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Uvjeti rada i održivi rad

Uvjeti rada i održivi rad jedno su od šest glavnih područja djelovanja u programu rada Europske zaklade za poboljšanje životnih i radnih uvjeta (Eurofound) za razdoblje 2021. – 2024. Zaklada Eurofound nastavit će djelovati kao centar stručnosti za praćenje i analizu kretanja u tom području, između ostalog i načina na koji kriza uzrokovana bolešću COVID-19 utječe na uvjete rada i kvalitetu radnih mjesta, kao i na prakse na radnom mjestu.

Zaklada će tijekom razdoblja 2021. – 2024. pružiti važne uvide u izazove i izglede u vezi s uvjetima rada i održivim radom u EU-u. Oslanjajući se na veliko stručno znanje temeljeno na iskustvu u tom području, Eurofound će istražiti trendove i napredak koji se ostvare tijekom vremena te će utvrditi nove izazove u području uvjeta rada i kvalitete radnih mjesta. Analizom provedenom o pitanjima kao što su organizacija rada rad na daljinu radno vrijeme ravnoteža između poslovnog i privatnog života jednako postupanje zdravlje i dobrobit na radnom mjestu vještine i osposobljavanje zarade i očekivanja te zadovoljstvo poslom obuhvatit će se različite zemlje, sektori, zanimanja i skupine radnika. Posebna pozornost posvetit će se nestandardnim oblicima zapošljavanja , posebice samozapošljavanju.

U svjetlu demografskog izazova starenja stanovništva s kojim je EU suočen i sve veće raznolikosti radnog vijeka, zaklada Eurofound i dalje će istraživati čimbenike koji omogućuju dulje zaposlenje radnika. Analiza će se usmjeriti i na poboljšanje kvalitete radnih mjesta kojim se potiče veće sudjelovanje na tržištu rada te snažnija motivacija zaposlenika koji doprinose održivom radu tijekom životnog vijeka.

U bliskoj suradnji s Europskom agencijom za sigurnost i zdravlje na radu (EU-OSHA) istražit će se veze između rada i zdravlja. Zaklada Eurofound želi nastaviti razvijati suradnju s Međunarodnom organizacijom rada (ILO) u pitanjima vezanima uz budućnost rada i uvjete rada na svjetskoj razini.

„Općenito gledajući, to su dobre vijesti jer se uvjeti rada diljem Europske unije poboljšavaju, iako veoma sporo, no postoji zabrinutost da se to nužno ne odnosi na sve skupine radnika. To uvelike ovisi o sektoru u kojem radite, stečenom stupnju obrazovanja te, iskreno govoreći, i o tome jeste li muškarac ili žena.”

Barbara Gerstenberger, voditeljica Jedinice za radni vijek


Recent updates


There is no one future of work for all jobs – policymakers will have their work cut out to ensure that remote and platform working, artificial intelligence and climate change...


The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to...

2 svibnja 2024
Annual report

In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...

Ključne poruke politike

Infografika 2021

Glavni nalazi istraživanja koje će zaklada Eurofound provesti poslužit će kao doprinos tvorcima politika u rješavanju nekih od ključnih pitanja u tom području.

