revolution in working life is under way. In early spring, millions of people throughout Europe took their work home and tried to rapidly adjust to the new world in which

12 november 2020

At the very outset of its mandate, the new European Commission presented the European Green Deal, establishing the objective of becoming the first climate-neutral bloc in the world by 2050. The initiative emphasises the seriousness which the European Commission places on the climate and biodiversity

21 februari 2020

The Great Recession depressed real income levels across European countries. But the impact was very unequal across countries and income groups. Countries in the European periphery have been more affected than those in the core, halting the process of income convergence between European countries tha

23 juni 2017


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