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Töötasu ja sissetulek

Töötasu ja sissetulek on töösuhete ja elukvaliteedi keskmes. ELi tasandil on sellele teemale veelgi rohkem tähelepanu pööratud kriisiolukorras toimunud muutuste tõttu nii majanduses kui ka ühiskonnas tervikuna.


Recent updates


In this special episode of Eurofound Talks for International Women's Day 2024, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Carlos Vacas and Barbara Gerstenberger about the gender pay and employment gaps...

In this pilot project, Eurofound successfully established the feasibility of, and piloted, an EU-wide database of minimum pay rates contained in collective agreements related to low-paid workers. A conceptual and...

26 jaanuar 2024
Research report

EU context

Euroopa sotsiaalõiguste sammas kehtestab ELi kohustused seoses palgaga: töötajate õigus saada õiglast palka, mis tagab inimväärse elatustaseme; piisava miinimumpalga tagamine; töötajate vaesuse vältimine.

Eurofoundi töö

Eurofound avaldab korrapäraselt aruandeid töötasu ja sissetuleku eri aspektide kohta, võttes arvesse muutuvaid majandustingimusi kogu Euroopas.

Töötasu järelevalve

Euroopa Tööelu Vaatluskeskuse (EurWORK) kaudu koondab Eurofound töötasuga seotud teabe. Korrapärane aruandlus loob võimaluse vaadelda kollektiivselt kokkulepitud töötasu pikemaajaliselt, mis toob esile ka suundumused. Eurofound avaldab korrapäraselt seadusjärgse miinimumpalga ja kollektiivselt kokkulepitud töötasu temaatilisi ülevaateid. Samuti jälgib ta palgakujunduse mehhanismide, võrdse tasustamise, muutuvtasu, madala palga ja soolise palgaerinevuse arenguid riigiti.

Tööelu profiilid riigiti sisaldavad töötasu teavet riikide kaupa, profiile ajakohastatakse regulaarselt. EurWORK haldab kahte töötasuga seotud andmebaasi (vt allikad allpool).

Eurofoundi Euroopa töökohtade uuringus hinnatakse tööhõive muutusi töökohtade järgi, võttes arvesse mitmesuguseid kvalitatiivseid tegureid, sealhulgas töötasu. Eelkõige suurendab see teadmisi tööhõive polarisatsiooniga seotud nähtusest: mil määral on tööhõive kasv tõenäoliselt suurem palgajaotuse ülemises ja alumises osas kui keskel.


Eurofoundi uuringutes jälgitakse ka töötasutingimusi ELis. Töötasu on Eurofoundi uuringutes töökvaliteedi hindamisel kesksel kohal. Euroopa töötingimuste uuringus on sissetulek üks seitsmest töökvaliteedi näitajast. Euroopa töötingimuste uuringus antakse teavet ka soolise palgalõhe kohta. Vt lähemalt: Euroopa töötingimuste uuringu interaktiivne andmete visualiseerimise vahend.

Euroopa elukvaliteedi uuringus jälgitakse sissetuleku mõju elatustasemele ja sellele, kuidas sissetulekute ebavõrdsus on seotud sotsiaalse ühtekuuluvuse ja heaoluga. Analüüsitakse, kuidas on kriis mõjutanud perekondi, vaadeldes väikese sissetulekuga perekondi, eluaseme laenu ja vaesusriskiga rühmasid. Euroopa elukvaliteedi uuringus kogutakse ka teavet sissetulekute kohta pensionile jäämisel ja millised on tööelu pikendamise võimalused. Vt lähemalt: Euroopa elukvaliteedi uuringu interaktiivne andmete visualiseerimise vahend.

Euroopa ettevõtete uuringus kajastatakse muutuvpalga kavade kasutamist ettevõtetes, samuti nende ettevõtete töötajate hõlmamist kollektiivsete palgakokkulepete abil. Uuring võimaldab seostada muutuvtasu ja palgaläbirääkimiste teavet töökorralduse, personalijuhtimise, töötajate otsese osalemise ja sotsiaalse dialoogi ning tulemuslikkuse ja töökoha heaolu teabega.

Key outputs


Miinimumpalga 2023. aasta ülevaade koostati enneolematu üleeuroopalise inflatsiooni kontekstis. Kuigi see tõi paljudes riikides kaasa nominaalpalkade märkimisväärse tõusu, ei piisanud sellest sageli, et säilitada töötajate ostujõud. Viimase kümnendi arengute põhjal...

