Przejdź do treści

Usługi publiczne

Usługi publiczne, takie jak ochrona zdrowia, edukacja, opieka społeczna i transport są niezbędne do osiągnięcia wysokiego poziomu ochrony socjalnej, spójności i integracji społecznej. Biorąc pod uwagę zmieniające się warunki społeczne i demograficzne, kluczowe znaczenie ma jakość i dostępność tych usług.

Wyzwaniem dla decydentów jest zapewnienie obywatelom takich usług zdrowotnych i socjalnych, które zaspokoją ich różnorodne potrzeby. W ostatnich latach było to tym większym wyzwaniem, że trzeba było uporać się z poważnymi trudnościami finansowymi i rosnącym zapotrzebowaniem na tego rodzaju usługi, związanymi ze starzeniem się ludności oraz z napływem uchodźców do Europy. Poza dostępnością i jakością, pojawiają się także nowe problemy. Jednym z nich jest ryzyko, że nowe, cyfrowe kanały dystrybucji usług mogą izolować społeczności już teraz znajdujące się w niekorzystnej sytuacji. Trzeba liczyć się z wystąpieniem trudności w zapewnieniu określonego standardu dostępu do odpowiedniej jakości usług.

Pakiet inwestycji społecznych Komisji, który ogłoszono w 2013 r., wzywa państwa członkowskie do położenia większego nacisku na wysokiej jakości usługi publiczne. Przyjęta w 2015 r. strategia Komisji dotycząca jednolitego rynku cyfrowego dla Europy koncentruje się z kolei na modernizacji usług publicznych w celu zwiększania ich konkurencyjności. Wykorzystanie nowych technologii, internetowe usługi publiczne i transgraniczna interoperacyjność mają decydujące znaczenie dla podniesienia efektywności kosztowej i jakości usług. W kwietniu 2017 r. Komisja uruchomiła europejski filar praw socjalnych, w którym nacisk położono na zapewnienie dostępu do wysokiej jakości kształcenia, wczesnej edukacji i opieki nad dzieckiem, opieki zdrowotnej, mieszkalnictwa socjalnego i innych podstawowych usług.


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Daniel Molinuevo about the European Child Guarantee, how bad the situation is with regard to child poverty...

Group of children eating healthy food in day care centre © Oksana Kuzmina/Adobe Stock

The European Child Guarantee outlines recommendations for Member States to support access to healthy nutrition and at least one healthy meal each school day.

Web page
Happy dad, excited kid play in cardboard boxes in new house © Davids C/ Stock

The European Child Guarantee outlines recommendations for Member States to support effective access to adequate housing for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

Web page

EU context

Działania Eurofound

Eurofound bada potrzeby obywateli w sposób ogólny, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem młodzieży, osób starszych, osób z problemami zdrowia fizycznego lub psychicznego oraz tych ze środowisk migracyjnych. Monitoruje i analizuje zmiany w usługach publicznych spowodowane ograniczeniami budżetowymi, zmianami politycznymi oraz postępem technologicznym i cyfryzacją. W oparciu o szczegółowe studia przypadku, w badaniach Eurofound dotyczących usług publicznych uwzględnia się również perspektywę dostawców usług i ich odpowiedź na zmieniające się potrzeby użytkowników.

Kluczowy wkład

Analiza dokonana w ramach europejskiego badania jakości życia przeprowadzonego przez Eurofound (EQLS) dotyczy wpływu kryzysu na społeczeństwo europejskie oraz tego, jak Europejczycy postrzegają jakość swoich społeczeństw i usług publicznych. W szczegółowych badaniach podjęto szereg kluczowych tematów, w tym wpływ kryzysu gospodarczego i reform socjalnych na standard życia i jakość społeczeństwa.

W oparciu o dane pochodzące z EQLS, zwrócono szczególną uwagę na nierówności społeczne w czterech krytycznych obszarach życia, biorąc pod lupę ochronę zdrowia, poziom życia, produktywne i wartościowe działania oraz życie osobiste, rodzinne i społeczne. Rodziny również były przedmiotem analizy, która koncentrowała się na zmianach jakości życia różnych typów rodzin z dziećmi w całej UE, porównując ich poziom życia i sytuację społeczną. 

Wśród innych obszarów zainteresowania znalazły się koszty społeczne i ekonomiczne oraz skutki złych warunków mieszkaniowych, a także rozwój prywatnych usług szpitalnych w Europie. Przedmiotem dyskusji były ponadto konsekwencje napływu mobilnych obywateli dla usług publicznych w państwach członkowskich UE.

