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Condizioni di lavoro e lavoro sostenibile

Le condizioni di lavoro e il lavoro sostenibile sono una delle sei principali attività del programma di lavoro di Eurofound per il periodo 2021-2024. Eurofound continuerà a operare come un centro di competenza per il monitoraggio e l’analisi degli sviluppi in questo settore, con riguardo anche alle modalità con cui la crisi da COVID-19 ha inciso sulle condizioni e sulla qualità del lavoro, oltre che sulle pratiche sul luogo di lavoro.

Nel periodo 2021-2024, Eurofound offrirà importanti approfondimenti sulle sfide e sulle prospettive relative alle condizioni di lavoro e al lavoro sostenibile nell’UE. Basandosi su competenze consolidate in questo settore, Eurofound esaminerà le tendenze e i progressi nel tempo e individuerà le preoccupazioni emergenti in merito alle condizioni e alla qualità del lavoro. L’analisi riguarderà diversi paesi, settori, occupazioni e gruppi di lavoratori vertendo su questioni quali l’organizzazione del lavoro il telelavoro l’orario di lavoro l’equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata la parità di trattamento la salute e il benessere sul luogo di lavoro le competenze e la formazione i redditi e le prospettive , e la soddisfazione professionale. Le forme di occupazione atipiche , soprattutto il lavoro autonomo, saranno oggetto di un’attenzione del tutto particolare.

Alla luce della sfida demografica dell’UE rappresentata dall’ invecchiamento della popolazione e dalla crescente diversità della vita lavorativa, Eurofound continuerà a esaminare i fattori che consentono a un maggior numero di lavoratori di rimanere più a lungo nel mondo del lavoro. Porrà inoltre l’accento sul miglioramento della qualità del lavoro quale fattore di una maggiore partecipazione al mercato del lavoro e di una maggiore motivazione dei lavoratori, contribuendo al lavoro sostenibile lungo tutto l’arco della vita.

I legami tra lavoro e salute saranno esaminati in stretta consultazione con l’Agenzia europea per la sicurezza e la salute sul lavoro (EU-OSHA). Eurofound intende sviluppare la sua collaborazione con l’Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro (OIL) su questioni relative al futuro del lavoro e alle condizioni di lavoro a livello globale.


«Nel complesso, è una buona notizia, poiché le condizioni di lavoro nell’Unione europea stanno migliorando, anche se molto lentamente; tuttavia, la preoccupazione è che questo non valga necessariamente per tutti i gruppi di lavoratori. Dipende assai dal settore in cui si lavora, dal livello d’istruzione raggiunto e, francamente, anche dall’essere uomo o donna.»

— Barbara Gerstenberger, capo dell’unità Vita lavorativa


Recent updates


There is no one future of work for all jobs – policymakers will have their work cut out to ensure that remote and platform working, artificial intelligence and climate change...


The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to...

2 Maggio 2024
Annual report

In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...

Messaggi politici chiave

Infografica 2021

Le principali conclusioni emerse dalla ricerca di Eurofound fungono da contributo per i decisori politici per affrontare alcune delle questioni chiave in questo settore.