  • Poboljšanje uvjeta rada presudno je i za radnike i poslodavce. Potrebno je razmotriti mnogo različitih aspekata kvalitete radnih mjesta. Kvalitetna radna mjesta omogućuju dulji i bolji radni vijek, čime se doprinosi održivom radu i ravnoteži između posla i privatnog života.
  • Uvjeti rada u EU-u općenito su sve bolji unatoč činjenici da je napredak postupan. U slučaju nekih skupina radnika ne ostvaruje se jednako brz napredak. On ovisi o vrsti ugovora o radu, sektoru i stupnju stečenog obrazovanja.
  • Uvjeti rada i kvaliteta radnih mjesta u EU-u mogu se poboljšati na brojne načine. Vlade zakonodavstvom koje donose zasigurno imaju važnu ulogu u uspostavi relevantnog okvira. No radnici i poslodavci te njihove organizacije također su važni akteri. Kad je riječ o brojnim dimenzijama kvalitete radnih mjesta, upravo su radna mjesta ta na kojima dolazi do promjena.
  • Samo je petina europskih poduzeća otkrila tajnu postizanja optimalne dobrobiti na radnom mjestu i optimalnih poslovnih rezultata. Radna mjesta u koja se puno ulaže i na kojima je razina uključenosti zaposlenika visoka najbolji su ishod za radnike i poslodavce jer poboljšavaju poslovne rezultate i kvalitetu radnih mjesta davanjem veće razine autonomije zaposlenicima, poticanjem njihove uključenosti i promicanjem osposobljavanja i učenja.
  • Mnogi teško usklađuju profesionalne i druge obveze, posebice roditelji i drugi pružatelji skrbi. Fleksibilni uvjeti rada mogu pomoći u rješavanju tih poteškoća, no donose i izazove. Rad na daljinu, primjerice, daje više slobode u pogledu odabira vremena i mjesta rada, no može rezultirati i duljim i intenzivnijim radnim vremenom te težim isključivanjem od posla.
  • Porast učestalosti rada na daljinu tijekom pandemije uzrokovane bolešću COVID-19 upućuje na gubljenje granica između poslovnog i privatnog života. Brojne vlade i socijalni partneri raspravljaju o inicijativama za „pravo na isključivanje” kako bi se spriječila izloženost velikih skupina radnika riziku od tjelesne i emocionalne iscrpljenosti.
  • Socijalni bi partneri ubuduće u sve pravne okvire ili sporazume trebali nastojati uključiti odredbe za radnike o dobrovoljnoj prirodi rada na daljinu ili prikladnosti određenih zadaća za takav rad. Ključno će biti i pojasniti način na koji poslodavci mogu sudjelovati u troškovima povezanima s radom od kuće te zajamčiti jednake plaće i pristup osposobljavanju za osobe koje rade na daljinu.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound will provide important insights into the challenges and prospects related to working conditions and sustainable work in the EU. Building on long-established expertise in this area, Eurofound will look at trends and progress over time and identify emerging concerns around working conditions and job quality. The analysis will cover different countries, sectors, occupations and groups of workers on issues such as work organisation and teleworkingworking timework–life balanceequal treatmentworkplace health and well-beingskills and trainingearnings and prospects, and job satisfaction. Non-standard forms of employment will be a specific focus, particularly self-employment.

In light of the EU’s demographic challenge of an ageing population and the increasing diversity of working life, Eurofound will continue to explore the factors enabling more workers to stay in employment longer. It will also put the spotlight on improving job quality as an enabler of greater labour market participation and increased employee motivation, contributing to sustainable work over the life course.

The links between work and health will be investigated in close consultation with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Eurofound aims to build on its collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on issues around the future of work and working conditions at global level.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action to improve working conditions and job quality, while progressing towards sustainable work, helping to address the challenges facing the EU and national levels in the areas of work and employment. It focuses on identifying pressing issues and specific groups at risk and analysing selected elements.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a robust social Europe. In particular, Eurofound’s research will support policy initiatives under the European Pillar of Social Rights in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis and activities linked to, among other initiatives, the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the reinforced Youth Guarantee, the Youth Employment Support package, the skills agenda, as well as innovation and job creation and the European Commission’s proposal for adequate minimum wages in the EU.

Eurofound research

Eurofound continues to monitor developments in working conditions, with a particular focus on improvements in the job quality of older workers, the challenges associated with specific types of self-employment and the longer-term structural impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In 2024, fieldwork commences for the newest edition of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which includes questions on working conditions and work–life outcomes relevant to the aftermath of COVID-19. The first results are planned for the end of 2024. 

Final analysis of data from the European Working Conditions Telephone Survey 2021 (EWCTS) feeds into three studies in 2024: an analysis of working conditions and work practices in the hybrid workplace; an investigation of changing working time patterns; and an examination of the job quality of older workers.

