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Era digitală: Oportunități și provocări pentru muncă și pentru ocuparea forței de muncă

Capacitatea omului de a stoca, transmite și manipula informațiile s-a extins enorm în ultimii ani, ca urmare a inovațiilor în tehnologiile informatice și de telecomunicații. Astfel de tehnologii ale informației și ale comunicațiilor (TIC) au efecte semnificative în aproape toate domeniile economiei, conducând la accelerarea generală a ritmului modificărilor tehnice. În același timp, munca, conținutul, organizarea și proiectarea, reglementarea și protecția acesteia trec toate prin schimbări majore în era digitală. Aceste schimbări provoacă deseori estomparea limitelor dintre diferite dimensiuni ale muncii și între muncă, ocuparea forței de muncă și activitățile neprofesionale.


Recent updates


Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database...


From January to June 2022, Eurofound supported the work of France's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context


Factorii de decizie politică trebuie să dobândească cunoștințe care să contribuie la abordarea chestiunilor referitoare la reglementarea eficientă, la modalitatea de asigurare a protecției sociale în sensul cel mai larg și la echilibrarea cererilor companiilor, ale societăților și ale indivizilor în ceea ce privește exploatarea potențialului mare al digitalizării.

Comisia Europeană a adoptat strategia privind piața unică digitală pentru Europa în 2015, subliniind că reprezintă una dintre principalele sale priorități. Strategia poate crea oportunități digitale pentru cetățeni și companii și are obiectivul de a consolida poziția UE ca lider mondial în economia digitală. Ea vizează sporirea accesului la informații, crearea de locuri de muncă pentru cei cu aptitudinile digitale potrivite și transformarea serviciilor publice.  Întrucât economia colaborativă se răspândește la nivelul UE, Comisia urmărește încurajarea dezvoltării de servicii noi și inovatoare, asigurând în același timp măsurile de protecție adecvate. Comunicarea Comisiei din 2016 privind agenda europeană pentru economia colaborativă clarifică normele și recomandările de politici în acest domeniu pentru cetățeni, companii și statele membre.

Activitatea Eurofound

Eurofound analizează implicațiile tot mai extinse privind condițiile de muncăreglementarea munciiși, dincolo de importanța crescândă și de domeniul de aplicare al tehnologiilor digitale, privind piața muncii.

Se analizează impactul asupra ocupării forței de muncă al tehnologiilor revoluționare în domeniul serviciilor. De asemenea, Eurofound examinează implicațiile pe care le are economia bazată pe platforme, în special ocuparea forței de muncă prin intermediul platformelor online (crowd employment), asupra pieței muncii. În plus, continuă cercetările privind condițiile de muncă și de încadrare în muncă ale lucrătorilor mobili în domeniul TIC.

Va fi examinată natura muncii și a ocupării forței de muncă în era digitală, cu accent pe:

Principalele contribuții

Un raport comun cu Organizația Internațională a Muncii (OIM) privind munca la orice oră și din orice loc a analizat impactul muncii la distanță și al muncii mobile în domeniul TIC asupra anumitor elemente ale condițiilor de muncă.

Seria de seminarii ale fundației Eurofound (FSS) reprezintă o oportunitate pentru guverne, sindicate și angajatori de a discuta dezvoltarea politicilor sociale, de ocupare a forței de muncă și a celor legate de muncă ale UE. În 2016, FSS s-a concentrat pe impactul digitalizării asupra muncii și pe elaborarea unor agende naționale pentru o mai bună implementare a modificărilor digitale.

Key outputs

Current and ongoing research


Other ongoing work

  • In 2021, Eurofound will finalise and publish its 2020 work programme research on the impact of digitisation technologies on work organisation and working conditions and launch its online flagship resource on digitalisation.


Eurofound expert(s)


Sara Riso is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. She is involved in research projects in the areas of employment change and restructuring. She joined...

Research manager,
Working life research unit

Tina Weber is a research manager in Eurofound’s Working Life unit. Having previously shared her time between the Employment and Working Life units, her work has focused on labour...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (44)

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the accessibility of health, education and care services for all Europeans. This is also the case for children, who in several countries have seen their schools closed and replaced with remote learning. They have been affected, too, by the pandemic

28 January 2021

New digital technologies have expanded the possibilities of employee monitoring and surveillance, both in and outside the workplace. In the context of the increasing digitalisation of work, there are many issues related to employee monitoring that warrant the attention of policymakers. As well as

09 December 2020

Platform work– the matching of supply and demand for paid labour through an online platform – is still small in scale but is expected to grow. Accordingly, it is important to anticipate the opportunities and risks related to this business model and employment form. This report explores potential

21 September 2020

Developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have been among the key drivers of change in working life over the past two decades. Specifically, telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) exemplifies how digital technology has led to more flexible workplace and working time

02 July 2020

To support the European Commission’s objective of ensuring Europe is fit for the digital age, this report examines the use of digital technologies in social services and the policies that promote digital transformation. The report explores some of the main issues involved in implementing

02 April 2020

Innovation and technological advancement are natural features of developed economies, and they are necessary to maintain and improve sustainable competitiveness in an era of globalisation. However, while most innovation tends to be incremental, some has a disruptive effect on production and service

22 January 2020

Advances in ICT have opened the door to new ways of organising work. We are shifting from a regular, bureaucratic and ‘factory-based’ working time pattern towards a more flexible model of work. Telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) has emerged in this transition, giving workers and employers

16 January 2020

Platform work emerged onto European labour markets about a decade ago. While still small in scale, it is growing and evolving into a variety of forms. Different types of platform work have significantly different effects on the employment and working conditions of the affiliated workers.

