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Jakość miejsc pracy

Jakość miejsc pracy stanowi uzupełnienie pomiarów liczby miejsc pracy, co umożliwia przeprowadzenie oceny strategii zatrudnienia. Jakość miejsc pracy jest wielowymiarową koncepcją, w której różne programy polityczne i dyscypliny uwypuklają różne wymiary. 

W większości badań przeprowadzanych przez Eurofound jakość miejsc pracy mierzy się na poziomie danego miejsca pracy. Obejmuje ona obiektywne spojrzenie na specyfikę danego miejsca pracy, którą można zaobserwować i która jest związana z zaspokajaniem potrzeb pracowników w miejscu pracy. Składają się na nią wszystkie cechy charakterystyczne dla danego miejsca pracy i zatrudnienia, co do których dowiedziono, że mają one związek przyczynowo-skutkowy ze zdrowiem i dobrostanem pracowników. Uwzględniono również pozytywne i negatywne cechy poszczególnych miejsc pracy. Wskaźniki te odzwierciedlają zasoby pracy (aspekty fizyczne, psychologiczne, społeczne lub organizacyjne) oraz wymagania związane z pracą lub procesy, które mają na nie wpływ.


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There is no one future of work for all jobs – policymakers will have their work cut out to ensure that remote and platform working, artificial intelligence and climate change...


From January to June 2024, Eurofound supports the work of Belgium's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context

Job quality and its improvement is an important policy concern, as quality jobs are crucial for higher labour force participation, higher well-being and increased economic performance. Job quality is also a key component in making work sustainable and enabling workers to remain motivated to remain in work for longer. It is central to the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda, the OECD’s jobs strategy and to the European Union’s quality of work policies to create more and better jobs. For workers, for the enterprises and organisations that employ them and for societies, there are benefits associated with high-quality jobs, and costs associated with poor-quality jobs.  

European Industrial Relations Dictionary

Key messages

  • Job quality can be supported by a wide-ranging set of policies and actions at EU level, by national authorities and social partners, and within companies aimed at addressing the issues raised in the EWCS analysis of job quality indices and profiles and that support workers throughout their working lives.
  • By bundling practices that increase employee autonomy, facilitate employee voice and promote training and learning, businesses can boost performance while improving job quality.
  • Job quality can be improved by reducing excessive demands on workers and limiting their exposure to risks – and also by increasing their access to work resources that help in achieving work goals or mitigate the effects of these demands. Each dimension of job quality can also be improved through workplace practices and policies.
  • Workers and employers and their organisations each have a role to play in improving job quality; social dialogue is critical for devising policies in the workplace and beyond. Public authorities should regulate with the common goal of improving job quality in mind.
  • Being a manager is challenging for both women and men. To increase the attractiveness of managerial positions, job quality for all managers needs to be improved. Linked to this are difficulties in achieving a satisfactory work–life balance. Addressing the working time and work–life balance needs of managers increases the attractiveness of this function and also makes working as a manager more sustainable.
  • As some employment statuses are linked to poorer quality jobs, labour market policies aimed at addressing global economic competitiveness and combating high unemployment rates hence need to consider the potential effects for job quality.

Eurofound research

Eurofound aims to consolidate the position of its European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) as an important tool for benchmarking job quality in the European Union and beyond, feeding into policy development in the area of quality of work. The data have been used to carry out further research on various topics linked to job quality, including job quality in different work situations, job quality of different groups in the labour market, the impact of job quality on quality of working lives and in-depth analysis of individual dimensions of job quality. The European Company Survey 2019 (ECS 2019) also looks at different dimensions of job quality for workers and employers. Recent research has also looked into job quality in a global perspective.

Working conditions survey: Job quality indices

Eurofound’s EWCS 2015, the sixth edition of the survey, provides an in-depth account of people’s current experience of work in Europe and an overview of working lives through the lens of job quality. The survey gathered detailed data on almost every aspect of working life, from working time to relationships with colleagues to opportunities for training. 