Research commences on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe, examining levels of digitalisation, digital skills, innovation and training strategies. This research assesses how workers in SMEs compare to the average in terms of working conditions, job quality, digital skills and take-up of training. 

Research in 2024 also aims to identify the most vulnerable group of workers by examining employment relationships that combine several unfavourable characteristics. The research investigates the job quality of workers in these employment relationships, their access to social protection and training, as well as ways to support the transition to more secure forms of employment. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 siječnja 2024
Work programme

Početak 2022. bio je obilježen opreznim optimizmom. Europa je izlazila iz dvogodišnjeg razdoblja pandemije bolesti COVID-19, a u okviru instrumenta NextGenerationEU utvrđen je plan oporavka kojim se gradi snažna i...

4 svibnja 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Barbara Gerstenberger is Head of the Working Life unit at Eurofound. In this role, she coordinates the research teams investigating job quality in Europe based on the European...

​Head of Unit,
Working life research unit
Publications results (567)

The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to light evidence on the key issues shaping the daily lives and work of Europeans.

02 May 2024

Ensuring greater social protection for self-employed people has been the subject of much policy debate in recent years. In 2019, the Council of the European Union adopted a recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed. Sudden reductions in income during the COVID-1

30 January 2024

This report explores EU Member States’ legislation around the right to disconnect and assesses the impact of company policies in this area on employees’ hours of connection, working time, work–life balance, health and well-being, and overall workplace satisfaction.

30 November 2023

Using data from the European Working Conditions Telephone Survey 2021 and building on a theoretical model that differentiates between job stressors and job resources, this report examines key psychosocial risks in the workplace and their impact on health.

23 November 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a diverse collection of workers ensured the functioning of our societies. In a time of crisis, they maintained access to healthcare, long-term care and other essential goods and services, including food, water, electricity, the internet and waste treatment.

10 October 2023

Pojam „hibridni rad” postao je popularan s porastom učestalosti rada na daljinu tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19, kada su poduzeća i zaposlenici počeli raspravljati o načinima organizacije rada nakon krize. Pojam se sve više upotrebljava za situacije u kojima se rad (koji je moguće obaviti na

25 May 2023

Početak 2022. bio je obilježen opreznim optimizmom. Europa je izlazila iz dvogodišnjeg razdoblja pandemije bolesti COVID-19, a u okviru instrumenta NextGenerationEU utvrđen je plan oporavka kojim se gradi snažna i održiva budućnost. Međutim, napad Rusije na Ukrajinu početkom godine drastično je

04 May 2023

U izvješću se istražuju vjerojatni i mogući scenariji u kojima se ispituje kako bi se rad na daljinu i hibridni rad u EU-u mogli razviti do 2035., kao i njihov utjecaj na svijet rada. Kako su rukovoditelji i zaposlenici, udruge poslodavaca i sindikati te oblikovatelji politika pripremljeni za veću

28 April 2023

This paper presents an analytical summary of current academic and policy literature on the impact of climate change and policies to manage the transition to a carbon-neutral economy on four key domains: employment, working conditions, social dialogue and living conditions. It maps the main empirical

12 April 2023

U ovom je izvješću predstavljeno Eurofoundovo istraživanje o radu na daljinu tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 2020. i 2021. U njemu se istražuju promjene u učestalosti rada na daljinu, radni uvjeti zaposlenika koji rade od kuće i izmjene propisa kojima se rješavaju pitanja povezana s tom

08 December 2022

Online resources results (1778)
In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect in Europe, the reasons why legislative and procedural actions are being called for, the impacts that effective
15 travnja 2024

Flexible work increases post-pandemic, but not for everyone

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, various forms of flexible work, such as teleworking and flexitime, were in place across EU Member States. However, the pandemic led to a surge in flexible working practices with many workers wanting to focus on their work–life balance and have more time for

Eurofound presentation to the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), Ivailo Kalfin, Executive Director, Eurofound, 24 January 2023.

