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Working conditions

Working conditions refer to the conditions in and under which work is performed. A working condition is a characteristic or a combination of characteristics of work that can be modified and improved. Current conceptions of working conditions incorporate considerations of wider factors, which may affect the employee psychosomatically. Thus, a broader definition of the term includes the economic dimension of work and effects on living conditions. Working conditions are a subject of labour law and are regulated by all of its various sources: legislation, collective agreements, works rules, the employment contract, as well as custom and practice.


Recent updates


Working life in Georgia

Eurofound and the European Training Foundation have developed the first working life country profile for Georgia, which is an EU candidate country. The profile is intended to provide an overview...


Key messages

  • Over the past 20 years, there has been upward convergence in six of seven selected dimensions of working conditions, in terms of poorer-performing Member States catching up with better-performing ones. There was downward convergence in the dimension on ‘prospects’ (job security and career advancement).
  • Job quality supports well-being and a positive experience of working life through engagement, financial security, the development of skills and competences, health and well-being, the reconciliation of work and private life, and the sustainability of work.
  • Women and men report systematic differences in their working conditions. Gender differences in labour market participation, gender roles and occupational segregation are crucial to understanding the pattern of differences in working conditions.
  • Reducing excessive demands on workers and limiting their exposure to risks can improve job quality. This is complemented by increasing access to work resources that help in achieving work goals or mitigate the effects of excessive demands.
  • A zero tolerance policy on harassment and violence at work can improve working conditions and job quality, reducing staff turnover and absenteeism.
  • Diversification and fragmentation of the labour market call for more in-depth analysis on changes in employment status, as well as emerging work situations.

Eurofound research

Eurofound monitors the working conditions of employees and self-employed at work. It provides analyses focusing on work situations of interest – such as ICT mobile work and psychosocial risks at work – and addressing specific groups in the labour market. Research on sustainable work looks at the role of work and its conditions in supporting people’s participation in work across their life course in ways that accommodate individual preferences and enable them to experience a good quality of work.

Working conditions survey data

Since its launch in 1990, Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe. The scope of the survey questionnaire has widened substantially since the first edition, aiming to provide a comprehensive picture of the everyday reality of men and women at work. The seventh EWCS takes place in 2020, covering 37 countries.

The EWCS covers a wide range of issues:

  • job quality (physical environment, social environment, skills and discretion, work intensity, working time quality, prospects and earnings) and the risks and resources contributing to these aspects of work, including employment status
  • work determinants and characteristics of work (working with customers, use of technology, where work takes place)
  • workers and enterprise demographics (age, sex, seniority, enterprise size, industry)
  • second jobs and multi-activity work
  • organisational factors that can be validly captured through a workers’ questionnaire (work processes, work pace, pace determinants, employee participation, teamwork, workplace human resource policies and work organisation characteristics, trust, cooperation and organisational rewards)
  • the quality of working life as assessed by workers (work–life balance, health and well-being, skills match, financial security, sustainability of work, absence and presenteeism, and outcomes such as engagement and motivation)

By including these multiple dimensions, the EWCS provides some insight into contemporary challenges in the world of work, for example the blurring of boundaries between working life and private life, the changing nature of work organisation or increased reliance on outsourcing. Further insights can be gained if surveys are regularly updated to integrate emerging risks, such as those related to workers’ privacy and collection of private data at the workplace.

Upward convergence in working conditions

Social convergence has gained an equal footing alongside economic convergence as an EU goal in the wake of the economic crisis. Eurofound research examines convergence in working conditions, looking at whether working conditions have improved over the past two decades in the EU and whether differences between Member States have narrowed. Globalisation and labour market institutions play a role in promoting convergence in working conditions.

  • Analysis of how working conditions differ across sectors to provide evidence on working conditions and their implications for sustainable work
  • Links between forms of work organisation and employee engagement and development of workers' knowledge and skills
  • Flagship report on working conditions and sustainable work (including findings from ‘Differences in working conditions between various groups of workers – analysing trends over time’)
  • Highlights of recent developments of selected features of working life in so-called topical updates, with one featuring statutory minimum wages

Key outputs


This publication consists of individual country reports on working life during 2021 for 28 countries – the 27 EU Member States and Norway. The country reports summarise evidence on the...

19 Maio 2022

Despite the well-known adverse effects of regular long working hours on workers’ health, well-being and performance, many workers in the EU continue to work beyond their normal hours. Part of...

