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Living and working in Estonia

Eurofound provides research, data and analysis on a wide range of social and work-related topics. This information is largely comparative, but also offers country-specific information for each of the EU Member States. This page contains information, research and data for Estonia.

Country profile

Working life in Estonia - Highlights

In 2023, spring parliamentary elections established a government comprising the Reform Party (centre-right), the Social Democratic Party (centre-left) and Estonia 200 (liberal centre). While inflation remained lower than in previous years and the decline in gross domestic product (GDP) slowed down, the impact of these factors persisted, resulting in a rise in the unemployment rate.



Life satisfaction

Data source: 2016 EQLS survey


Ability to choose or change methods of work

Data source: 2015 EWCS survey


Possibility to accumulate overtime for days off

Data source: 2013 ECS survey

All surveys    

Eurofound strives to strengthen the ongoing link between its own work and national policy debates and priorities related to quality of life and work. Connecting with stakeholders and target groups at national level is an integral part of Eurofound’s work. Increasingly important in this context are the EU’s policy priorities for the green and digital transitions and an economy that works for people, promoting and strengthening European democracy.



Eurofound's EU PolicyWatch database collects national level policy measures on various topics.

Title Date Category View

Restructuring events in Estonia

The restructuring events database contains factsheets with data on large-scale restructuring events reported in the principal national media and company websites in each EU Member State.


Correspondents in Estonia

Correspondents report on topics related to developments in the country's working life and inform Eurofound’s pan-European comparative analysis. Read more

Praxis Centre for Policy Studies


Eurofound Management Board members from Estonia

Eurofound's Management Board is made up of representatives of the social partners and national governments of all Member States, European Commission representatives and an independent expert appointed by the European Parliament. Read more

Marian Juurik Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
Kristi Sõber​​ Estonian Employers' Confederation (ETTK)
Jaan-Hendrik Toomel Confederation of Estonian Trade Unions (EAKL)


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