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Odnosi med delodajalci in delojemalci

Sindikati, organizacije delodajalcev in javni organi imajo pomembno vlogo pri upravljanju delovnih razmerij. So tesno povezani deli sistema, ki deluje na evropski, nacionalni, panožni in regionalni ravni ter na ravni podjetja. V okviru sistemov odnosov med delodajalci in delojemalci se v zadnjih letih zaradi razvoja tehnologije in oblik dela v stalno spreminjajočem se gospodarskem okolju pojavljajo številni izzivi.

Evropska komisija je zato leta 2015 predstavila „nov začetek“ za evropski socialni dialog. V skupni izjavi iz junija 2016 so Komisija, Svet Evropske unije in socialni partnerji poudarili temeljno vlogo evropskega socialnega dialoga, ki pomembno prispeva k oblikovanju zaposlitvenih in socialnih politik EU.


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EU context

Eurofoundovo delo

Eurofound se je v 40 letih delovanja razvil v ključno središče strokovnega znanja za spremljanje in analiziranje usmeritev na področju odnosov med delodajalci in delojemalci. To vključuje povezave med socialnim dialogom na evropski in nacionalni ravni. Na podlagi znanja svoje mreže evropskih korespondentov iz 28 držav članic EU in Norveške beleži razvoj dogodkov v vseh državah članicah in EU kot celoti. 

Ključni prispevki

Eurofound pripravlja različne primerjalne analize, članke in študije primerov za države EU-28 in Norveško na področju odnosov med delodajalci in delojemalci ter redno posodablja podatkovne zbirke o povezanih temah.

V nedavni raziskavi so opredeljeni in obravnavani ključni vidiki in kazalniki, pomembni za sisteme odnosov med delodajalci in delojemalci v 21. stoletju v Evropi. V drugi veji raziskav se preučuje, kako so socialni partnerji v EU in na Norveškem raziskali nove teme, orodja in inovativne pristope, da bi se odzvali na številne nove politične, pravne in socialne izzive, ki so nastali v zadnjih letih.

Plača in delovni čas ostajata pomembni področji, ki ju je treba vsako leto pregledati. En vidik nedavne posodobitve področja plač je osredotočen na ravni zakonsko določene minimalne plače v EU, v nekem drugem poglavju pa je glavna pozornost namenjena kolektivnim pogajanjem o plačah.

Eurofound od leta 2006 na zahtevo Evropske komisije opravlja študije o reprezentativnosti evropskih panožnih organizacij socialnih partnerjev.


Poročanje o razvoju dogodkov v zvezi z delovnim življenjem

Eurofound s spremljanjem in orodji za poročanje zagotavlja sistematične in primerljive podatke o nacionalnih sistemih odnosov med delodajalci in delojemalci ter razvoju dogodkov v zvezi s poklicnim življenjem, in sicer ob upoštevanju prispevkov svoje mreže evropskih korespondentov iz 28 držav članic in Norveške.


Key outputs


This report examines the average weekly working hours across Europe in 2021 and 2022. It covers important developments resulting from legislative reforms in collective bargaining at national or sectoral level...

24 Oktober 2023
Research report

Letni pregled minimalnih plač za leto 2023 je bil pripravljen v okoliščinah inflacije, kakršnih doslej v Evropi še ni bilo. To je v številnih državah povzročilo močno zvišanje stopenj nominalnih...

29 Junij 2023
Research report

Current and ongoing research


Other ongoing work

    • Social dialogue in companies, particularly linkages that can be drawn between national and EU level, to better understand of cooperation mechanisms used in decision-making and implementation in multinational companies
    • Exploration of the role of national social partners in the European semester and analysis of quality and effectiveness of their involvement
    • Summary of discussions on capacity-building social dialogue to support a meaningful and effective social dialogue
    • A flagship report on industrial relations covering topics related to both social dialogue and working life developments, including updates on collectively agreed pay
    • Representativeness studies on a variety of sectors to provide the European Commission required information to assess the representativeness of European sectoral social partner organisations
    • Highlights of recent developments of selected features of working life in so called topical updates, with one featuring statutory minimum wages
    • Updated time series in EurWORK database of wages, working time and collective disputes
    • Updated time series and update on developments in collectively agreed pay
    • Exploring the feasibility for an Industrial Action Monitor

    Eurofound expert(s)


    Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound and focuses on comparative industrial relations, social dialogue and collective bargaining...

    Research manager,
    Working life research unit

    Victoria Cojocariu is a research support officer for the representativeness studies in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. She is responsible for the management of the research...

    Research support officer,
    Working life research unit
    Publications results (516)

    Three years after the adoption of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), this report reviews the quality of the social partners’ involvement in 2023 in the ongoing implementation of reforms and investments funded by that initiative. It also examines the quality of their involvement in the prepa

    26 February 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the furniture sector.

    08 December 2023

    Previous Eurofound research developed three complementary tools to examine the dynamics of industrial relations and compare how national industrial relations systems are faring in terms of quality and change over time.

    05 December 2023

    In the EU, non-compliance with statutory or negotiated minimum wages averages 6.93% or 1.3%, depending on the statistics used. The lowest national estimate is 0.01% in Belgium and the highest is 11.59% in Hungary.

    27 November 2023

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the woodworking sector.

    21 November 2023

    This study provides information to allow for an assessment of the representativeness of the national and supranational social partners at cross-industry level in the EU.

    09 November 2023

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the professional football sector.