  • Il miglioramento delle condizioni di lavoro è fondamentale per i lavoratori e i datori di lavoro. Occorre prendere in considerazione molti aspetti diversi nella qualità del lavoro. Posti di lavoro di buona qualità consentono alle persone di avere una vita lavorativa più lunga e migliore, contribuendo alla sostenibilità del lavoro e a un buon equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata.
  • Le condizioni di lavoro nell’UE stanno generalmente migliorando, anche se il ritmo dei progressi è graduale. I progressi non sono altrettanto rapidi per alcuni gruppi di lavoratori; dipendono dal tipo di contratto di lavoro, dal settore e dal livello d’istruzione raggiunto.
  • Vi sono svariate modalità per migliorare le condizioni e la qualità del lavoro nell’UE. I governi hanno certamente un ruolo importante da svolgere nella definizione di un quadro attraverso la regolamentazione. Tuttavia, anche i lavoratori, i datori di lavoro e le loro organizzazioni sono attori importanti. Per molti aspetti della qualità del lavoro, il cambiamento si manifesta nel luogo di lavoro.
  • Soltanto un quinto delle aziende europee ha trovato il segreto per raggiungere sia un livello di benessere ottimale sul luogo di lavoro sia ottimi risultati aziendali. È stato dimostrato che i luoghi di lavoro «ad elevato livello di investimenti e di coinvolgimento» offrono i migliori risultati per i lavoratori e i datori di lavoro, incrementando le prestazioni e migliorando la qualità del lavoro, mediante una maggiore autonomia dei lavoratori, facilitandone il coinvolgimento e promuovendone la formazione e l’apprendimento.
  • Molte persone, in particolare i genitori e altri prestatori di assistenza, hanno difficoltà a conciliare il lavoro e gli impegni di natura non professionale. Se da un lato le modalità di lavoro flessibili possono contribuire ad affrontare queste difficoltà, dall’altro esse comportano anche delle sfide. Il telelavoro, ad esempio, offre una maggiore libertà di scelta in merito a quando e dove lavorare, ma può anche comportare orari di lavoro più lunghi, accompagnati da una maggiore difficoltà a sconnettersi dal lavoro.
  • L’aumento del telelavoro durante la pandemia da COVID-19 ha evidenziato quanto sia divenuto incerto il confine tra vita professionale e vita privata. Molti governi e parti sociali stanno discutendo iniziative sul «diritto a sconnettersi», per impedire che ampie fasce di lavoratori siano a rischio di subire un esaurimento fisico ed emotivo.
  • In futuro, le parti sociali dovrebbero proporsi di inserire, in quadri giuridici o accordi, disposizioni per i lavoratori in merito alla natura volontaria del telelavoro o all’idoneità di determinate mansioni a quest’ultimo. Sarà altresì fondamentale chiarire come i datori di lavoro possano contribuire alle spese connesse al lavoro da casa, nonché garantire la parità di retribuzione e di accesso alla formazione per coloro che lavorano da remoto.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound will provide important insights into the challenges and prospects related to working conditions and sustainable work in the EU. Building on long-established expertise in this area, Eurofound will look at trends and progress over time and identify emerging concerns around working conditions and job quality. The analysis will cover different countries, sectors, occupations and groups of workers on issues such as work organisation and teleworkingworking timework–life balanceequal treatmentworkplace health and well-beingskills and trainingearnings and prospects, and job satisfaction. Non-standard forms of employment will be a specific focus, particularly self-employment.

In light of the EU’s demographic challenge of an ageing population and the increasing diversity of working life, Eurofound will continue to explore the factors enabling more workers to stay in employment longer. It will also put the spotlight on improving job quality as an enabler of greater labour market participation and increased employee motivation, contributing to sustainable work over the life course.

The links between work and health will be investigated in close consultation with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). Eurofound aims to build on its collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) on issues around the future of work and working conditions at global level.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action to improve working conditions and job quality, while progressing towards sustainable work, helping to address the challenges facing the EU and national levels in the areas of work and employment. It focuses on identifying pressing issues and specific groups at risk and analysing selected elements.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a robust social Europe. In particular, Eurofound’s research will support policy initiatives under the European Pillar of Social Rights in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis and activities linked to, among other initiatives, the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the reinforced Youth Guarantee, the Youth Employment Support package, the skills agenda, as well as innovation and job creation and the European Commission’s proposal for adequate minimum wages in the EU.

Eurofound research

Eurofound continues to monitor developments in working conditions, with a particular focus on improvements in the job quality of older workers, the challenges associated with specific types of self-employment and the longer-term structural impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In 2024, fieldwork commences for the newest edition of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which includes questions on working conditions and work–life outcomes relevant to the aftermath of COVID-19. The first results are planned for the end of 2024. 

Final analysis of data from the European Working Conditions Telephone Survey 2021 (EWCTS) feeds into three studies in 2024: an analysis of working conditions and work practices in the hybrid workplace; an investigation of changing working time patterns; and an examination of the job quality of older workers.