10 Março 2022
Research report

EU context

European countries have a strong commitment towards improving working conditions. While much attention has focused on working conditions that have a negative impact on health and safety and well-being, conditions supportive of ‘good work’ and high job quality are also gaining in importance.

Working conditions and job quality are high on the European policy agenda. The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) underlines as significant objectives the ‘promotion of employment, improved living and working conditions … proper social protection, dialogue between management and labour, the development of human resources with a view to lasting employment and the combating of exclusion’. 

EU policy enshrines equal opportunities in the workplace for women and men, limits working hours, sets standards to ensure safety, and promotes investment in skills development. The European Commission and Member States have set up different processes to monitor progress and developments in relation to working conditions.  

On 17 November 2017, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission formally proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. One of the main principles of the pillar is to achieve fair working conditions. This covers secure and adaptable employment, wages, employment conditions and protection in case of dismissals, social dialogue and involvement of workers, work–life balance, as well as a healthy, safe and well-adapted work environment and data protection. 

Adopted in June 2019, and as a direct follow up to the Pillar, the new Directive 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions sets out new minimum rights for all workers and new rules on the provision of information to workers about their working conditions.  

Eurofound’s work on working conditions links in with the Commission’s 2019–2024 priority on a stronger Europe in the world. 


Eurofound expert(s)


Agnès Parent-Thirion is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound, tasked with the planning, development and implementation of working conditions research...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Eleonora Peruffo is a research officer in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. She works on topics related to upward convergence and social cohesion in Europe. During 2021–2022...

Research officer,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (546)

Este relatório analisa o papel do diálogo social e da negociação coletiva na abordagem dos desafios criados ou exacerbados pela pandemia de COVID-19 no setor hospitalar. Também explora se o diálogo social e os processos de negociação coletiva existentes a nível nacional foram adaptados a fim de

01 December 2022

As rigorosas restrições de saúde pública aplicadas pelos governos em 2020 para controlar a pandemia de COVID-19 alteraram abruptamente a vida profissional e continuaram a moldá-la ao longo dos dois anos que se seguiram. Entre março e novembro de 2021, foram realizadas mais de 70 000 entrevistas em

29 November 2022

O presente relatório visa identificar e analisar a legislação e a negociação coletiva em matéria de teletrabalho nos 27 Estados-Membros e na Noruega. Destaca as principais diferenças e semelhanças entre os países no que diz respeito à legislação em matéria de teletrabalho e às recentes alterações a

01 September 2022

Digitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns. Recently, the policy debate surrounding these concerns has become more prominent and has

30 May 2022

This publication consists of individual country reports on working life during 2021 for 28 countries – the 27 EU Member States and Norway. The country reports summarise evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on working life based on national research and survey results during 2021. They

19 May 2022

Despite the well-known adverse effects of regular long working hours on workers’ health, well-being and performance, many workers in the EU continue to work beyond their normal hours. Part of this additional working time is classified as overtime. This report takes a comparative overview of how

10 March 2022

Este relatório analisa o impacto da crise da COVID-19 na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos mais velhos, incluindo o impacto no seu bem-estar, finanças, emprego e inclusão social. Explora os efeitos na utilização dos serviços de assistência e na dependência dos idosos em outros apoios. O relatório

28 January 2022

Despite the increasing participation of women in the labour market and a higher share of women than men being hired into well-paid jobs in recent years, a gender pay gap exists across all EU Member States. Pay differentials between women and men have been shown to be significantly influenced by the

14 December 2021

O presente relatório visa ajudar as empresas europeias a enfrentar os desafios da pandemia da COVID-19. A tónica reside nas práticas e características do local de trabalho que ajudaram as empresas em toda a UE a desenvolver a sua resistência operacional, mantendo ao mesmo tempo os trabalhadores e os

09 December 2021

A investigação sobre o potencial transformador da revolução digital tende a adotar uma abordagem quantitativa numa tentativa de monitorizar as mudanças nos níveis de emprego decorrentes da digitalização. O receio de potenciais perdas de postos de trabalho e de perturbações negativas provocadas pelas

25 October 2021

Online resources results (1663)

Jospin Government launches job creation programme for young people

In September 1997, the French Government presented a bill establishing a new scheme to create 350,000 jobs in the public and non-profit sectors for young people. We review the contents of the plan and the reactions of the social partners.