To explore what the data say about job quality, Eurofound developed seven indices representing different dimensions of job quality, based on aspects of work that have an independent influence on health and well-being. These are:

  • Physical environment
  • Work intensity
  • Working time quality
  • Social environment
  • Skills and discretion
  • Prospects
  • Earnings

Those jobs that scored similarly on the seven job quality indices were grouped together in five job quality profiles: High flying, Smooth running, Active manual, Under pressure, Poor quality.

The data show a diverse and heterogeneous labour market, where one in five workers has a 'poor quality' job.

Eurofound's 2021 flagship report on working conditions and sustainable work sums up research on job quality in the past five years. It highlights the relevance of job quality to address challenges in the future: pyschosocial risks at work, ICT-based mobile work, fragmentation of work and the specific challenges in the era of COVID-19. 

Company survey: Workplace practices and job quality

The European Company Survey (ECS) looks at workplace practices with regard to work organisation, human resource management and direct and indirect employee participation. These workplace practices are key determinants of the job quality of employees. The ECS 2019 examines job autonomy and complexity, the prevalence of part-time work and permanent contracts, the expectations management has of employees, the motivational drivers that are in place, the training and learning opportunities that are offered to employees, as well as the channels for, and impact of, direct and indirect employee participation. Both the ECS 2013 and the ECS 2019 show that establishments that have workplace practices that ensure good job quality also do better in terms of performance and workplace well-being.

Working conditions in a global perspective

Using EWCS data, Eurofound has collaborated with the ILO on a pioneering project to provide a comparative analysis of job quality covering approximately 1.2 billion workers in Europe, Asia and the Americas. It analyses the seven dimensions of job quality, finding both important differences and similarities between countries.

How different groups fare on job quality

Eurofound’s policy brief on women in management uses EWCS data to look at the diversity of job quality in management positions, analysing whether the working conditions of managers are better than those of non-managers and whether they are similar for women and men. Analysis of gender equality at work also highlights important gaps in men’s and women’s working conditions and job quality which require specific attention.

Research on working conditions of workers of different ages examines the role of job quality and other work-related factors in workers’ decisions and ability to remain in paid employment. Other research on working time patterns for sustainable work examines from a gender and life course perspective the links between working time patterns and organisation, working time quality and work–life balance, and health and well-being. 

The research on working conditions in sectors examines trends in job quality from a sectoral perspective. Findings also reveal that workplace accommodation of the needs of workers with chronic disease can impact their job quality and the sustainability of work.

Determinants of job quality: Employment status, working time patterns 

Eurofound’s policy brief on employment status uses EWCS data to investigate the job quality associated with different employment statuses in the EU Member States. The research explores the working conditions of five categories of self-employed and analyses their job quality. 

Other research examines the working conditions and job quality associated with ICT-based mobile work and the impact of this form of work on quality of working lives. 

Research also looks at human resource management and how employee involvement in decision-making can benefit organisations, helping to improve job quality and working conditions. 

Impact of job quality

Research on working conditions and workers’ health examines the interplay between job demands and job resources which support workers in greater engagement and well-being. In terms of reconciling work and life, Eurofound examines the reciprocal relations between working conditions and job quality and people’s lives outside work, and what is most important for people in terms of work–life balance. 

The EWCS 2015 demonstrates the positive relationship between each job quality index and worker's experience of the quality of working life in terms of: career and employment security, developing skills and competences, maintaining and promoting health and well-being, reconciling working and non-working life, work sustainability, and meaningful and motivating work. 

Labour market change and job quality

Eurofound’s European Jobs Monitor (EJM) tracks structural change in European labour markets. It describes shifts in employment at Member State and EU level, analysing changes in terms of occupation and sector and the implications for job quality.

Key outputs


Megatrends, such as digitalisation, globalisation, demographic change and climate change, are transforming the world of work, with knock-on effects for working conditions and job quality. Against this background, this report...

