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Serviços públicos

Os serviços públicos, tais como a saúde, a educação, a assistência social e os transportes, são essenciais para a obtenção de níveis elevados de proteção social, coesão social e inclusão social. Mas é a qualidade e o acesso aos serviços que determina o seu sucesso numa conjuntura social e demográfica em mutação.

O desafio que se coloca aos decisores políticos é o de garantir a conceção e prestação de serviços sociais e de saúde capazes de responder às variadas necessidades dos cidadãos.  Esse desafio tem sido dificultado pela imposição de severas restrições financeiras nos últimos anos e pela procura crescente desses serviços, motivada, por um lado, pelo envelhecimento demográfico e, por outro lado, pelo afluxo de refugiados à Europa.  Além da acessibilidade e da qualidade, outras questões emergem neste momento.  Nestas se inclui o risco de os novos canais digitais de prestação de serviços poderem isolar comunidades que já se encontram em desvantagem e de viram a criar dificuldades na criação de padrões de acesso e qualidade dos serviços.

O Pacote de Investimento Social, lançado em 2013 pela Comissão, insta os Estados-Membros a colocar maior ênfase na prestação de serviços públicos de elevada qualidade. Além disso, a estratégia do Mercado Único Digital para a Europa, adotada pela Comissão em 2015, insiste na necessidade de modernizar os serviços públicos para reforçar a competitividade. A utilização das novas tecnologias, os serviços públicos em linha e a interoperabilidade transfronteiriça são essenciais para melhorar a relação custo/benefício e a qualidade dos serviços prestados. Em abril de 2017, a Comissão lançou um pacote de iniciativas ao abrigo do Pilar Europeu dos Direitos Sociais que consagra, nos seus princípios, o acesso a educação de boa qualidade, a serviços de educação e de acolhimento na primeira infância, a cuidados de saúde, a habitação social e a outros serviços essenciais.


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Daniel Molinuevo about the European Child Guarantee, how bad the situation is with regard to child poverty...
Happy dad, excited kid play in cardboard boxes in new house © Davids C/ Stock

The European Child Guarantee outlines recommendations for Member States to support effective access to adequate housing for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

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EU context

Trabalho da Eurofound

A Eurofound analisa as necessidades dos cidadãos em geral, conferindo particular atenção aos jovens, aos idosos, às pessoas com incapacidades físicas ou mentais e àquelas de origem migrante. Monitoriza e analisa as mudanças nos serviços públicos motivadas pelas restrições orçamentais, bem como as mudanças em termos de políticas e os progressos verificados em termos tecnológicos e de digitalização. Com base nos estudos de caso aprofundados sobre a matéria, a investigação da Eurofound no domínio dos serviços públicos também examina as perspetivas dos prestadores de serviços e a sua resposta à evolução das necessidades dos seus utentes.

Principais contributos

O Inquérito Europeu sobre a Qualidade de Vida (EQLS) examina o impacto da crise na sociedade europeia e a forma como os cidadãos europeus percecionam a qualidade das suas sociedades e dos seus serviços públicos. Os estudos aprofundados incidem sobre uma série de temas-chave, incluindo sobre os efeitos da crise económica e das reformas da segurança social nos níveis de vida e na qualidade da sociedade.

Em particular, através dos dados do EQLS, a investigação centrou-se nas desigualdades sociais em quatro áreas fundamentais da vida: saúde, nível de vida, atividades produtivas e valorizadas, e vida individual, familiar e social. A análise às famílias também tem incidido sobre as mudanças de qualidade de vida em toda a UE para diversos tipos de famílias com crianças, comparando os seus níveis de vida e situação social. 

Outras áreas de interesse têm sido os custos sociais e económicos e as consequências das más condições habitacionais, bem como o aumento da oferta de serviços hospitalares privados em toda a Europa. O impacto do elevado afluxo de cidadãos migrantes nos serviços públicos dos Estados-Membros da UE tem também sido objeto de debate.

As medidas de apoio à inclusão social dos jovens e a experiência da implementação da Garantia Europeia da Juventude foram também temas importantes para a Eurofound. Além disso, o acesso a serviços de educação e de acolhimento na primeira infância, bem como a qualidade de tais serviços, têm vindo a ganhar proeminência no debate político europeu e têm ganho lugar de destaque nos estudos levados a cabo pela Eurofound.