Substantial wage increases and a new bargaining situation for the medical profession

As a result of the 1996 wage settlement, medical physicians employed at Norwegian hospitals gained substantial wage increases. These increases can in part be explained by an increase in basic wages, and in part by prolonging weekly working hours through permitting more overtime and at the same time

Changes to employers' responsibility for sickness compensation

Over the last 10 years, Dutch social security [1] law has changed dramatically. The changes relate to matters concerning government policy geared more towards activating jobless people, the allocation of responsibilities between government and social partners, and to efforts directed at curbing the

Poor pay for summer jobs may lead to revision of central agreements

With nine weeks holidays, most Swedish upper secondary school pupils want a job for some part of the summer. The high rate of unemployment has, however, made it increasingly difficult for them to find a job, since nowadays they have to compete with applicants belonging to the regular workforce.

The erosion of employers' associations and industry-level bargaining in eastern Germany

The German "model" of industrial relations is often characterised by its encompassing organisations on both sides of the labour market and its relatively centralised industry-level collective bargaining system.

New proposals to modernise German industrial relations

On 1 August 1997 the German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers' Association (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagebau, VDMA) and the Bavarian regional organisation of the German metalworkers' union, IG Metall, presented a jointly elaborated paper entitled /For competitiveness and employment/ (Für

Hospital administration and working conditions reform proposed

A public debate has begun in Portugal about the privatisation of public hospitals. Medical, paramedical and nursing unions have reacted largely negatively to proposed changes in the regulation of industrial relations, employment contracts and working conditions, and strikes were due in August

Measures to promote youth employment debated

The social partners are engaged in a protracted debate on the ways and means to address a mounting problem of youth unemployment. The best indicator of the extent of the problem is perhaps that on average 2.9% of those aged 15 to 18 years were neither employed nor in school during 1996, while a

Labour relations in cooperatives: the working partner issue

A long-running debate over the position of "working partners" in cooperatives - partners who also work in the organisation - has caused a dispute between Italian trade unions and cooperative associations, which came to a head when negotiations broke down in July 1997. We review the controversy and

Wage trends in Spain analysed

In Spain, where wage costs have grown far less than productivity, pay restraint has been the trend. This feature examines trends in real unit labour costs, real pay and pay differentials across the Spanish economy over the last 15 years.

Blogs results (35)

The European Commission declared 2023 as the European Year of Skills, stating ‘Helping people get the right skills for quality jobs and helping companies, in particular small and medium enterprises, address skills shortages in the EU is what this year is all about.’

27 Março 2023

Women and frontline workers are most exposed to the risks of adverse social behaviour at work, such as burnout, exhaustion, anxiety and depression. This is according to the European Working Conditions Telephone Survey 2021 (EWCTS). In this data story, we dive into EWCTS data (EU27) to examine the

A worker sitting on the floor

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. With the lifting of restrictions across the globe, we are now able to examine the many repercussions on the world of work. In particular, the unique demands of the last few years have shone a harsh spotlight on the pressures brought to bear

17 Janeiro 2023

The platform economy is one of those moving targets, which, despite receiving increasing media and policy attention, has proven difficult to regulate. Given the heterogeneity of employment relationships, business models, types of platform work and cross-border issues, this is not surprising. Yet, in

27 Setembro 2022

As we leave behind the lockdowns and business disruptions of COVID-19 and enter a ‘new normal’, it is time to talk about how workplaces might be transformed to drive innovation. Some may baulk at this suggestion, as we continue to grapple with the pandemic fallout, but crises have always been a

28 Junho 2021

The pandemic has had differential impacts on women. Raised consciousness about them must be applied to advance gender equality in recovery measures. All crises have a strongly gendered impact and none more so than the current pandemic, across a range of indicators. While the virus itself seems to

28 Abril 2021

Standard employment is not simply being replaced by non-standard work; employment is becoming more diverse, and policy must accordingly become more tailored. The last decade has seen much public and policy debate on the future of work. Standard employment – permanent, full-time and subject to labour

15 Dezembro 2020

​​​​​​​With remote working becoming the new normal for many workers, it is surely the case that many employers are anxious to ensure that their employees are putting in full working days. Companies are likely to be investing in and deploying digital technologies for tracking employee performance

9 Dezembro 2020

As Europe faces into what appears to be a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, concern is mounting about the evolution and dramatic impact of the disease, with rising numbers of infections, hospitalisations and deaths. There is also a growing focus on the repercussions for the economy, the labour

7 Outubro 2020

Upcoming publications results (1)

This publication comprises individual country reports on developments in working life in each of the 27 EU Member States and Norway in 2023, based on national research and survey results.

June 2024
Data results (1)
24 Outubro 2023
Reference period:


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