    26 October 2023

    After a long period of price stability, inflation has made a remarkable comeback in the EU. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis spurred by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the disruption of the international supply chain, among other factors, have driven up the

    06 September 2023

    Letni pregled minimalnih plač za leto 2023 je bil pripravljen v okoliščinah inflacije, kakršnih doslej v Evropi še ni bilo. To je v številnih državah povzročilo močno zvišanje stopenj nominalnih plač, kar pa v mnogih primerih ni bilo dovolj za ohranitev kupne moči delavcev. To poročilo na podlagi

    29 June 2023

    This publication comprises individual country reports on developments in working life in each of the 27 EU Member States and Norway in 2022, based on national research and survey results. The topics covered include the policy responses of governments to inflation and how inflation has featured in

    05 May 2023

    Online resources results (1688)

    Luxembourg: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    Disputes over sector-level collective bargaining, changes to the bill on parental leave and working time legislation are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Luxembourg in the third quarter of 2016.

    Poland: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    A protest in the public healthcare system, discontent in the education sector, significant legislative initiatives and support for a ban on Sunday shop opening are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Poland in the

    Spain: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    A slight fall in unemployment and trade union concerns over labour precariousness, and the need for social partners to reach agreement on a new salary pact are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Spain in the third

    France: Latest working life developments – Q3 2016

    Adoption of a major labour law reform, problems over negotiations on the national collective agreement on unemployment insurance and the continuing fight against the illegal posting of workers are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in

    Norway: Biannual sectoral collective bargaining round concluded

    With most national agreements reached without industrial action, this article reports on the outcomes of the biannual sectoral bargaining round in Norway.

    Slovenia: Promotion of gender equality and work–family balance in collective agreements

    A year-long project to improve gender equality in Slovenia has shown that although the social partners recognise equality measures as important elements of collective agreements, few have been incorporated. The GEQUAL project was led by the Institute for Labour Law at the Faculty of Law at the

    Germany: Initiatives by ver.di to support LGBTI workers

    The United Services Trade Union (ver.di) in Germany supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) workers through a specialised online forum for its LGBTI members and a gay working group. The latter has researched discrimination against HIV-positive employees and lobbied on behalf of

    Germany: VK initiatives to improve diversity management in the workplace

    The German Association of Gay Managers and Entrepreneurs (VK) seeks to achieve a non-discriminatory working and living environment for gay employees. This spotlight report reflects on five VK initiatives aimed at increasing diversity in the workplace in German companies: Max Spohr Prize, Diversity

    Germany: Latest findings from DGB Good Work Index

    The German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) introduced the DGB Good Work Index in 2007 as a measurement tool, based on data from an annual survey, for monitoring quality of work. This article describes the background to the DGB Good Work Index, the most recent findings and the debate around the

    Latvia: Latest working life developments – Q2 2016

    Radical changes in the State Revenue Service targeted at fighting corruption and the shadow economy, the battle by education and healthcare unions for better pay, and the publication of several important research reports are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on

    Blogs results (18)

    The workings of industrial relations are constantly evolving. In this blog piece, Eurofound authors Christian Welz and Ricardo Rodriguez Contreras discuss a tool that Eurofound has developed to enable this process of change to be monitored and analysed, enabling stakeholders in Member States to

    28 Marec 2018

    Measures to promote gender pay transparency haven’t been delivered yet in half of Europe – making EU level legislative action to speed up implementation an option. In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Christine Aumayr-Pintar details what we know about the measures from countries that

    28 Februar 2018

    Average unemployment rates continue to fall across Europe, employment is growing again in middle-paying jobs, offshoring is on the decline, the proportion of routine jobs is falling, and efforts to make work more sustainable have borne fruit.

    6 Junij 2017

    The growth in average (nominal) pay of employees has accelerated in recent years in EU countries after a slump following the economic crisis. Similar developments show up in data on collectively agreed wages. However, higher wage growth figures do not automatically mean that all employees benefit

    27 Februar 2017

    Europe has gone through significant economic change over the past decade. Businesses have had to manage the challenges posed by the financial crisis, globalisation and a rapidly changing labour market. Eurofound's new report Win-win arrangements: Innovative measures through social dialogue at

    3 Oktober 2016

    On the eve of the 11th International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) European Congress, we look at the issue of representativeness in Europe, and how ensuring that workers and employers are fairly represented at EU-level is an important aspect of European democracy.

    7 September 2016

    The European Union (EU) has strong legislation in place that protects workers from being exploited and also enables businesses to engage in fair competition. Workers are mobile and can move freely within the EU single market across borders – without being dependent upon traffickers. Yet, the latest

    3 Maj 2016

    ​Nowadays we all know that long or excessive working hours may have serious negative impacts on a person’s health and wellbeing. Eurofound‘s new report 'Working time developments in the 21st century' suggests that if working time standards are mainly left to legislation or to be set unilaterally by

    4 Marec 2016

    Upcoming publications results (9)

    This report reviews the quality of the national social partners’ involvement in the implementation of the reforms and investments shaping the digital and green transition in the context of national policymaking. These reforms and investments stem mainly from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

    March 2025

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the extractive industries sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective par

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the construction sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participatio

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the chemical sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation in

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the road transport sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participat

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the postal and courier activities sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effec

    November 2024

    This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the graphical industry. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation

    November 2024

    This publication comprises individual country reports on developments in working life in each of the 27 EU Member States and Norway in 2023, based on national research and survey results.

    June 2024

    The 2024 annual review of minimum wages presents the most recent rates of national minimum wages and recalls how they were set and agreed upon during 2023. It includes information on minimum wages set in sectoral collective agreements in countries without national minimum wages.

    June 2024


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