Através dos dados coligidos no quarto EQLS realizado em 2016, a Eurofound analisará em que medida os serviços públicos estão a suprir as necessidades dos grupos sociais, ajudando assim os decisores políticos a providenciar serviços sociais adequados. A Eurofound debruçar-se-á sobre o impacto da digitalização em termos sociais e geográficos, analisando de que forma a conceção e a prestação dos serviços sociais e de saúde podem ser suportados pelas novas tecnologias.

Social inclusion: Protecting young people and children

Measures to support the social inclusion of young people and experience of the implementation of the reinforced Youth Guarantee have been important topics for Eurofound. In addition, access to early childhood education and care services and the quality of such services have been gaining greater prominence in the EU policy debate around the European Child Guarantee and have also been the focus of Eurofound research.

Focus on various public services

Other areas of interest for Eurofound include housing unaffordability and inadequacy, as well as household over-indebtedness and debt advisory services. Research has also explored access to energy, public transport and digital communications for people on low incomes. 

Future research will focus on mental health services and services facilitating independent living. Furthermore, the impact of the inflow of mobile citizens on the public services of EU Member States will be an important consideration.

Key outputs


The European Child Guarantee was established in 2021 to ensure that children in need have access to a set of key services. This policy brief analyses trends and disparities in...

21 Setembro 2023
Policy brief
Front cover for Eurofound's publication entitled 'Social services in Europe: Adapting to a new reality'

O presente relatório aborda o impacto da crise da COVID-19 nos serviços sociais na UE. Embora a pandemia tenha afetado negativamente os serviços sociais, proporcionou, não obstante, ensinamentos sobre a...

16 Agosto 2023
Research report

Current and ongoing research


Other ongoing work

    • Examining services for labour market integration of people with disabilities based on data from the EQLS 2016 to support policymaking in designing relevant and efficient services
    • Mapping developments in advisory for household debt in EU countries as well as identifying barriers to access these services to combat poverty and assessing take-up
    • Analysing differences and inequalities in access to social services of general interest in the EU and assessing the nature and extent of convergence/divergence


    Eurofound expert(s)


    Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

    Senior research manager,
    Social policies research unit

    Daniel Molinuevo is a research manager in the Social Policies unit, having joined Eurofound in 2010. His research on health and social care has focused on the quality and...

    Research manager,
    Social policies research unit
    Publications results (103)

    The urban-rural divide in EU countries has grown in recent years, and the depopulation of certain rural areas in favour of cities is a challenge when it comes to promoting economic development and maintaining social cohesion and convergence.

    18 October 2023

    The European Child Guarantee was established in 2021 to ensure that children in need have access to a set of key services. This policy brief analyses trends and disparities in children’s access to early childhood education and care, education, healthcare, nutrition and housing.

    21 September 2023

    O presente relatório aborda o impacto da crise da COVID-19 nos serviços sociais na UE. Embora a pandemia tenha afetado negativamente os serviços sociais, proporcionou, não obstante, ensinamentos sobre a forma de os adaptar em resposta aos novos desafios e riscos sociais. Uma lição, por exemplo, é

    16 August 2023

    In collecting information on essential services, the European Commission requested Eurofound to provide input on certain aspects of existing and planned measures in the Member States to improve access to essential services in reference to Principle 20 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. For

    07 September 2022

    A new European Disability Strategy was launched in 2021 with the aim of intensifying progress on ensuring the full participation of people with disabilities in society. The increase of EU policy focus on people with disabilities is timely: the COVID-19 pandemic magnified the challenges they faced in

    21 March 2022

    Este relatório analisa o impacto da crise da COVID-19 na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos mais velhos, incluindo o impacto no seu bem-estar, finanças, emprego e inclusão social. Explora os efeitos na utilização dos serviços de assistência e na dependência dos idosos em outros apoios. O relatório

    28 January 2022

    The impact of COVID-19 has moved public health up the EU social policy agenda. As the EU directs its efforts towards establishing a European Health Union to guard against future health crises, this policy brief examines the extent to which the EU achieved upward convergence in terms of health and

    30 September 2021

    O presente relatório examina as evoluções políticas nos Estados-Membros da UE destinadas a apoiar a inclusão das pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho aberto, com uma tónica particular nas três fases de entrada no mercado de trabalho, manutenção no trabalho e regresso ao trabalho após uma

    19 April 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the accessibility of health, education and care services for all Europeans. This is also the case for children, who in several countries have seen their schools closed and replaced with remote learning. They have been affected, too, by the pandemic

    28 January 2021

    The long-term care (LTC) sector employs a growing share of workers in the EU and is experiencing increasing staff shortages. The LTC workforce is mainly female and a relatively large and increasing proportion is aged 50 years or older. Migrants are often concentrated in certain LTC jobs. This report

    14 December 2020

    Online resources results (54)

    France: Agreement signed to protect compulsory supplementary pension schemes

    In France, two compulsory supplementary pension schemes managed by the social partners are facing financial difficulties. The social partners have signed an agreement to protect the schemes. The agreement introduces a bonus–penalty system to encourage employees to retire later.