Działania wspierające integrację społeczną młodych ludzi i doświadczenia z realizacji programu „gwarancja dla młodzieży” zajęły ważne miejsce w pracach Eurofound. Co więcej, tematem coraz częściej poruszanym w debacie politycznej w UE jest dostęp do usług wczesnej edukacji i opieki nad dziećmi oraz jakość tych usług, które także stały się przedmiotem badań prowadzonych przez Eurofound.

Wykorzystując dane z czwartego EQLS przeprowadzonego w 2016 r., Eurofound skoncentruje swoje wysiłki badawcze na tym, w jakim stopniu służby publiczne spełniają potrzeby grup społecznych. Ma to pomóc decydentom w zapewnieniu obywatelom dostępu do odpowiednich usług socjalnych. Eurofound zajmie się kwestią wpływu cyfryzacji na różne grupy społeczne i obszary geograficzne, analizując, w jaki sposób nowe technologie można wykorzystać na potrzeby projektowania i świadczenia usług zdrowotnych i społecznych.

Social inclusion: Protecting young people and children

Measures to support the social inclusion of young people and experience of the implementation of the reinforced Youth Guarantee have been important topics for Eurofound. In addition, access to early childhood education and care services and the quality of such services have been gaining greater prominence in the EU policy debate around the European Child Guarantee and have also been the focus of Eurofound research.

Focus on various public services

Other areas of interest for Eurofound include housing unaffordability and inadequacy, as well as household over-indebtedness and debt advisory services. Research has also explored access to energy, public transport and digital communications for people on low incomes. 

Future research will focus on mental health services and services facilitating independent living. Furthermore, the impact of the inflow of mobile citizens on the public services of EU Member States will be an important consideration.

Key outputs


The European Child Guarantee was established in 2021 to ensure that children in need have access to a set of key services. This policy brief analyses trends and disparities in...

21 Wrzesień 2023
Policy brief

Current and ongoing research


Other ongoing work

    • Examining services for labour market integration of people with disabilities based on data from the EQLS 2016 to support policymaking in designing relevant and efficient services
    • Mapping developments in advisory for household debt in EU countries as well as identifying barriers to access these services to combat poverty and assessing take-up
    • Analysing differences and inequalities in access to social services of general interest in the EU and assessing the nature and extent of convergence/divergence


    Eurofound expert(s)


    Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

    Senior research manager,
    Social policies research unit

    Daniel Molinuevo is a research manager in the Social Policies unit, having joined Eurofound in 2010. His research on health and social care has focused on the quality and...

    Research manager,
    Social policies research unit
    Publications results (103)

    Freedom of movement across Member States is one of the core values of the European Union and is closely linked to European citizenship. There is, however, a heated debate in many of the host Member States about the impact of the rising inflow of mobile citizens on their public services.

    10 December 2015

    This issue of Foundation Focus looks at mobility and migration in the EU. It reviews the policy background and the practical issues that relate to movement between EU countries by EU citizens and into the EU from third countries.

    10 December 2015

    Migration is a major policy concern at national and European level. However, while Member States have put in place specific regulations to deal with certain aspects, the overall architecture of migration-related policies is perceived as a challenge. In recent months, the significant inflow of

    10 December 2015

    Since the onset of the economic crisis, the unemployment level among young people has risen sharply and although an improvement is now being registered some EU countries still have stubbornly high youth unemployment rates. Young people, especially those who are not in employment, education or

    23 September 2015

    Many people in Europe do not receive the social benefits to which they are entitled. This is the case across countries and for many types of benefits. Addressing this ‘non-take-up’ of benefits is critical for two key reasons: benefits do not fulfil their objective if they do not reach the people

    21 September 2015

    This report explores the growing role of the private sector in the provision of public services in the EU. The research is based on sector-specific case studies carried out in Lithuania, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It focuses specifically on social services of general interest (SSGIs) in the areas of

    17 September 2015

    Access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and the quality of such services are important issues that are gaining greater prominence in the EU. This study presents evidence on the elements of working conditions and in-service training that increase the quality of ECEC.

    03 July 2015

    Recent EU policy documents highlight the importance of improving working conditions and enhancing the professional development of the workforce in the early childhood education and care field – both in ensuring equitable access to services and in boosting the quality of provision.