5 Listopad 2020
Research report

Ongoing work

Eurofound aims to consolidate the position of its European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) as an important tool for benchmarking job quality in the European Union and beyond, feeding into policy development in the area of quality of work. The data have been used to carry out further research on various topics linked to job quality, including job quality in different work situations, job quality of different groups in the labour market, the impact of job quality on quality of working lives and in-depth analysis of individual dimensions of job quality. The European Company Survey 2019 (ECS 2019) also looks at different dimensions of job quality for workers and employers. Recent research has also looked into job quality in a global perspective.

Working conditions survey: Job quality indices

Eurofound’s EWCS 2015, the sixth edition of the survey, provides an in-depth account of people’s current experience of work in Europe and an overview of working lives through the lens of job quality. The survey gathered detailed data on almost every aspect of working life, from working time to relationships with colleagues to opportunities for training. 

To explore what the data say about job quality, Eurofound developed seven indices representing different dimensions of job quality, based on aspects of work that have an independent influence on health and well-being. These are:

  • Physical environment
  • Work intensity
  • Working time quality
  • Social environment
  • Skills and discretion
  • Prospects
  • Earnings

Those jobs that scored similarly on the seven job quality indices were grouped together in five job quality profiles: High flying, Smooth running, Active manual, Under pressure, Poor quality.

The data show a diverse and heterogeneous labour market, where one in five workers has a 'poor quality' job.

Company survey: Workplace practices and job quality



The European Company Survey (ECS) looks at workplace practices with regard to work organisation, human resource management and direct and indirect employee participation. These workplace practices are key determinants of the job quality of employees. The ECS 2019 examines job autonomy and complexity, the prevalence of part-time work and permanent contracts, the expectations management has of employees, the motivational drivers that are in place, the training and learning opportunities that are offered to employees, as well as the channels for, and impact of, direct and indirect employee participation. Both the ECS 2013 and the ECS 2019 show that establishments that have workplace practices that ensure good job quality also do better in terms of performance and workplace well-being.

See European Company Survey 2019 infographic.



Working conditions in a global perspective

Using EWCS data, Eurofound has collaborated with the ILO on a pioneering project to provide a comparative analysis of job quality covering approximately 1.2 billion workers in Europe, Asia and the Americas. It analyses the seven dimensions of job quality, finding both important differences and similarities between countries.

How different groups fare on job quality

Eurofound’s policy brief on women in management uses EWCS data to look at the diversity of job quality in management positions, analysing whether the working conditions of managers are better than those of non-managers and whether they are similar for women and men. Research on working conditions of workers of different ages examines the role of job quality and other work-related factors in workers’ decisions and ability to remain in paid employment. Other research on working time patterns for sustainable work examines from a gender and life course perspective the links between working time patterns and organisation, working time quality and work–life balance, and health and well-being. 

Determinants of job quality: Employment status, working time patterns 

Eurofound’s policy brief on employment status uses EWCS data to investigate the job quality associated with different employment statuses in the EU Member States. The research explores the working conditions of five categories of self-employed and analyses their job quality. 
Other research examines the working conditions and job quality associated with ICT-based mobile work and the impact of this form of work on quality of working lives. 

Impact of job quality

Research on working conditions and workers’ health examines the interplay between job demands and job resources which support workers in greater engagement and well-being. In terms of reconciling work and life, Eurofound examines the reciprocal relations between working conditions and job quality and people’s lives outside work, and what is most important for people in terms of work–life balance. 

The EWCS 2015 demonstrates the positive relationship between each job quality index and worker's experience of the quality of working life in terms of: career and employment security, developing skills and competences, maintaining and promoting health and well-being, reconciling working and non-working life, work sustainability, and meaningful and motivating work. 

Labour market change and job quality

Eurofound’s European Jobs Monitor (EJM) tracks structural change in European labour markets. It describes shifts in employment at Member State and EU level, analysing changes in terms of occupation and sector and the implications for job quality.