23 September 2019

This report looks into the impact of the accelerated application of automation and digitisation technologies on the wage and tasks structure of employment in Europe. Despite the high level of uncertainty of these projections, the contribution of this report is to extend the analysis beyond just the

10 April 2019

This report examines the issues in relation to ‘work on demand’, a topic that has received considerable attention in the media recently, mainly due to its links with the platform economy. Work on demand is often presented as a ‘win–win situation’: workers get to tailor their work according to their

14 December 2018

Online resources results (26)

Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database captures new legislation concerning the use of algorithmic management in the employment

Image of woman paying for goods by credit card through a smartphone in a coffee shop

Bank restructuring: disruptors versus incumbents

While high-street banks reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic by accelerating the push to digitalisation and cutting jobs, some digital-only banks are recruiting new staff to meet growing demand. An example is the ‘disruptor’ bank Revolut which has recently announced the creation of 1,000 jobs worldwide


Twin transition and pandemic challenge Eurofound to increase expertise, strengthen partnerships, expand reach, says new Director

Eurofound welcomed Ivailo Kalfin to his new role as Executive Director on 1 June. After one month in the job, he reflects on the challenges facing the EU, how they will impact on the work of Eurofound and his priorities for shaping the Agency over the next five years.

Telework, ICT-based mobile work in Europe: Trends, challenges and the right to disconnect 11 March 2021 - EMCO virtual meeting hosted by the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union Presentation by Oscar Vargas Llave, Research Manager, Eurofound

16 Martie 2021

Working remotely: An overview of trends, opportunities, challenges and risks 9 March 2021 Presentation by Irene Mandl, Head of unit - Employment, Eurofound

9 Martie 2021

Connecting and disconnecting and work-life balance 9 March 2021 Presentation by Tina Weber, Research manager - Employment unit, Eurofound

9 Martie 2021

Coronavirus highlights sick pay void for platform workers

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is starting to have a serious impact on the world economy. The consequences for platform workers are especially severe in light of forced work stoppages due to self-isolation and lack of sick pay in many cases. Recent media coverage shows that platform workers in

Blogs results (23)

The platform economy is one of those moving targets, which, despite receiving increasing media and policy attention, has proven difficult to regulate. Given the heterogeneity of employment relationships, business models, types of platform work and cross-border issues, this is not surprising. Yet, in

27 Septembrie 2022

Telework has become a permanent feature of working life in Europe. While we’ve seen the benefits of more flexible ways of working – particularly during the pandemic – the problems that arise from an increasingly connected life are also becoming clearer. Unfortunately, legislation alone may not be

13 Iulie 2022

The answer is yes – potentially. Assessing the environmental benefits of telework is a complex task, because any move to work from home involves a series of changes in individuals’ daily lives and activities, as well as company-level decisions, that may positively or negatively influence the level

23 Iunie 2022

Whether it is couch surfing, baby-sitting, pizza delivery or getting Ikea furniture assembled by somebody who can do it better, platforms can mediate all kinds of voluntary or professional services. Platform work is at the heart of the ‘sharing economy’. But while this may sound like a new form of

31 Martie 2022

When it comes to Europe’s COVID-19 recovery and its aspiration to build back a more resilient society, the so-called green and digital transitions have dominated EU policy discussions. And as Eurofound made preparations for the 2022 Foundation Forum – a unique occasion for high-level debate on the

11 Martie 2022

The advent of AI has far more consequences for how work is organised, performed and valued than any previous technological revolution. In order to make the most of this digital transformation we need inclusive and nuanced policy debates on its employment effects and how to future-proof policies: we

8 Decembrie 2021

The massive and rapid adoption of telework in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 lockdowns exposed gaps in the legislation governing telework arrangements across the EU Member States. In some cases, there was no regulation in place; in others, it was too restrictive. Governments scrambled to put

31 Mai 2021

While 2020 may come to be seen as the year platform work gathered pace and started to go mainstream – thanks in large part to COVID-19 containment measures sparking an increase in food and grocery delivery – 2021 could be the year that regulation of platform work is set in motion. The well-known

24 Februarie 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled governments to take exceptional measures to monitor and control the spread of the Coronavirus. Among them was the introduction in most EU Member States of tracking apps to gather data on citizens who have contracted the virus and to trace their contacts, a measure

13 Ianuarie 2021

​​​​​​​With remote working becoming the new normal for many workers, it is surely the case that many employers are anxious to ensure that their employees are putting in full working days. Companies are likely to be investing in and deploying digital technologies for tracking employee performance

9 Decembrie 2020

Upcoming publications results (4)

This report reviews the quality of the national social partners’ involvement in the implementation of the reforms and investments shaping the digital and green transition in the context of national policymaking. These reforms and investments stem mainly from the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

March 2025

Over the last decade, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed the way employees work and communicate with each other. Despite the many benefits of digitalisation of work, the widespread access to digital devices in working life provides an alternative medium for new forms of a

September 2024

This report investigates regional employment dynamics in Europe before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the subsequent recovery from the crisis. Almost 90% of regions across the EU had exceeded their pre-pandemic employment levels by 2022. However, significant regional disparities in emp

August 2024

The interaction between workers and robots is expected to increase in modern workplaces due to rapid advancements in robotic technologies. Advanced robots often leverage progress in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensor technologies to achieve a higher level of sophistication and

July 2024
Research report
Data results (1)
24 Octombrie 2023
Reference period:


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