29 juuni 2023
Research report

COVID-19 pandeemia mõjus sotsiaalsetele rühmadele erinevalt, sõltudes olemasolevatest ebasoodsatest tingimustest, ning üldiselt arvati, et see suurendas ebavõrdsust eri eluvaldkondades. Kasutades ELi mitmemõõtmelise ebavõrdsuse järelevalveraamistiku (MIMF) näitajaid, näitab käesolev aruanne, kuidas...

24 jaanuar 2023
Research report

Aruandes uuritakse leibkonna jõukuse jaotumist ELi liikmesriikides ning analüüsitakse jõukuse osa sotsiaalses liikuvuses. Uuringus on kasutatud kolme andmestikku (leibkonna eelarve ja tarbimise uuring, tervist, vananemist ja pensionile jäämist Euroopas käsitlev...

30 märts 2021
Research report

Current and ongoing research



Eurofound expert(s)


Christine Aumayr-Pintar is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. Her current research topics include minimum wages, collectively agreed wages and gender...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Carlos Vacas Soriano is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He works on topics related to wage and income inequalities, minimum wages, low pay, job quality...

Research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (123)

In this pilot project, Eurofound successfully established the feasibility of, and piloted, an EU-wide database of minimum pay rates contained in collective agreements related to low-paid workers. A conceptual and measurement framework was devised, a total of 692 collective agreements – related to 24

26 January 2024

The urban-rural divide in EU countries has grown in recent years, and the depopulation of certain rural areas in favour of cities is a challenge when it comes to promoting economic development and maintaining social cohesion and convergence.

18 October 2023

After a long period of price stability, inflation has made a remarkable comeback in the EU. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis spurred by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the disruption of the international supply chain, among other factors, have driven up the

06 September 2023

Miinimumpalga 2023. aasta ülevaade koostati enneolematu üleeuroopalise inflatsiooni kontekstis. Kuigi see tõi paljudes riikides kaasa nominaalpalkade märkimisväärse tõusu, ei piisanud sellest sageli, et säilitada töötajate ostujõud. Viimase kümnendi arengute põhjal näitab käesolev aruanne, et

29 June 2023

Mittetaskukohased eluasemed on ELis suur probleem. See põhjustab kodutust, eluasemega seotud ebakindlust, rahalist pinget ja puudulikke elamistingimusi. Samuti takistab see noortel vanematekodust lahkumist. Need probleemid kahjustavad inimeste tervist ja heaolu, väljendavad ebavõrdseid

30 May 2023

COVID-19 pandeemia mõjus sotsiaalsetele rühmadele erinevalt, sõltudes olemasolevatest ebasoodsatest tingimustest, ning üldiselt arvati, et see suurendas ebavõrdsust eri eluvaldkondades. Kasutades ELi mitmemõõtmelise ebavõrdsuse järelevalveraamistiku (MIMF) näitajaid, näitab käesolev aruanne, kuidas

24 January 2023

Aruanne koostatakse kolmeaastase katseprojekti (2021–2023) „Miinimumpalga roll üldise töögarantii kehtestamisel“ raames, mille Euroopa Komisjon on delegeerinud Eurofoundile. See keskendub projekti 3. moodulile, milles uuritakse miinimumpalka ja füüsilisest isikust ettevõtjate muid palgavorme. Teatud

30 November 2022

The EU Presidency of Czechia organised a high-level conference in October 2022 on ‘Tackling energy poverty: EU approach & sharing best practices’. The event aimed to bring different actors together in order to strengthen the dialogue on possible solutions on how to further tackle energy poverty in

28 October 2022

In collecting information on essential services, the European Commission requested Eurofound to provide input on certain aspects of existing and planned measures in the Member States to improve access to essential services in reference to Principle 20 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. For

07 September 2022

Pärast miinimumpalga ettevaatlikku kehtestamist 2021. aastal suurenesid nominaalmäärad 2022. aastal oluliselt, sest pandeemia negatiivsed tagajärjed leevenesid ning majandus ja tööturud paranesid. Sellega seoses suurendasid miinimumpalka 20 ELi liikmesriiki 21st, kus on seadusjärgne miinimumpalk

15 June 2022

Online resources results (888)

Norway: Quick settlement in the 2017 bargaining round

In March 2017, the peak-level confederations achieved a quick resolution in their negotiations on this year’s wage increases for major parts of the Norwegian private sector. The agreement set a mark for other sectors in line with this trendsetting bargaining model. This year’s negotiations proved

Denmark: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

New collective agreements providing small wage increases and improvements to education and training, taxi firm Uber’s exit from Denmark; and strengthened working environment rules are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life

Luxembourg: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Reform of the guaranteed minimum income, new collective bargaining in the banking sector and a major dispute in the health and social care sector are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Luxembourg in the first quarter

Finland: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The effects of the decision by the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK to terminate most peak-level agreements with trade unions and a setback for employment policy reforms are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Romania: New law aims to tackle wage inequities in labour market

The Romanian government has proposed a new unitary pay law aimed at addressing the increasing wage imbalances across sectors. This article looks at the social partners’ views and the relevant regulations.