Research commences on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe, examining levels of digitalisation, digital skills, innovation and training strategies. This research assesses how workers in SMEs compare to the average in terms of working conditions, job quality, digital skills and take-up of training. 

Research in 2024 also aims to identify the most vulnerable group of workers by examining employment relationships that combine several unfavourable characteristics. The research investigates the job quality of workers in these employment relationships, their access to social protection and training, as well as ways to support the transition to more secure forms of employment. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 Gennaio 2024
Work programme

Il 2022 si è aperto con cauto ottimismo. L’Europa stava uscendo da due anni di pandemia di COVID-19, con NextGenerationEU che definiva un piano per una ripresa che costruisse un...

4 Maggio 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Barbara Gerstenberger is Head of the Working Life unit at Eurofound. In this role, she coordinates the research teams investigating job quality in Europe based on the European...

​Head of Unit,
Working life research unit
Publications results (567)

The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to light evidence on the key issues shaping the daily lives and work of Europeans.

02 May 2024

Ensuring greater social protection for self-employed people has been the subject of much policy debate in recent years. In 2019, the Council of the European Union adopted a recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed. Sudden reductions in income during the COVID-1

30 January 2024

This report explores EU Member States’ legislation around the right to disconnect and assesses the impact of company policies in this area on employees’ hours of connection, working time, work–life balance, health and well-being, and overall workplace satisfaction.

30 November 2023

Using data from the European Working Conditions Telephone Survey 2021 and building on a theoretical model that differentiates between job stressors and job resources, this report examines key psychosocial risks in the workplace and their impact on health.

23 November 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a diverse collection of workers ensured the functioning of our societies. In a time of crisis, they maintained access to healthcare, long-term care and other essential goods and services, including food, water, electricity, the internet and waste treatment.

10 October 2023

Il termine «lavoro ibrido» è stato reso popolare con l’aumento del telelavoro durante la pandemia di COVID-19, quando le aziende e i dipendenti hanno iniziato a discutere le modalità per organizzare il lavoro dopo la crisi. Il termine è stato sempre più utilizzato per indicare situazioni in cui il

25 May 2023

Il 2022 si è aperto con cauto ottimismo. L’Europa stava uscendo da due anni di pandemia di COVID-19, con NextGenerationEU che definiva un piano per una ripresa che costruisse un futuro forte e sostenibile. L’attacco russo nei confronti dell’Ucraina all’inizio dell’anno ha però cambiato radicalmente

04 May 2023

La relazione esamina scenari plausibili e immaginabili, analizzando come il telelavoro e il lavoro ibrido nell’UE potrebbero svilupparsi entro il 2035 e le loro implicazioni per il mondo del lavoro. Quanto sono preparati i dirigenti e i dipendenti, le organizzazioni dei datori di lavoro e i

28 April 2023

This paper presents an analytical summary of current academic and policy literature on the impact of climate change and policies to manage the transition to a carbon-neutral economy on four key domains: employment, working conditions, social dialogue and living conditions. It maps the main empirical

12 April 2023

La presente relazione presenta la ricerca di Eurofound sul telelavoro durante la pandemia di COVID-19 nel 2020 e nel 2021. Esamina i cambiamenti nell’incidenza del telelavoro, soffermandosi sulle condizioni di lavoro dei dipendenti che lavorano da casa e sulle modifiche apportate alla

08 December 2022

Online resources results (1778)

The Renault case and the future of Social Europe

The shock announcement by French motor manufacturer Renault, on 28 February 1997, of the closure of its plant at Vilvoorde, led to an unprecedented public display of condemnation among the political establishment of the European Union (EU). The closure of the plant, in the Belgian Prime Minister's

Forthcoming mass redundancies at Tele Danmark: the Danish telecom sector in transformation

On 29 January 1997, Tele Danmark informed its employees of its decision to reduce staff by 2,500 and take on 500 new employees. The decision, which was due to come into effect by mid-1998, is part of an efficiency plan, which will cut annual costs by DKK 600 million and implement major