    Portugal: Rejection of austerity measures in public sector

    In 2014, Portugal's Constitutional Court ruled that a number of the coalition government's austerity measures were unconstitutional. The government’s response was a new austerity package that extended the possibility of wage cuts to 2018 and included permanent cuts to public pensions. The

    Social security contributions, wages and labour market feature in run-up to central bargaining

    With negotiations over a new intersectoral agreement due later in the year, the debate in Belgium in spring 2002 has focused on social security contributions, the growth of wage costs and labour market participation. On the first point, the federal government has in recent years taken measures to

    MEDEF makes proposals for social protection reform

    In November 2001, France's MEDEF employers' confederation issued proposals for the reform of the social protection system. They clearly reflect the organisation's desire to separate employment-related social protection from those aspects of welfare that have been extended to the whole population

    Medical specialists strike

    In September and October 2001, Belgian clinical biologists, radiologists and kidney specialists were due to strike for a total of 12 days. They were primarily protesting against 'unusual' savings and budget over-run recovery measures being applied to their sector.

    35-hour week negotiations in public hospitals

    Negotiations over the introduction of the 35-hour week in France's public hospitals started in earnest in September 2001, following a government announcement that 40,000 jobs (a figure later raised to 45,000) were to be created to accompany the working time reductions. Trade unions have reservations

    Changes ahead in hospital sector industrial relations

    On 1 January 2002, the ownership of public hospitals in Norway will be transferred from the local government level (mainly county municipalities) to the state. The hospitals will be organised as subsidiaries under the control of one of five regional public enterprises that will also be established

    Unions protest against new management models for public services

    Early 2001 saw trade union protests in various areas of the Portuguese public services - notably healthcare and some municipal services - where new management models are being tried out. The changes have led trade unions to protest against what they see as a privatisation of essential services. In

    New law reforms social services

    In October 2000, the Italian parliament approved a new framework law reforming the national system of social service provision. The new law provides for an integrated network of all types of provision (including social, healthcare, labour market measures), with new responsibilities for regional and

    Blogs results (7)

    Child poverty and exclusion in the EU is on the rise. To address this worrying trend, EU policy needs to focus on access to services, which requires improving data collection, targeting inequalities and involving the workforce that delivers services in policymaking.

    24 Outubro 2023

    The European Pillar of Social Rights states that ‘everyone has the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular home-care and community-based services’. Taking a step to make this principle a reality, the European Commission is currently preparing a European Care

    5 Maio 2022

    Healthcare providers have been overwhelmed by the demand for COVID-19-related care. Medical appointments and treatments for other conditions have often been delayed, potentially leading to escalating health problems and greater future care needs among those who have missed out. If the pandemic leads

    18 Janeiro 2021

    An ageing Europe and rising public expenditure on long-term care have signalled for some time that the fundamentals of care provision need to be addressed. However, the shocking death toll in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many long-term care services were ill-equipped to

    2 Dezembro 2020

    Depopulation of rural areas and the concentration of employment and education opportunities in urban centres is a fact of modern life. What impact does this have on the quality of life of rural residents? Do they feel increasingly isolated, and what are the emerging trends? New research by Eurofound

    8 Maio 2019

    Austerity measures introduced during the crisis have disproportionately concerned cuts in the measures that are most vital for reducing child poverty: cash and tax benefits, a new Eurofound report shows. Furthermore, there has been a move away from universal coverage towards more targeted support

    3 Fevereiro 2016
    Upcoming publications results (1)

    Social protection can include a range of entitlements to monetary and in-kind benefits. Eurofound’s project focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits. Social protection can provide a safety net for people who are negatively impacted by the green and digital transitions. During the COVID-19

    September 2024
    Data results (2)
    7 Novembro 2023
    Reference period:
    24 Outubro 2023
    Reference period:


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