Norway: Low-paid workers fall behind

Most workers in Norway have had a substantial increase in their real wages in the past 15 years. However, a new report shows that low-paid workers – mostly found in the private service sector – have not had any rise in real wages in the last seven years and that wage inequality is growing.

Ireland: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

The establishment of a Labour Employer Economic Forum, pay disputes involving the police and teachers, and the resolution of pay disputes by Dublin bus and tram drivers are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Ireland

Belgium: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

The definition of hazardous jobs, measures to promote youth employment, a series of collective redundancies and proposals to alter wage formation are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Belgium in the third quarter of

Latvia: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

The drafting of the State budget (including discussions on the minimum wage), civil service reforms, an agreement on the State revenue system and debates on social insurance are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in

Slovenia: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

Wage negotiations in the public sector, the suspension of dialogue between employer organisations and the government over tax amendments, and protests by assistant kindergarten teachers regarding pay are among the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest

Blogs results (22)

Following a sluggish response by many Member States to introduce or modify gender pay transparency measures, as it recommended in 2014, the European Commission intends to table a proposal for EU-level legislation on pay transparency later in 2020. In this context, a new Eurofound study investigated

6 november 2020

As one of their ‘100 days in office’ initiatives, the new European Commission intends to propose an initiative for an EU minimum wage. The aim is that by 2024 every worker in the EU should earn a fair and adequate wage, no matter where they live.

15 jaanuar 2020

The Socialist-led Spanish government that emerged last summer had, by the end of 2018, approved a hike in the statutory minimum wage. This was agreed with the left-wing Podemos party as part of an attempt to secure the parliamentary support needed for passing the proposed 2019 budget – although

17 juuli 2019

Seniority entitlements have largely been on the decline since the 1990s, and have been gradually phased-out from legislation in Europe, as well as in collective agreements. However, it would be premature to dismiss seniority-based entitlements as a thing of the past, as they remain in force across

17 aprill 2019

One year after Germany’s introduction of the Entgelttransparenzgesetz (Wage Transparency Act), the results are somewhat underwhelming. This law is Germany’s take on the European Commission’s recommendation on introducing pay transparency measures to combat the gender pay gap.

4 veebruar 2019

Wages grew and wage inequality fell in most EU countries in 2015. Germany is not one of the countries where wages rose most, but it did have the largest reduction of wage inequality. Our analysis shows that the German minimum wage policy introduced in 2015 strongly lifted the wages of the lowest

14 juuni 2018

Measures to promote gender pay transparency haven’t been delivered yet in half of Europe – making EU level legislative action to speed up implementation an option. In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Christine Aumayr-Pintar details what we know about the measures from countries that

28 veebruar 2018
Pay inequalities come back into focus in post-crisis Europe

The ability to make ends meet is a vital issue for many Europeans and an important priority for European policymakers. In the immediate aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis the initial focus was to mitigate and reverse job loss, particularly in the countries most affected. With employment back to

3 november 2017

The Great Recession depressed real income levels across European countries. But the impact was very unequal across countries and income groups. Countries in the European periphery have been more affected than those in the core, halting the process of income convergence between European countries

23 juuni 2017

EU-wide income inequality declined notably prior to 2008, driven by a strong process of income convergence between European countries. The Great Recession broke this trend. After 2008, income convergence has been sluggish, while inequality within many countries has increased significantly.

21 märts 2017

Upcoming publications results (2)

The report maps trends in income inequality and examines the situation of the middle classes in the EU during 2020, the year most associated with the COVID-19 lockdowns. It charts developments in the size and composition of middle-class households across countries, identifies those that suffered dis

July 2024

The 2024 annual review of minimum wages presents the most recent rates of national minimum wages and recalls how they were set and agreed upon during 2023. It includes information on minimum wages set in sectoral collective agreements in countries without national minimum wages.

June 2024
Data results (4)


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