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Agnès Parent-Thirion is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound, tasked with the planning, development and implementation of working conditions research...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (160)

Ensuring greater social protection for self-employed people has been the subject of much policy debate in recent years. In 2019, the Council of the European Union adopted a recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed. Sudden reductions in income during the COVID-1

30 January 2024

In this report, we provide projections of how the Fit for 55 policy package may affect the sectoral and occupational structure of employment in the EU by 2030, and the impacts across different regions and countries.

25 October 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a diverse collection of workers ensured the functioning of our societies. In a time of crisis, they maintained access to healthcare, long-term care and other essential goods and services, including food, water, electricity, the internet and waste treatment.

10 October 2023

W raporcie przeanalizowano prawdopodobne i wyobrażalne scenariusze badające, w jaki sposób telepraca i praca hybrydowa w UE mogłyby się rozwinąć do 2035 r., oraz ich konsekwencje dla świata pracy. Jak przygotowani są menedżerowie i pracownicy, organizacje pracodawców i związki zawodowe oraz

28 April 2023

Surowe ograniczenia w zakresie zdrowia publicznego wprowadzone przez rządy w 2020 r. w celu opanowania pandemii COVID 19 gwałtownie zmieniły życie zawodowe i nadal kształtowały je w ciągu dwóch kolejnych lat. W okresie od marca do listopada 2021 r. w 36 krajach przeprowadzono ponad 70 000 wywiadów w

29 November 2022

Digitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns. Recently, the policy debate surrounding these concerns has become more prominent and has

30 May 2022

Badania nad potencjałem transformacyjnym rewolucji cyfrowej zazwyczaj opierają się na podejściu ilościowym w celu monitorowania zmian w poziomie zatrudnienia spowodowanych cyfryzacją. Obawa przed potencjalną utratą miejsc pracy i negatywnymi zakłóceniami powodowanymi przez technologie cyfrowe

25 October 2021

W niniejszym sztandarowym sprawozdaniu podsumowano najważniejsze ustalenia badań na temat warunków pracy przeprowadzonych przez Eurofound w okresie programowania 2017–2020. Przedstawiono w nim postępy poczynione od 2000 r. w zakresie poprawy warunków pracy i zbadano, czy wszyscy pracownicy w równym

26 February 2021

The long-term care (LTC) sector employs a growing share of workers in the EU and is experiencing increasing staff shortages. The LTC workforce is mainly female and a relatively large and increasing proportion is aged 50 years or older. Migrants are often concentrated in certain LTC jobs. This report

14 December 2020

New digital technologies have expanded the possibilities of employee monitoring and surveillance, both in and outside the workplace. In the context of the increasing digitalisation of work, there are many issues related to employee monitoring that warrant the attention of policymakers. As well as

09 December 2020

Online resources results (166)

High performance workplace practices and job satisfaction

The study High performance workplace practices and job satisfaction (313Kb pdf) [1] examines the effects of innovative workplace practices on the quality of work, and investigates how being involved in high performance workplace organisations (HPWOs) affects job satisfaction. [1]

Weaknesses in safety, hygiene and health at work

The study Condições de Trabalho e Humanização (‘A more human approach to working conditions’) was carried out as part of the project Agir para a Igualdade (in Portuguese) [1] (‘Acting for equality’), developed between 2002 and 2004 and financed by the EQUAL European Initiative (in Portuguese) [2]

Commission signals progress in quality of work

The Commission’s Communication 'Improving quality in work: a review of recent progress'COM(2003) 728 final [1] /(pdf file)/ examines the positive relationships between quality of work and full employment, productivity, social inclusion and cohesion, and also explores the policy implications. The

Quality of work and employment

Job security, access to training, career development and pay are identified as key indicators for assessing quality of work. According to these indicators, four types of jobs can be distinguished: dead-end jobs, low pay/low productivity jobs, jobs of reasonable quality and jobs of good quality.