23 siječnja 2023

The rise in cost of living and energy poverty: Social impact and policy responses. 14 October 2022, Informal Meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers (EPSCO). Presentation by Ivailo Kalfin, Executive Director, Eurofound.

14 listopada 2022

COVID-19 in the workplace: Employer’s responsibility to ensure a safe workplace

Throughout 2021, the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, specific occupational health and safety rules were reintroduced due to increases in infection rates. Mandatory face masks, physical distancing and hygiene measures were enforced, and the recommendation to telework was largely re-instated in

Female teleworker taking notes during video conference on her laptop

Workers want to telework but long working hours, isolation and inadequate equipment must be tackled

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a surge in telework, with dramatic increases in the number of employees working from home (teleworking) in many European countries. What for many employees started out as a mandatory move seems to have transformed into a preference among the majority for part-time or


Summer time arrangements in the EU: A tripartite outlook on ‘Cloxit’

On 31 March 2019, clocks across the EU will go forward one hour, a Union-wide event since 2002. However, the European Commission has proposed abolishing the bi-annual hour change, an idea favoured by the vast majority of respondents in a public consultation. This article discusses reactions by

Blogs results (61)

One year after Germany’s introduction of the Entgelttransparenzgesetz (Wage Transparency Act), the results are somewhat underwhelming. This law is Germany’s take on the European Commission’s recommendation on introducing pay transparency measures to combat the gender pay gap.

4 veljače 2019

Unemployment in the EU is continuing to fall, with the rate approaching its 2008 low point. This is good news: the Europe 2020 target of 75% employment in the working age population is now in sight for many Member States. However, as unemployment reaches new lows, the opposite problem is emerging –

19 studenog 2018

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 studenog 2018

In the abstract, platform work is the matching of supply and demand for paid work through an online platform. In practice, most people are likely to have encountered it through big online platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo or Amazon Mechanical Turk. This is a new form employment that began to emerge

2 studenog 2018

Few events challenge the equilibrium between work and life like the arrival of a child. As gender roles continue to change in Europe, supporting the uptake of paternity and parental leave among fathers is fundamental, not just to close the ‘caring gap’ between men and women, but also to provide the

11 listopada 2018

In this article, Jean-Marie Jungblut looks at the health of careers in Europe. He argues that, since the average length of the most important job in a person’s life is over 20 years, time should be put aside in the middle of a career to check the fit between the worker and the job. Different

21 lipnja 2018

Europe is showing visible signs of progress; in most countries, labour markets are healthier than they have been in a decade, with more people active and in work than ever before, while social exclusion is declining. However, it is also a continent in transition, where an imbalance in opportunities

18 lipnja 2018

Wages grew and wage inequality fell in most EU countries in 2015. Germany is not one of the countries where wages rose most, but it did have the largest reduction of wage inequality. Our analysis shows that the German minimum wage policy introduced in 2015 strongly lifted the wages of the lowest

14 lipnja 2018

Digital technologies are transforming work, but the implications have not yet been fully grasped. In a recent Eurofound report, we focus on three main vectors of change to discuss the effects of digital technologies on work and employment and the policy responses such change demands.


Research Manager Isabella Biletta looks at fraudulent practices in the contracting of work. Such practices involve the abuse of legitimate employment relationships with the aim of sidestepping labour and social regulations and with the effect of undermining workers’ rights and fair competition in

1 lipnja 2018

Upcoming publications results (4)

This policy brief investigates how organisations are adapting their work organisation and practices to hybrid work. Based on case studies and on data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2024, the policy brief examines how hybrid work is being managed in organisations and profiles t

April 2025

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025

Over the last decade, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed the way employees work and communicate with each other. Despite the many benefits of digitalisation of work, the widespread access to digital devices in working life provides an alternative medium for new forms of a

September 2024

Workers will experience the effects of climate change in many ways: job insecurity, changes to their work tasks and responsibilities and changes in their workplaces that may involve different work practices and the development of new activities and products. Climate change is associated with higher

July 2024
Data results (1)


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