Employers and unions adopt positions on labour market reform

Employers and unions want to reduce the amount of temporary recruitment and the number of types of employment contract. They also want to increase their freedom to negotiate labour market issues through collective bargaining. These are the key issues in the current debate over a new round of labour

National conference on youth employment

In a context of increasingly difficult youth employment in France, and of social tension about what course of action to take, a recent national conference has defined a number of concrete objectives. These seek to secure employment for the most disadvantaged, and to expose students to the world of

Job security agreement at Blue Circle

In January 1997, the cement company, Blue Circle (BCC), and two of Britain's largest trade unions, the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) and the General Municipal and Boilermakers Union (GMB), agreed what has been described as a "ground breaking" deal which gives a guarantee of job security

Working time moves to the top of the agenda

The immediate catalyst for the current prominence of working time in UK industrial relations is the failure in November 1996 of the Government's attempt to have the EU Directive on certain aspects of the organisation of working time (Council Directive 93/104/EC of 23 November 1993) annulled by the

Low wages in a high-wage economy

Compared to many other western industrialised countries, Germany has the image of being a high-wage economy with a relatively low inequality of incomes and living standards. This is mainly the result of the German system of branch-level central collective bargaining (Flächentarifvertrag), where

Controversial changes in Employment Security Act provide for more bargaining at company level

Late in 1996, Parliament passed legislation providing for changes in the Employment Security Act that aroused the anger of the trade unions. Although most of the new provisions apply from 1 January 1997, the most controversial modification, in Section 2 of the Act, will not come into force until 1

Blogs results (61)

In this article, originally posted in Social Europe Journal, senior programme manager Greet Vermeylen highlights why making work sustainable is an important issue for Europe.

16 Dicembre 2016

Even in the confused and contentious context of the new US President-elect as well as the EU’s post- Brexit deliberations, it is hard to argue otherwise. But, while having a job in the first place is clearly of paramount importance to people - and society at large – there is also a more sophisticate

23 Novembre 2016

In his recent State of the Union address, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker laid out his vision for the EU over the next 12 months. There was no shirking of responsibility; Europe faces difficult challenges, and the EU Institutions, as well as the Member States, must deliver for EU

20 Ottobre 2016

Europe has gone through significant economic change over the past decade. Businesses have had to manage the challenges posed by the financial crisis, globalisation and a rapidly changing labour market. Eurofound's new report Win-win arrangements: Innovative measures through social dialogue at

3 Ottobre 2016

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in

26 Settembre 2016

In this blog piece, originally posted on Social Europe, Eurofound Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés looks the complex and multi-faceted story of what it is to live and work in the European Union of today.

13 Giugno 2016

Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, technological change has brought both opportunities and risks. However, the widespread entry of computing technology into the workplace in the 1980s, and in particular the arrival of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, has profoundly affected society and

25 Maggio 2016

This article, originally posted in Social Europe, is based on a comprehensive overview of surveys on the working life experiences of LGBT people in the EU. 17 May is International day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people face distinct

17 Maggio 2016

The European Union (EU) has strong legislation in place that protects workers from being exploited and also enables businesses to engage in fair competition. Workers are mobile and can move freely within the EU single market across borders – without being dependent upon traffickers. Yet, the latest

3 Maggio 2016

More than one in 10 employees in the EU are employed on temporary contracts, but a majority of them would prefer a permanent contract. Temporary contracts help employers to manage their labour demand, but there are downsides for employees, such as job insecurity and lower pay.

19 Febbraio 2016

Upcoming publications results (4)

This policy brief investigates how organisations are adapting their work organisation and practices to hybrid work. Based on case studies and on data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2024, the policy brief examines how hybrid work is being managed in organisations and profiles t

April 2025

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025

Over the last decade, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed the way employees work and communicate with each other. Despite the many benefits of digitalisation of work, the widespread access to digital devices in working life provides an alternative medium for new forms of a

September 2024

Workers will experience the effects of climate change in many ways: job insecurity, changes to their work tasks and responsibilities and changes in their workplaces that may involve different work practices and the development of new activities and products. Climate change is associated with higher

July 2024
Data results (1)


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