Survey finds general satisfaction with work, but little autonomy and participation

In early 2002, the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs published the results of its 2001 Survey of Quality of Life at Work (ECVT). The most outstanding findings are that the majority of employed persons tend to consider themselves satisfied with their work, though a similar proportion

Non-permanent employment and fear of economic downturn cast shadow on work

The Finnish Ministry of Labour published its yearly 'working life barometer' in December 2001. The results indicate that employees on fixed-term and temporary contracts are discriminated against more than other groups at the workplace. Employees' general attitude to changes in working life has also

Agreement reached on sickness absence and an 'inclusive working life'

On 3 October 2001, the social partners and the outgoing Labour Party (Det norske Arbeiderparti, DnA) government concluded an 'agreement of intent' with the view to creating a more 'inclusive working life'. It is hoped that the agreement will help to reduce the utilisation of sickness benefits and

European human resource directors' conference focuses on attracting and retaining employees

For the past 10 years, the European Commission, in cooperation with national and European employers' organisations, has organised a conference for the human resource (HR) directors of Europe's major employers. The conference is used as a forum for the Commission to engage in social dialogue with

Act on Protection of Privacy in Working Life adopted

In June 2001, Finland adopted a new Act on Protection of Privacy in Working Life, regulating issues such as the testing of employees, the handling of information concerning their health, and rules on monitoring the workforce. A basic principle is that the employer is permitted to collect only

Employers debate challenge of employment

In February 2001, Greece's SEV employers' federation held a seminar on "the challenge of employment". With Greek unemployment - in contrast to most other EU Member States - still rising, the employers examined the current situation and prospects and drew up a set of proposals on issues such as

Blogs results (16)

There is no one future of work for all jobs – policymakers will have their work cut out to ensure that remote and platform working, artificial intelligence and climate change policies will benefit and not disadvantage workers.

The COVID-19 pandemic made us acutely aware of how dependent our society is on certain essential workers. We felt deep gratitude towards workers in healthcare especially, because they worked ceaselessly in often-difficult conditions.

22 Listopad 2023
A worker sitting on the floor

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and work. With the lifting of restrictions across the globe, we are now able to examine the many repercussions on the world of work. In particular, the unique demands of the last few years have shone a harsh spotlight on the pressures brought to bear

17 Styczeń 2023

As we leave behind the lockdowns and business disruptions of COVID-19 and enter a ‘new normal’, it is time to talk about how workplaces might be transformed to drive innovation. Some may baulk at this suggestion, as we continue to grapple with the pandemic fallout, but crises have always been a

28 Czerwiec 2021

COVID-19 has shown that some things can hit us out of the blue. The pandemic sent a shockwave through businesses all over the world and has brought massive changes to work organisation, internal communication and day-to-day operations for many companies. Doubtless, the depth of the pandemic’s impact

21 Czerwiec 2021

Health professionals – doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, paramedics, ambulance workers – are in the vanguard of the battle against COVID-19. They are the ones dealing with sick people, triaging, testing and treating them. They are the ones confronting suffering and death. While some of their

31 Marzec 2020

We hear more and more about the platform economy, with the debate often revolving around the potential long-term implications of its growth on the labour market and the impact on traditional and established businesses and industries.

28 Styczeń 2020

Much of the discussion on the future of work is focused on globalisation and technology, and their impacts on the labour market. However, there is also a growing interest in the business models used by cooperatives and social enterprises, and how they can contribute to a better future of work

15 Listopad 2019

Economic disparities have been decreasing between EU member states over the past decade, but at the same time inequality has been growing within member states. Despite national level convergence, the gap in wealth and income between the rich and the poor is growing in most of Europe. Some of this

29 Październik 2019

Upcoming publications results (2)

This policy brief investigates how organisations are adapting their work organisation and practices to hybrid work. Based on case studies and on data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2024, the policy brief examines how hybrid work is being managed in organisations and profiles t

April 2025

Workers will experience the effects of climate change in many ways: job insecurity, changes to their work tasks and responsibilities and changes in their workplaces that may involve different work practices and the development of new activities and products. Climate change is associated with higher

July 2024
Data results (6)
24 Październik 2023
Reference period:
20 Wrzesień 2023


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