    25 February 2015

    The ageing of European society is leading to a situation where, at current employment levels, supporting the retired population will become increasingly unaffordable. The proposed solution can be summed up simply: bring more of the working age population into work and extend everyone’s working life

    23 January 2015

    In the wake of the economic and financial crisis, many European governments have cut spending on healthcare services. At the same time, unemployment, financial strain and reduced prevention have increased the need for certain healthcare services, while falling disposable income has made access to

    31 October 2014

    Online resources results (54)

    Parliament approves reform of law on strikes in essential public services

    At the beginning of April 2000, the Italian parliament approved a reform of law 146/1990, which regulates the right to strike in essential public services and defines the role of the Guarantee Authority which oversees application of the law. The reform has introduced important changes as regards the

    Collective relations institutionalised in not-for-profit sector

    Recent years have seen the development of collective industrial relations in Belgium's not-for-profit sector, which accounts for a sizeable 10.5% of total employment. Industrial relations in this sector, made up of the socio-cultural and healthcare subsectors, are much more complex than in the

    Government report raises need for foreign workers

    The population of Sweden is ageing, and more employees than ever will retire shortly. As a result, a shortage of labour threatens in about 10 years' time, and the welfare system will not be able to render all the services that will be required. Therefore, as the proportion of the population in work

    Review bodies focus on planned changes in pay systems for teachers and health workers

    The Labour government has announced details of the pay awards from 1 April 2000 for public sector workers covered by pay review bodies. The pay review bodies, which recommend pay awards for 1.3 million public sector workers - including teachers, nurses, doctors, judges, the armed forces and senior

    Strikes hit the hospital sector

    All the trade unions in France's state-run hospital sector called a nationwide strike on 28 January 2000, demanding improved working conditions, more jobs and budget increases. This was the first time in 20 years that the unions in this sector had issued a joint strike call. The industrial action

    Competitive tendering on the political agenda

    Privatisation and the competitive tendering of municipal services have been important issues on the political agenda during the general election campaign in spring 1999, and especially in the municipal government election campaign in September 1999. The political parties of the right have stressed

    Controversial pact to promote recruitment of disadvantaged people in Milan

    In late July 1999, a preliminary agreement on an "employment pact for the city of Milan" was signed by the city's municipal administration, the trade union confederations - with the important exception of Cgil - and the employers' associations. Under the deal, September will see the start of local

    Commercial healthcare for sick employees given green light

    In late May 1999, the Dutch Minister of Health and State Secretary for Social Affairs adopted a standpoint on the issue of privatised healthcare and possible priority treatment for employees. Politicians have thus given the green light for offering employees specialised care on a commercial basis

    Industry-wide collective agreements under increasing pressure

    The 1999 Dutch collective bargaining round has seen moves by employers in sectors like construction, healthcare and banking towards replacing their relatively detailed sector-level collective agreements with either a framework agreement or a series of company agreements. By contrast, trade unions

    Annualised hours agreements: service sector leads the way

    Annualised hours have long been seen as a cost-efficient means of delivering labour flexibility in industries which are subject to varying levels of demand or which have extended operating times. The basic principle behind annualised hours contracts is that working time is defined in terms of the

    Blogs results (7)

    Child poverty and exclusion in the EU is on the rise. To address this worrying trend, EU policy needs to focus on access to services, which requires improving data collection, targeting inequalities and involving the workforce that delivers services in policymaking.

    24 Październik 2023

    The European Pillar of Social Rights states that ‘everyone has the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular home-care and community-based services’. Taking a step to make this principle a reality, the European Commission is currently preparing a European Care

    5 Maj 2022

    Healthcare providers have been overwhelmed by the demand for COVID-19-related care. Medical appointments and treatments for other conditions have often been delayed, potentially leading to escalating health problems and greater future care needs among those who have missed out. If the pandemic leads

    18 Styczeń 2021

    An ageing Europe and rising public expenditure on long-term care have signalled for some time that the fundamentals of care provision need to be addressed. However, the shocking death toll in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many long-term care services were ill-equipped to

    2 Grudzień 2020

    Depopulation of rural areas and the concentration of employment and education opportunities in urban centres is a fact of modern life. What impact does this have on the quality of life of rural residents? Do they feel increasingly isolated, and what are the emerging trends? New research by Eurofound

    8 Maj 2019

    Austerity measures introduced during the crisis have disproportionately concerned cuts in the measures that are most vital for reducing child poverty: cash and tax benefits, a new Eurofound report shows. Furthermore, there has been a move away from universal coverage towards more targeted support

    3 luty 2016
    Upcoming publications results (1)

    Social protection can include a range of entitlements to monetary and in-kind benefits. Eurofound’s project focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits. Social protection can provide a safety net for people who are negatively impacted by the green and digital transitions. During the COVID-19

    September 2024
    Data results (2)
    7 Listopad 2023
    Reference period:
    24 Październik 2023
    Reference period:


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